Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1336: The ruins of the moon clan (3)

"Then what should we do now, Jiang Ning."

"Look at whether there is an exit and the hole should be connected to the way out."

"There is really a road there, there is a hole, why didn't we see it just now."

"You two have been caught with the medicinal properties of Yunyi powder, so I have never seen it. When I told you two at the time, your two reactions were a bit wrong. At that time, I thought something went wrong."

"Oh, no wonder we two didn't see anything in the cave when you said just now. It should be poisoned by this kind of powder. Otherwise, how could we not see anything. When I was inside just now, no wonder it felt like It's a little dizzy."

"For you two, it should be the reason why you didn't see it when you were inside. And I feel that there must be something strange inside. Maybe this is not the way out or the way to another place. Moon Clan, absolutely impossible. Simply put the exit here, if that's the case, they will definitely go out."

"Yes, Jiangning, I think so too, but what can we do now, we can only go out this way, after all, there is only this one exit. And now there is no other way to go. There is still a little on this road now. I hope we can walk around first."

"There is no other way. I can only do this now. You are in the back and I will play the front line. If there is any danger ahead, you two can suddenly react and save me."

"Okay, Jiang Ning will do what you said."

After speaking, the three people entered through the entrance of the cave. They were always careful on the way, but there were still many dangers in the middle. Jiang Ning used a little witchcraft on everyone, including himself, to prevent any threat from Yunyifen.

And the enchantment of three people can at least avoid other bad and harmful smells in the air. To avoid any harm to the three people in the process of walking.

The three of them kept walking like this, and there were many strange things in the cave. They walked through a lot of cold water sources, and they also encountered many fruit trees in this cave. They did not expect that there are so many fruit trees that can grow, and what they did not expect is that they seem to be everywhere in the narrow cave. It's food. All this surprised Jiang Ning and the others.

They walked inside again and saw a lot of things, eating and eating weird stones in this cave seemed to constitute all of them, but it seemed that stones were incompatible with each of them. So all rocks look so normal, but all rocks look so strange.

Jiang Ning carefully explored every place. It couldn't let go of the slightest details. If it were locked in it like they were just now, it would be another disaster. And at that time, when he entered the cave, Jiang Ning was completely unaware that there were so many mysteries in that cave. Now he has to worry about it all the time.

Because no matter where you don't pay attention, there may be a similar situation as before, and you may get out and lock yourself in instead.

Jiang Ning had been thinking about the situation when he had just entered the cave. He thought there must be something mysterious in this cave. They didn't think so much when they visited Jingdong, they just thought that the cave was a hiding place, but they didn't expect that there are so many weird things.

And there are so many secrets in the cave in the middle, so the Moon Clan must not be underestimated, and Jiang Ning is now a little worried whether entering this cave is a safe choice.

What secrets are hidden in this cave by the monthly rent? All these have to be studied, and now Jiang Ning is a little scared, she is afraid that Yue'er and Fengying will both embark on a path of no return, just like themselves. But there is no way. If you don't go in, you may not have a chance, but if you come in now, you may still have a chance to go out.

So Jiang Ning thought of this, he was not afraid, because it seemed that they had no choice.

When he reached the entrance of a particularly narrow cave, Jiang Ning turned his head, because he heard Yue'er say something, but he did not hear clearly.

"Yue'er, I didn't hear clearly what you said just now. Your voice is so small."

"Jiangning, don't speak loudly."

When I said this, the cave ground suddenly shook the mountain, and then it began to rumblingly shook. In the narrow hole, the sound inside was very harsh.

The sound inside had to pierce Jiang Ning's ears, so Jiang Ning kept covering his ears. He didn't understand why such a noise suddenly appeared. Then, not long after the loud noise, the cave slowly subsided, like an angry child, just stabilizing his emotions.

Jiang Ning was frightened by the shaking of the mountain just now. He didn't understand why this happened. She turned her head to look at Yue'er. Yue'er seemed to understand what happened just now, and she seemed to understand something.

"What happened to Yue'er just now, do you seem to understand something?"

"Jiang Ning, wait a minute, you should be quieter, you can't speak loudly anymore. This happens in such a narrow cave, as long as the voice is a little louder, the whole cave will start to shake."

Jiang Ning learned the lesson just now. He seemed to understand that his voice was a little lower, so when I asked Yue'er just now, his voice had already dropped significantly.

But Jiang Ning still doesn't understand this reason, because for him, the knowledge about this aspect is indeed much less than Yue'er. The Moon Clan is indeed more advantageous in this aspect.

Feng Ying also seemed to be taken aback behind. Now Jiang Ning and Feng Ying dare not act rashly, because for both of them, listening to Yue'er's advice is the best choice. Yue'er, indeed worthy of being the successor of the Yue clan, she really needs to know a lot about geography. There is no doubt about this.

Now choose to believe that Yue'er is the best choice for Jiangning and Fengying. Jiang Ning looked back at Fengying Fengying seemed a little sad to look at this cave. To him, this cave was indeed the same as Jiangning, not sure if it was good or bad. I can only go one step at a time now.

Jiang Ning turned his head and moved on. Then they encountered many small caves. ,, ..

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