Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1391: The truth is revealed (1)

Maybe it would be great if it was really like what Jiang Ning said. Although the little princess's mother is a foreigner, her mother has been in contact with herself, and her mother is a good person. I don't want to let this mother and child have any accidents.

"Jiang Ning, are you telling the truth?"

"Yes, trust me."

After speaking, Jiang Ning turned around and left. By tomorrow, everything became clear. All things may be understood tomorrow, but tomorrow I don’t know if we can't uncover the truth of all this. After all, although I already know everything, and I know about it, I don’t know if those things can develop as I expected?

Jiang Ning returned to his room, unconsciously it was almost dark.

As soon as Jiang Ning opened the door of the room, he saw two people sitting inside. Those two people Jiang Ning could not know anymore, they were Feng Ying and Yue'er.

"What are you two doing here? What's wrong? What happened?"

Yue'er looked at Jiang Ning, who was confused now. It seemed that Jiang Ning still didn't quite understand that he had been missing for a day, and Yue'er and Fengying had been worried about him.

"Jiangning, don't you know that you have been missing for a day? We don't know where you went, we are looking for you in a hurry. But we don't know where you went. Fortunately a doorman saw you Go to Ji Ling room, hey, we have been waiting for you here.

Next time, can you tell us where you went before you go? You are so worried that we are really worried about you. "

"I'm sorry, Yue'er, I went to the Ji Ling room for something, so I left early in the morning, so I didn't have time to tell you and Feng Ying, I'm sorry, I'll call you when I act next time. This is an accident. I want you Fengying to take a good rest. You two should take a good rest after being tired for a few days."

Yue'er understands that everything Jiang Ning has done is definitely for her good, but today's things are really too thrilling. Yue'er is a little worried about Jiang Ning, especially in other tribes, and this spirit clan is really gloomy and really makes people. Very worried.

"Jiang Ning, I didn't mean that. I just think this spirit race is really weird. It looks scary in all aspects. In addition, even the spirit king is so terrifying. I think this spirit race has problems. Yes, so I am afraid that you will be calculated and come here but we don't know.

Moreover, if you are alone here, I’m really worried. What should we do if you are really tricked by you. Although Feng Ying is calm on the surface, I know that Feng Ying is also in his heart. I care about you very much, I just hope you can do it well. "

Jiang Ning smiled at Yue'er. Actually, nothing would happen to him at all. It was all Yue'er's unnecessary worry now.

"Yue'er, don't worry, I will protect myself, but you are doing the right thing. No matter when, you must call Fengying or me to act together. You, a girl, must not act arrogantly. It’s not good if you hurt yourself."

After Jiang Ning finished speaking, he looked at Feng Ying who was now in a daze. Feng Ying seemed thoughtful, as if something had interrupted his thoughts.

"Feng Ying, what's wrong with you, what are you thinking about?"

Jiang Ning's words immediately brought Feng Ying back to his mind. He knew that Feng Ying must be thinking about something now, so he was so fascinated. But Jiang Ning seemed to know exactly what Feng Ying was thinking about now, it must be something about his plans for tomorrow.

"Jiang Ning, tell me about your plans for tomorrow. If you don't say it now, I don't seem to have any confidence in my heart, and this Spirit King is unfathomable. I'm afraid he will be against you. By then, the three of us will not be able to beat him, especially It’s in this place that draws human spirit."

After listening to what Feng Ying said, Jiang Ning understood what Jiang Ning was thinking. It turned out that Feng Ying was worried about whether there would be any problems with his plan tomorrow. Now he wants to help himself make up for what he missed at the time. , In case something comes out at that time, it will be bad. .

"Feng Ying, you believe me, I will definitely act according to my plan. I can't tell you now. But I ask you and Yue'er to help me with one thing. I'm missing this thing now. Everything can be done, so I need your two's help."

"Huh? Jiang Ning, what do you need? Tell me."

"Tomorrow, you and Yue'er must make sure to gather the whole clan to come to the Great Round Terrace after the Spirit King arrives. You must make sure that after the Spirit King arrives, I hope to see the Spirit King. Before I came to Dayuantai, no one from the Spirit Race was on the scene. Otherwise, it is estimated that the plan will fall."

Feng Ying understood Jiang Ning's meaning after listening to what Jiang Ning said. He seemed to understand what Jiang Ning meant by doing this, so he nodded at Jiang Ning. Even if I don’t know what to do now, I have to follow Jiang Ning’s plan and cannot break Jiang Ning’s plan.

Yue'er was stunned when she listened next to her. She didn't know what she should do, let alone the reason for doing so.

"Jiang Ning, how can we guarantee that the whole clan will only appear after the arrival of the Spirit King? How can this be done?" Yue'er's expression was a little panicked.

"It's okay, Yue'er, shouldn't we just go to the guard at the gate of the city? Since he can agree to our request for summoning the whole clan, he should be able to do that too, so Then the two of us just need to ask him for help."

Feng Ying looked at the puzzled Yue'er and felt a little cute, Yue'er always looked dazed naturally.

Yue'er nodded fiercely after hearing what Feng Ying said. That's what Feng Ying said. If this is indeed a good idea, this will help Shang Jiangning. After Yue'er understood it, she suddenly felt very He laughed happily, making Feng Ying and Jiang Ning feel a little funny.

Jiang Ning looked at the two of them. Everything is ready now. Dongfeng has to wait for him to arrive. Jiang Ning is actually very worried now, after all, such a big thing. It's not only about the lives of the three of them, but also about the fate of the entire spirit race. ,, ..

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