Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1345: The mystery of the castle (3)

Jiang Ning stepped forward and couldn't bear to wake Feng Ying. He watched Feng Ying sleep so well and didn't want to disturb him with other things. Then Jiang Ning and Yue'er sat in Fengying's room, neither of them spoke, and they were also very careful in drinking water. For fear of waking Fengying.

A short while later, a person came in the room.

"Begging, I'm looking for you everywhere, so you are here. Our lord invited you,"

"Hush~~ Let's go out and say." Jiang Ning looked at this person who came suddenly and said loudly. For fear of waking Feng Ying, he immediately interrupted him, and then Jiang Ning took him out to talk, and Yue'er followed. The two of them went out.

After going out. Yue'er said to Jiang Ning.

"Jiangning, begging is their honorific name for guests here. That's how they called me just now."

"OK, all right."

After Jiang Ning answered Yue'er's words, he looked at the person who had just arrived with a white cloth wrapped in white cloth and very strange clothes. In fact, he said that others are very strange, and Jiang Ning now wears the same clothes as theirs. Jiang Ning laughed at himself when he thought of this.

"Begging, I thought you were resting. I just went to your room to look for you, but I didn't see where you were. This girl I just went to look for but couldn't find it. Our king said he wanted to invite you two to beg. Drink food together in the hall. You have worked hard all the way, and you are here because of the fate of our tribe."

"Okay, thank you, you tell your lord, we will go after the person inside wakes up."

The man nodded at the two of them and went down. That kind of person, an indescribable sense of mystery, Jiang Ning didn’t know what was strange about the person opposite, but he felt that this person must Not simple, and this tribe must not be simple either.

Jiang Ning watched the person's departure from outside, then turned his head and smiled with Yue'er. Maybe he was about to face a new round of difficulties.

Yue'er looked at Jiang Ning with a faint smile. He didn't understand what Jiang Ning meant, but she looked at the person who had just left in front of her and seemed to be quite friendly.

In fact, the person in the room just woke up, and he heard all the conversation between Jiang Ning and Yue'er just now. Feng Ying opened his eyes slowly, and he saw this strange place. Surprised and delighted.

Everything in the desert has passed, and they are now facing them with delicacies and delicacies, and they no longer have to endure the desert heat and cold. At least it's still safe now, those people shouldn't do what they do, at least they won't be a threat to them now.

Feng Ying paused when he thought about it. Maybe it was dangerous this time, but maybe it was a safe landing place. Who could say that clearly.

Feng Ying opened her eyes and did not speak for a long time. After listening to Jiang Ning and Yue'er, they probably learned something about the conversation outside. Now it has reached another tribe, which is the tribe they are looking for, the tribe they received in the cave. Maybe you have reached your destination, but it is not too clear.

After Jiang Ning had spoken to Yue'er for a while outside, he entered the house and waited for Feng Ying to wake up, which was the only thing they could do now.

As a result, the moment you walked into the room and saw Feng Ying turning his head to look at the two of them, Feng Ying, who was weak on the bed, seemed even more haggard.

It was still Feng Ying that you didn't think there was anything when she was sleeping, but now looking at Feng Ying, she seemed so haggard, as if she was no longer the Feng Ying that she knew before. Whenever he experiences something, it is like growing up a lot, and he is always like a child, in front of him, he will always take care of himself like a big brother.

Jiang Ning smiled at Feng Ying. This silence seemed to have been speechless for a long time without seeing the smile of an old friend.

"Feng Ying, you wake up, how do you feel? Have you rested well? If you haven't rested well, we can wait for you. Do you need to take a bath as well."

Yue'er was very happy watching Fengying wake up. It seemed like I had just gone through some ordeal, and then escaped from this pain. Like a child, her daughter ran from Jiang Ning's side to Feng Ying's side, and quickly asked Feng Ying, asking about the length and the shortness of Feng Ying's emotions.

"Well, I'm fine. How long have I slept, and how long have you been awake."

"You haven't slept for a long time. Actually, you have slept for a long time. For three days, you have slept for three days. I woke up on the first day. Jiang Ning just woke up this morning. I went to find it today. Jiangning, I found a lot of fun things in their tribe."

"I have slept for three days! Hey, it's probably because I was overdrawn in the desert, so I slept for so long. Why are people in this tribe so enthusiastic. By the way, Jiang Ning, you also woke up today? Did you lose anything..."

Fengying stopped abruptly at this point. He knew that if Jiang Ning really lost something, they wouldn't be standing here anymore. It must be no accident that all three of them can stand here safe and sound. Feng Ying seemed more relieved thinking about this.

"Feng Ying, don't worry, at least we are still safe for now."


After speaking, Feng Ying sat up from the bed. The people in this clan really thought very thoughtful. When they were all in the clan, they didn’t touch their clothes and everything. So even when Feng Ying and the three of them woke up, everything on their bodies had not changed.

After Feng Ying got up, she found that her body was still covered with sand, just like him who had just fallen.

Looking at the embarrassing Fengying now, Yue'er laughed after a chuckle. In the embarrassing atmosphere, Yue'er always teased everyone like a life treasure. Everyone's mood was eased by Yue'er's laughter.

"Feng Ying, you look so embarrassed."

Oh? Feng Ying thought, maybe this is the beginning of the embarrassment. ,, ..

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