Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1322: Unravel the truth about the cave (2)

But when others found the hole when they were chasing them down, they had to make direct tricks and then sealed themselves in the hole.

It is estimated that at that time, they themselves did not realize that they had already made a dead end for themselves, and made the ultimatum. So these bones may be the ones who created the hole. "

"But Jiang Ning, even if what you said is true, what's the point of him? What's the point of saying these now? It doesn't help us at all when we go out. Although Boss Jin could not come in and did not find us, But it’s not a good thing for us that we can’t get out either."

"Yue'er, you don't need to worry, wait for me to think about it. There must be something wonderful about this hole. We need to find out with our heart. Now it's our top priority to take a good rest."

"Well, Jiangning, we all listen to you."

Yue'er, after finishing speaking, he eased his emotions. Maybe now is the time for nonsense and he dare not bother Jiang Ning. If he disturbs his thinking, he will definitely feel uncomfortable again.

The three of them entered the cave. Jiang Ning has been exploring the wonders of this hole on the road, and he has to study every stone carefully. Because there must be an agency, but where is this agency? Now they don't know. But you will definitely find it, only sooner or later.

Feng Ying also looked at Jiang Ning with some worry. After all, the current front is unknown, if the three of them also died in this cave, it would have been wronged. Escaped boss Jin’s pursuit, but was sealed in a hole by himself. It is indeed a very funny thing.

Jiang Ning didn't know what would happen ahead, but he knew. As long as you explore with your heart, discover with your heart, and then work hard to find the goal you want, you will surely achieve it. Everything is one thing.

The three of them went to sleep in the cave, maybe tomorrow is a new day, maybe tomorrow before the sun comes, they will find an exit. Everything is unknown, but Jiang Ning believes that tomorrow will be realized. Bright, maybe just ahead. Waiting for them to find and explore.

Jiang Ning woke up early the next morning. But the inside of the hole was still dark, he couldn't tell whether it was day or night, and he couldn't tell how long he slept? But Jiang Ning guessed that it must be daytime now. According to her concept of time, it is absolutely impossible to sleep in the night. It must be more than two hours and three hours.

So why is it that the inside of the cave is still black, without a trace of light, is there no light coming in from outside? bad. Jiang Ning thought of this, and immediately rushed to the entrance of the cave. The result was not what he expected, as it was. Everything seems to have no end.

Jiang Ning saw that it was not dark now, the entrance of the cave was completely sealed, and there was no trace of sunlight in it. Last night I could still see Boss Jin from the cave, but now the cave is completely sealed and they are in the middle of the mountain. I can't get out.

Jiang Ning was worried, looking back at Yue'er and Fengying. They are asleep right now, maybe it is night for them. It hasn't dawned, but for Jiang Ning, this is big bad news.

Jiang Ning now sees the entrance of the cave. The entrance of the cave is completely the same as the hillside outside. It just leaves a closed dynamic. Jiang Ning now has no idea what to do and should go out. Jiang Ning sighed. Jiang Ning didn't know how to go out, and what he said last night was just to comfort everyone, so that everyone should not worry about it, but now Jiang Ning himself is beginning to worry about whether what he said is wrong.

There is no way, now I can only look for other exits as I said last night. Only when I look like this can I find a way out. There is absolutely no way to get out by blindly relying on the only closed hole.

Jiang Ning followed the original path and explored the traces of every stone as carefully as last night. For fear of missing a strange place. Resulting in being unable to get out. He didn't wake up the Fengyin Box, because now, for them, rest is more important.

Jiang Ning walked all the way, observing carefully, the flame in her hand of each stone ignited the entire hole. The whole cave is bright. Perhaps for Yue'er and Fengying, who are now asleep, it should be daytime for them. Now Jiang Ning also hopes to have a rest, but for him, he must not rest. A rest is a catastrophe for several people.

Jiang Ning looked for it slowly, as long as he found something wrong, he would go to investigate immediately. In this way, I have been searching for motivation, but still haven't found any clues, at this time Feng Ying got up.

"Jiangning, why did you get up so early? Did you rest well? Did you go to the entrance of the cave? What's the situation at the entrance of the cave now?"

"Well, for me, I went to the entrance of the cave. Now the entrance of the cave is completely sealed, and I can't find any clues to get out. Do you think we will die here?"

"How is it possible? Do you think it will? We will definitely find a way out. Don't you worry about it? It's just a matter of time. Let's go and find it slowly. By the way, did you eat breakfast or not? Are you hungry? There are fruits that we picked last night. Would you like to eat a little bit. If we don't have the physical strength to fight, we won't be able to last long. Jiangning, you must believe this truth."

"Well, I know Fengying, you can eat something first, there is still a protracted battle to fight, you must also save your physical strength."

After speaking, Jiang Ning and Feng Ying went to find food together, and after they finished eating, they began to think about ways to go out. At this time Yue'er also got up. Yue'er looked at Jiang Ning blankly. He looked at the surrounding lights again, all lit by Jiang Ning's flames. He started to realize that something must be wrong, right?

"Is Jiang Ning completely sealed off at the entrance of the cave? What's the matter? There is no sign of daylight in this cave. And there is no sunlight coming in. Jiang Ning, tell me the truth, is there something wrong? It's not that the entrance of the cave has been completely sealed.",,...

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