Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1347: The mystery of the castle (5)

The great king Fengjiang looked at the three of them, and suddenly he saw Jiang Ning's expression change a little, he thought that this person would definitely tell the truth.

"The king really does not lie to each other, there is indeed something to hide from you, but this is also the reason for your identity, and you know that you must be careful when walking in the rivers and lakes. So we did not intend to lie to you, but if you say this, it means you, the king. He is a straightforward person, and I will never hide anything from you."

"Since you are like this, go ahead! I will hear your explanation, and I will definitely not disadvantage you. It is the ancient motto of our clan, we will never hurt anyone who tells the truth to us. But we will never forgive people who lie to us and who want to disadvantage our tribe."

After speaking, the dark color of the king became a little nervous, and he looked at Jiang Ning as if he wanted to eat them.

"The king is not telling you, we do have a person from the Yue clan here, this is the girl, she is indeed a member of the Yue clan, and he is familiar with geography. So we came here with his help, but we go I also spent a lot of thought here."

"Oh, is that the case? I still believe that if you speak like this, because only the people of the Moon Clan will know the geography knowledge, will they know the instructions of the desert. But why are you here, please tell me your purpose? At least the purpose that I believe."

"It's true that we don't want to come here. We just want to go to the ruins of the Moon Clan. It's just passing here. I didn't expect that the desert area was so large that the three of us fainted and there was no one on the road. At the last moment, Yue'er took the three of us out of the desert and got here."

"What you say like this, I still believe a little bit, but according to the situation you said before, I don't believe it at all. You said this person is called Yue'er?"

Then the king kept looking at Yue'er, as if Yue'er had something to do with him. Whether the Yue Clan has anything to do with the Shapu Clan, Jiang Ning thought, but this is just a guess, and it cannot be completely determined directly.

"Yue'er, are you from the Yue Clan? How is your Yue Clan now? How is the Yue Clan living in that place now? Is it okay?"

"It's okay, why would you ask about this? Do you know our clan? Or do you know something about our tribe, why would you bring this up?"

"Of course! Your king is acquainted with me, and you look very much like your mother."

After the Shapu clan's king said this, all of Jiangning's eyes suddenly widened, which shocked them. They didn't expect them to recognize Yue'er's true identity. What none of you and them thought was that the king actually knew her mother.

The king Jiang Ning was taken aback. He didn't expect that the king would know Yue'er's mother and understand their Yue clan. No wonder I just couldn't believe what I said. In fact, I knew it a long time ago, so I was so good to Yue'er. And also took them in, it must be that the king recognized Yue'er's appearance at that time.

"How do you know my mother, and according to common sense, you should not know each other. My clan has migrated for hundreds of years. How can you know our tribe? Are you still alive? Has it been hundreds of years?"

Yue'er's words made Jiang Ning feel ridiculous. Although Yue'er said it unintentionally, Jiang Ning's heart had a lump. Some things are said to be false, and some things are said to be true.

"Haha, how could I have lived for hundreds of years, but your mother, I know, I have been friends with her since childhood, we grew up together. You look so like you, both mother and me How could I not know each other? Do you think I will accept a group of people who I don't know for no reason?

By the way, how is your mother now? Why did you run out alone, who are they? "

"I'm sorry my mother, she has passed away, don't you know the news? It has been for so many years. Since you and my mother are old friends. How can you not know the news."

When talking about this, the king turned his head, and suddenly a sad back left them three. After a long time, the king remained silent, and the three of them did not break the silence. For some reason, he suddenly didn't speak too much.

Jiang Ning suddenly realized that there must be some reason for this. And this king is so good to Yue'er, it must not be without reason, and the three of them were taken in here, just as the person said. It is impossible to take them in for no reason.

Jiang Ning still doesn't know what is the historical reason for this, and he has to wait for further research. But Jiang Ning knew that the king in front of him must be inextricably linked to Yue'er's mother.

After a long time, he turned around slowly. Walked down the steps, down his throne high above. After he went down, he walked to Yue'er and stroked Yue'er's face. If I look at Yue'er with a childlike look in his eyes.

"Great King Fengjiang, what's wrong with you."

Some people were a little frightened by him and then asked him this way, but he seemed to be too little and ignored, and then tears gradually flowed from his eyes, like a heavy rain that was especially sad.

The crown he was wearing seemed to fluctuate a little, and the king suddenly looked at Yue'er like an injured child. It's not so much looking at Yue'er as it is looking at Yue'er's mother.

"When she left me, you were so old, but she didn't expect your mother to have passed away when you came back. By the way, how did your mother pass away? Was it hurt by others."

Suddenly Fengjiang's eyes were a bit vicious, he suddenly dropped his sleeve, and then stretched away, thinking that no one had ever seen it before, and walked away majestic and hateful.

Yue'er was a little frightened by the appearance of this person's sudden emergence. She did not expect that her mother's death would react so much to the person in front of her. I think I didn't know what happened when my mother died, and when I woke up, I had already forgotten the pain of my mother's death.

She didn't expect the person in front of her to react so much. ,, ..

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