Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1346: The mystery of the castle (4)

Jiang Ning looked at Feng Ying who was indeed embarrassed, and it was indeed the same as Yue'er said.

"Feng Ying, the way you look now is exactly the same as the feeling I saw Jiang Ning who just woke up. It was the same when I saw Jiang Ning wake up in the morning, covered with sand, and his complexion is not beautiful, and the look just awake is so ugly. Ah, it's not the same as before."

"Yue'er, don't make fun of us, we didn't see it when you got up, right, Jiang Ning."

"Yes, Yue'er, by the way, your hair is also messy, and your body is also full of sand, and ah, some people weren't as good-looking as they are now wearing."

After speaking, both of them were looking at Yue'er. These words made Yue'er a girl who was ashamed and embarrassed there, Yue'er seemed a little embarrassed, and then when Yue'er was still there, I didn't know what was good, Jiang Ning went over and touched Yue'er's hair as if everything was fine. Up.

But Yue'er's face was still shy.

It seems that every time Jiang Ning loves to touch her hair, Yue'er thought. Maybe it's because he is short, so Jiang Ning can touch his hair every time he reaches out his hand.

Soon after the three people were fighting. Feng Ying hurried to take a bath. Yue'er and Jiang Ning are still waiting for Feng Ying to come out. The three of them seemed like they could never be separated again, and Jiang Ning was afraid that the two would leave him for a minute and a second. They have been waiting outside with Yue'er for Fengying.

When all three of them came out, another Shapu tribe came. He came over and invited the three of them to see the king in the hall. Three people followed him.

After reaching the hall, they saw the great king of the Shapu tribe. Sitting on the throne very generously, that momentum is no less than that of the king of the Central Plains Dynasty. The king sitting on the throne is like a man who has experienced the vicissitudes of the battle, but with the indispensable pride.

"They are all guests from afar, giving seats."

I saw that after the king finished speaking, three people lifted three chairs and placed them under the hall. The three of them looked at the stool and sat on it. Waiting for the next words of the king on the stage, no one dared to say anything.

"Thanks to the great king's care, the three of us can make a living in the desert. Here Jiangning thanked the great king. If the great king needs our help, we will definitely go all out."

"It's nothing, you think too much. I just see the three of you working so hard in the desert. I think you should be saved, and you must have fate to find here. This is not a place where ordinary people can go. There must be talent among you."

"There is no king, you think too much, we just have some people who are familiar with geographical knowledge, and there are no outstanding talents."

"Oh, is it? If that's the case, then I must have thought too much, but I think the people inside of you are definitely not simple. The people who can wait here must be not simple. We want to be better than you don’t know. Who can come here?"

"Oh, my lord, what do you mean by this? Do people who come here need any special conditions? This is not just an oasis."

Asking you to look at this great king, he thinks this matter must be strange, and what this great king said like this must be that there are other talents among them. i If Yue'er and Fengying's identities are revealed at this time, it will definitely arouse suspicion, but then it will be bad. Therefore, Jiang Ning kept hiding from him.

"That's why you think too much. If we are just an oasis, no one can find it here, but we are not confident here. It's just a simple oasis. Some of you can find here to show that it must be People with the Moon Clan, or other enough noble identities, will find here.

It's just ordinary people's words, I don't believe it, there must be a reason for you to come here. You have to believe me, after all, when you are asleep, I haven't touched anything from you, and you have all the same things, right? "

"My lord! Thank you! Thanks to your care, we really don’t have anything missing. I believe you on this point, but we really don’t have any special identities. Maybe it’s just because the desert has brought us here. Maybe others. There is no reason."

"Really? Is it just the desert that brought you here? Then it is a sign of the desert. But you know, there are not many people who don’t have a sign, so don’t hide it from me anymore. As a result, after all, you have to stay with me for a long, long time."

"What do you mean? My lord, although we thank you for saving us, it is not right for you to be aggressive like this. And do I need to hide it from you?"

"You know what you are hiding from me. But of course I know that you must have something to hide from me. If you don't explain it honestly, you don't want to continue living with the Shapu people today.

If you continue to want to live in our clan, you can honestly explain it. Otherwise, you also know what the consequences are. You should have seen what it is like in our clan. If it’s just a simple, poorer tribe, you can understand why we can live up to now.

So you think we have lived here since ancient times. You think there is a reason. Do you think you still have to keep hiding from me? By the way, are you here looking for something? Generally, people who come to our place are under the mission of the desert.

But the mission of the desert is not for everyone, it is only for the right people. So there are definitely some of you who are not easy, but if you continue to be like this, I will not spare you if you don't say it. If you want to continue to the desert, we won't be able to accompany you. "

Jiang Ning was taken aback by this king. He didn't expect that the king was so bold. Even if he took them in and allowed them to live here for a few days, he was unambiguous about them.

Jiang Ning understood why they could survive in the desert for so long and why they were so prosperous. The grandeur of this king is indeed surprising. Jiang Ning actually didn't have the mentality of wanting to escape the facts at all, he actually wanted to shake everything out for a moment. ,, ..

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