Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1323: Unravel the truth about the cave (3)

"Yue'er, you guessed right. I didn't want to wake you up, but you got up. I don't want to hide it from you. Yes, the entrance of the cave is now completely sealed. I can't find any way out now. We can only look for the method slowly, so don't worry."

"Well, Jiangning, I know. We will definitely go out, and I believe you, we will definitely go out. You have a way to get us out. Now, it's just a matter of time."

"Thank you, Yue'er has always believed in me so much."

"Jiang Ning, what are you talking about, we are fighting together until now, do you think I still have two hearts? I have always believed in your strength, you will definitely take us out, don't worry, take your time."

After speaking, the three of me began a journey to find those weird places. Maybe there is a strange place in this cave. That strange place must be the exit, but they haven't found it yet. Well, as long as you find them, you have a chance to go out.

So now the three people are not in a hurry. For them, this hole may be a shelter from the wind, temporarily avoiding boss Jin’s pursuit. So no one can come in and hurt them, so they can slowly look for an exit.

In the process they had been searching for, Yue'er carefully discovered every location, using all the methods of their Yue clan about geographic knowledge. According to their search method, the most normal place should be the strangest place.

And those places that often seem particularly strange and particularly eye-catching may not be true secret roads. So Yue'er carefully observed this wall, maybe there is something unknown about this wall. Yue'er, touching every touchable place with her hands, she felt that if that was the case, she would find it quickly.

This method used by Yue'er just touched every inch from the innermost part of the hole, and then from the top to the bottom. Otherwise, in a place close to a stream of water, Yue'er finds something wrong here, but she can't tell what's wrong here.

Yue'er continues to observe this place. He still feels that these places are a little strange, some subtle, it should be the kind of strangeness that is not noticeable, he can't say it, but here is no different from other places, and there is nothing unusual. But Yue'er still couldn't figure it out.

Then she called Jiang Ning and Feng Ying to let them see what was wrong here?

Jiang Ning carefully observed that there was nothing special about the place Yue'er mentioned earlier except for a stream of water flowing out of it. But this is a cave, but a place full of water. It is normal in this hole, that is, a small stream of water flows out of the gap in the middle of each wall.

So this phenomenon is the most normal here, but Jiang Ning can't tell. Why does Yue'er say it's a bit strange here? Jiang Ning doesn't know what's strange here. But in order to respect Yue'er's intuition just now, he checked carefully. What's wrong with the surrounding walls?

But in the end Jiang Ning still got nothing. He reluctantly looked at Yue'er and then at Feng Ying, saying that he really hadn't found anything unique.

Feng Ying looked at Jiang Ning as if he hadn't noticed the special features of the wall, and then he touched the wall with suspicion. But he still spoke, and he didn't notice anything strange there.

"Yue'er, did you say that there was something wrong with your intuition, or because your method of investigation was deviated. There is nothing special about this place, and he has nothing to do with anything else. The peculiarity, how can you think there is a problem here."

Feng Ying looked at Yue'er helplessly, he asked.

"I don’t know, but my instinct tells me that there is something wrong with this place, and I feel that the water flow here is different from other places, but I can’t tell. I don’t know what to do now. There doesn't seem to be anything peculiar about the place that was just investigated. Only here is my intuition. I feel that there is indeed a problem here.

"Yue'er, what do you think is the problem here? You can say what you think is the problem, and then we will observe it carefully. This way I find it convenient to find some. If I only rely on intuition, I think I should not find any clues. Right."

"Well, Jiang Ning, I think the water flowing from the cracks in this wall seems to be different from other places? You take a closer look."

After listening to Yue'er's words, Jiang Ning began to explore near the current for a while. Do not! But it is true that he still can't find anything inexplicable. Is it true that Yue'er's intuition is wrong? Is it true that Yue'er's method of searching is a bit wrong as Fengying said?

Can't tell, Jiang Ning is also helpless if there is any problem.

But suddenly discovered that Jiang Ning also felt that there was something wrong with this place. He seemed to think that this current was different from other currents? Jiang Ning looked at it suspiciously, and Feng Ying told her thoughts. Then he affirmed what Yue'er had just thought, he felt that there was indeed a problem here.

"Feng Ying, please take a closer look. What are the common characteristics of each stream of water, then come and tell me? I'll study it carefully here."

"Okay, Jiang Ning will listen to you." Feng Ying went to various places to observe the common characteristics of the water flowing from the middle of the wall. Yue'er also followed behind to search for these things.

Then, Feng Ying suddenly made a major discovery. She came back quickly and told Jiang Ning what he had just discovered. This was definitely not what Jiang Ning wanted. Because for them, they didn't observe the water flow carefully just now, they just used their eyes to observe what was wrong with the wall, but they didn't touch it with their hands like Yue'er, and looked carefully.

So it's amazing to find this feature now, and it must be a major discovery for them. Feng Ying immediately ran over to tell Jiang Ning his major discovery just now.

"If you don't say Jiang Ning, if Yue'er didn't remind you just now, maybe we won't always find the characteristics of this water flow. It turns out that I actually discovered that the water flow has a common characteristic..."

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