Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1348: The mystery of the castle (6)

It was as if she had lost her dearest person, but Yue'er was shocked by the thought of her own inspiration. Her father himself had seen him, so how could such a person intervene?

"King Fengjiang, please respect yourself. My father is a general. My father was very majestic and tall when my mother married him. But your reaction now seems to be a bit overwhelming. Please apologize for my father. "

After Yue’er finished speaking, she was a little angry. Indeed, the person in front of her reacted too fiercely. Although Yue’er’s tone seemed a bit heavy just now, for Yue’er, her father’s position in her heart is indelible. This person, no, no one can insult his father in any way. !

"Oh? You mean the kid Yue Liuyun? How old is he? If he wasn't for your father's face, now I would definitely take the lead in his scolding. What kind of thing is he? My wife He is not well protected, what's the use of him? He is not worthy of being your father, and he is not worthy of being Yue'e's husband!"

When he said this, Feng Jiang came over and stared at Yue'er fiercely, staring at Yue'er trembling. Indeed, this person's temperament is hard to resist, and every word he said seemed to be true. .

"But even so, he is my father, and my mother is already married to my father. I don't allow you to insult my father and mother like this. King Fengjiang, I'll tell you again, please be respectful. "

After that, Yue'er's eyes were a little red. He didn't understand why the person in front of him was so fierce, and he suddenly became so fierce. He who started sitting on the throne was very gentle, even when he was so aggressive when talking to Jiang Ning.

But when I woke up, I saw this person the first time I saw him. At that time, this person didn't have the posture of a king at all, and he spoke very softly. And also asked her if she needed something else. She never meant anything fierce, but now she was completely different from before.

Jiang Ning's eyes turned red when she looked at Yue'er. Hurrying to stop Yue'er, but when he wanted to rush over, Feng Ying immediately stood in front of Yue'er, between Yue'er and Fengjiang.

Facing the Fengying, Fengying did not appear to lose at all in the battle. He was also a king, so Fengying did not have that cowardly appearance at all, but in front of the Fengying, she appeared even more lofty and mighty.

Jiang Ning didn't expect Fengying's aura to be so powerful. In fact, it was like this before, but in this scene now, Fengying seems to be particularly powerful.

"King of Xinjiang, please pay attention to your image. Even if you can no longer control your emotions, you still have to pay attention to your identity."

"Who are you, you are quite bold. You dare to be so bold in front of me, I guess you are not a small person. And you look like a king. Young man."

Feng Ying was suddenly a little frightened after hearing this sentence. Although the aura of this person just now was indeed very shocking, this person's vision and keen heart are indeed worthy of admiration.

"Anyway, and no matter how unreasonable things are, we can sit down and talk about something between you and Yue'er's mother, but you will scare Yue'er like this. Look at Yue'er already. I was scared of what you just looked like."

After saying that Feng Ying stepped aside, Feng Ying knew in her heart that Feng Jiang absolutely didn't want to do anything bad for Yue'er, and was only angry at Yue'er's words just now, so as long as she talked well, it was fine. He knew that the relationship between Fengjiang and Yue'er's mother was definitely not simple.

Feng Jiang looked at Feng Ying and turned away to look at Yue'er. Although Yue'er now pretends to be very strong, but her eyes are red, she must have been scared by herself. Suddenly Feng Jiang is in everyone’s eyes. Became another look.

"Yue'er, are you all right, sorry, I didn't mean it just now, sorry, don't cry."

Feng Jiang said that he helped Yue'er wipe her tears. Now Fengjiang is like a kid who has done something wrong again. Under the eyes of everyone, Fengjiang's appearance actually looks a little childish.

Yue'er looked at the fickle person in front of her, took his hand and opened his hand, avoiding Fengjiang's eyes. But Feng Jiang still looked at Yue'er indulgently, as if he had just done something very owed to Yueer. Have been apologizing to Yue'er.

"Great King Fengjiang, I know that you are good to me, but I didn’t know the relationship between you and my mother. I thought that way, but now. I changed my mind. I don’t want to accept your help anymore. I would rather Dying in the desert is not willing to accept your help.

My father would not want me to accept your help, and my mother would not agree, if they knew you were like this. "

"Yue'er, I said I'm sorry just now, but what I want to say is, if you are unwilling to accept my help, I will never stop it. You said your father is unwilling to accept my help?

How did he treat me when he snatched Yue'e from me, and he was still unwilling to accept my help. What a ridiculous person. "

"What do you mean? What do you mean by my father stealing my mother from your hand? What do you mean by that? My father and mother love each other sincerely, and they are very affectionate. But now you say In this case, it is obviously jealous of their relationship, and it is very jealous!"

Jiang Ning saw that Yue'er was talking more and more excessively, so he went to pull Yue'er and winked at Yue'er that he could not speak like this. He was not afraid that Yue'er would offend Feng Xinjiang, so they could not stay here anymore, but Yue'er's words like this were too hurtful and wrong.

"Jiangning, don't stop me, I believe you support me. Even if we are not here to stay, even if we die in the desert, you will support me, right?"

"Yue'er, I know you feel uncomfortable, and I will definitely support you, no matter whether we die in the desert or where, the hardship along the way is obvious to both of us, but you are talking too much now, if you If your mother is alive, will she allow you to say such rude words?",,..

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