Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1337: Ruins of the Moon Clan (4)

Jiang Ning and the three of them continue to move forward, and then you can see many mud buddhas in front, and many weird stones, picture stones with red lines on a white background, alabaster red jasper, yellow river jade, water stone Etc., many types of stones. These were things Jiang Ning had never seen before.

Jiang Ning looked at each stone carefully. He is curious why there are such beautiful stones, and there are so many in this cave. These were all told by Yue'er. He didn't know anything about the names of these stones before.

Jiang Ning pointed to a stone and asked Yue'er when it was. Yue'er answered Jiang Ning's question quietly there. That stone was indeed very beautiful and it was in the style of a stone that Jiangning had never seen before.

"Fengying Jiangning, this kind of stone is yellow river stone. I have never seen it before, but I have read it in a book, and I know a detailed description about it. This kind of stone is called yellow river stone. The majestic atmosphere , The picture is rich, the colors are diverse, the variety is complete, and the body shape is round. This is the unique characteristic of this stone."

"Wow~ So much knowledge. I used to think that your Yue clan has a special understanding of geography, but I haven't had any serious contact with this time. It's not as good as seeing it!"

"Oh, Fengying, don't make fun of me. I haven't even been to other places of the Yue Clan before. These things are just what I read from books, so I don't really know the specifics. We. The Yue Clan said that they have a special knowledge of geography. Perhaps only the knowledge in books plus a lot of experience summed up will make the current achievements, so it is not a particularly great skill."

"Yue'er, don't do this, you are already amazing. You know so much at such a young age. Do you know anything else about this kind of stone?"

The three people have been chatting as they walked through this small tunnel, seeming to pass the lonely time, perhaps they are resolving the fear in everyone's heart.

"Oh, you want to know. I don't know too much, but I still remember the other characteristics of this kind of yellow river stone, that is, this kind of yellow river stone is very beautiful like what we see now, and their body It is very bright and clean. And many painters like to paint this kind of stone.

In the eyes of those painters, this kind of stone is very charming and interesting or artistic, but I don't know much about these things, but this kind of complaint is generally hard and dense, not easily broken.

And I tell you, this kind of stone is generally found in these places, but I might not have seen this kind of stone in my life if I hadn't come here. "

"Oh, like this, isn't this journey still very meaningful? I also saw many weird things, which we never saw before!"

"Of course, all things and everything have their laws, where they are suitable for survival, where they are suitable for continued reproduction, there are laws. And everything has signs. We can see signs from them for everything. Yes. And only the life that understands these signs can see them."

"Yue'er, if you say this, your Yue clan is a tribe that understands this kind of omen in the world."

Jiang Ning had been listening to Yue'er and Fengying's words, and the things Yue'er had just said about the omen attracted Jiang Ning's attention. If that were the case, the Yue Clan's continued existence for so many years must be a matter of understanding the omen.

When I lived in the Yili area, I learned about the omens of the grassland, and I learned about the omens of the desert before passing through here. When I was here, I also learned about the omens of the mountain peaks, so I chose the cave here. And Yue'er seemed to have found it here as well as he knew the signs.

Then everything is fixed, and what Yue'er said just now is also correct. In that case, the Moon Clan will definitely understand the signs of the mountain, and these signs will bring the descendants of the Moon Clan here.

And Yue'er is this person.

"I don't know exactly. These are what my mother told me. She said that our tribe believes in omens, and all things are omens, so my mother reminded me not to violate the destiny. My destiny can never be violated. And it can’t hinder the omen. I have forgotten the rest.”

"Yue'er, your mother must have told you something when you were young. I believe your mother said those things for a reason. Can't you remember other things."

"A lot of things can't be remembered, but our Yue family has a legend, but I think it is fake, but some of it is true, I have personally practiced it. But I think you don’t believe it when I say it. .Because this kind of talent is rarely believed."

"What kind of talent? Yue'er, I will listen to you."

"My mother used to whisper to me, if I can't remember anything about my childhood, let me slowly find that memory."

"Why does your mother say that? Does your mother know something."

"I don’t know, but I have the ability to remember. No one knows about this. Everyone just thinks I’m smarter, but I know that as long as I have seen and experienced things I will never forget, so My mother would say that to me, maybe because she thinks something will happen to her in the future."

Yue'er shook her head helplessly. In fact, whenever she mentioned her mother's heart, there was a sadness that no one could understand, but Yue'er could still remember her mother's appearance. Her mother was a very beautiful woman. It looks like a king, but even if the mother is wearing a very simple and linen clothes, she can show a different temperament on her.

Yue'er smiled when she thought of this. It turned out that her mother was still so beautiful in her memory. The appearance of her mother had never been erased in Yue'er's heart.

"Yue'er, what are you talking about, what do you say about your unforgettable ability?"

"Yes, you know you won't believe it. Many people don't believe it, but it's true. Jiangning, don't you believe me?"

"Yue'er, I didn't believe you, but didn't you say at first that you couldn't remember what your mother said to you? But now why do you say that you have the ability to remember."

"I don't know too well, but according to the elders of the Yue Clan, I had an accident some time after my mother died...

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