Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1390: The last trick (four)

Coupled with the volumes that Jiang Ning had to turn over, he tried to remember many things so as not to forget them later. In fact, Jiang Ning regrets a little bit now, if he brings Yue'er, it will definitely be a lot easier, so he doesn't have to bother to remember these things. Yue'er must have remembered it at a glance.

Jiang Ning now tries his best to remember most of the more important people and things. Now he looked at these great people who made important contributions to the Spirit Race, and it was indeed a pity that they died at this time. Jiang Ning can't help but sigh at these shocking numbers.

Jiang Ning decided to leave after reading this. He is actually very worried now. The old man also left here with Jiang Ning. In fact, he doesn't need to say much, no matter who suddenly sees so many dead people, it is actually uncomfortable, and these people are people who have made great contributions to the spirit race.

So this is probably the reason why they Liluo people have guarded this Ji Ling room for generations.

In fact, when I was a child, I doubted my own thing. Maybe anyone could do this kind of thing will make people suffer a major blow, but their thing is not just to give them noble status, basically the spirit race Everyone will admire them for this, but what they endure is something that people can bear. All abilities will be transformed into responsibilities.

The old man sent Jiang Ning away indifferently. He knew that Jiang Ning's mood must be very complicated now, and now he can't tell him anything.

"Jiang Ning, I hope you can solve the matter of the little princess this time, and I also hope that you can solve the crisis of our Spirit Race. I will be grateful for this."

After speaking, the old man bowed deeply to Jiang Ning as before. He was already old, and he was helpless to see everything happen, and he had asked several generals for help. , Telling them the truth intentionally or unintentionally.

But soon after he told the situation, several generals died one after another. This had to make him shut up. As the only person in the spirit clan who recorded life and death, the spirit king didn't dare to take him, so he didn't. Death is just a coincidence.

"Thank you for your help, and I hope I can help you."

After speaking, Jiang Ning also bowed deeply to the old man, with the same attitude that the old man started, Jiang Ning wanted to sincerely say thank you to the old man.

After Jiang Ning finished bowing, he left. But just before Jiang Ning had left much. The old man suddenly stopped Jiang Ning, his eyes were very worried.

"Jiang Ning, there is one sentence that is the secret of our Spirit Race. I don't know whether to tell you this, but I thought about it. I don't know what information you have now. But maybe I know it now. This matter should have a great effect on you.

amount. . . I don't know if I should tell you or not. Actually, I have been struggling for so long, but what you said is that you will take the final action tomorrow. I hope I can help you.

Our little princess is the daughter of our spirit king and a woman of a foreign race. The people of that race are very powerful, and many of them have many special abilities. So what I want to tell you is about the little princess.

Our little princess was the daughter of a spiritual king and an alien girl. Although she was opposed to it at first, in the end, all the flowers of our clan bloomed when the little princess was born. That's why the little princess has such a big response in our family.

Basically, the whole family cares about the whereabouts of the little princess for this reason. Because we believe in the omen, the omen tells us that the little princess of the clan is the welfare of our whole clan and she is a gift from heaven. The Spirit King loved that alien woman very much. In addition, Xiang Rui, who was born with the little princess, loved the little princess even more.

In fact, what I want to say is that the birth of the little princess is not really auspicious, because the supernatural power of that alien woman is the eye of flowers. She can let the whole family's flowers open and fall under her command.

In fact, on the other hand, the little princess also has this kind of supernatural power, but because the spiritual power of the spirit king is particularly strong, when the little princess grows up, her ability is not only able to control the opening or falling of the flowers of our family. .

The little princess was basically able to control the life and death of many plants when she was about seven years old. As long as the little princess is in a bad mood, the whole family will rain heavily. When the little princess is in a good mood, all the off-season things will follow.

These conditions include the growth of plants and the sudden ripening of fruits. That's it. Under such circumstances, it seems that all matters of our spirit race are in the hands of the little princess.

So maybe this is the reason why the spirit king loves the little princess. Maybe the spirit king is afraid that if the little princess is unhappy, it will cause changes in our entire clan.

So the last thing I actually want to tell you is, Jiang Ning, I think the Spirit King might have killed the cute little princess for this reason. And it hurts a lot of people who know this. "

After speaking, the old man took a long sigh of breath, and suddenly said the things that were held in his heart. Now he seemed to feel a lot more relaxed, and after saying these things, he felt relieved that Jiang Ning felt this The old man seemed to be tortured for a long time because of this incident.

"What about the woman that Spirit King likes? Where did she go..."

After saying these words, the old man was silent for a while, and then there seemed to be tears rolling in his eyes, which made Jiang Ning feel a little panicked. He didn't expect his reaction to be like this after asking this sentence.

"Jiang Ning, you have come to our Spirit Race, believe you can feel it too, your energy seems to be being absorbed by this Spirit Race, and that girl too, because she loves the Spirit King deeply, so she has been reluctant to leave. The little princess finally passed away unfortunately when she was three years old. This is the love of the alien princess."

Jiang Ning was still speechless for a while after listening, and he didn't know what to say. Now he just thought of Sakura, the last smile of Sakura in his arms. . .

Jiang Ning looked at the old man and smiled slightly at the old man.

"Relax, the murderer is not the Spirit King, the murderer is someone else. And according to what you said, the little princess must be alive. Now our task is to find the little princess. Let everyone see the little princess."

After speaking, the old man let out a long sigh. ,, ..

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