Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1434: Endless quarrel

Liu Mei carried the food with a triumphant expression and walked to Yue'er, "Take it and eat it! Don't worry, I'm not as bad as you imagined and poisoned them."

After hearing her words, Yue'er became even more angry. In her current mood, she really wanted to tear Liu Mei to pieces and set aside. But she still held it back. People under the eaves had to bow their heads! Yue'er picked up the food Liu Mei had handed her, and walked to Jiang Ning's side reluctantly, "You can eat something first, now you must be very hungry."

"You eat first, I'm not hungry yet." Jingning replied to Yue'er.

"All right, then I'll get you some food later." Yue'er said to Jiang Ning with concern.

Feng Ying was eating next to him at this time. Indeed, everyone is exhausted these days. From the time of the sacrifice, everyone has been busy. Thinking of various ways, I haven’t eaten properly for a long time, and I haven’t had a good rest for a long time. While Jiang Ning is injured and healed here, they can also have a good rest here. , To recharge for the next journey. fully prepared.

Jiang Ning looked at Yue'er and Jiang Ning now, and understood their current mood very well. Everyone was tired along the way, and now he was injured, he could take this opportunity to give Yue'er and Fengying a good rest. Fan.

"Yue'er, Fengying." Jiang Ning said.

"What's wrong, Jiang Ning, is there anything I can help?" Feng Ying asked Jiang Ning very concerned.

"After you two have eaten, you should go to rest and rest. When I get better, we are ready to go." Jiang Ning said to Yue'er and Fengying.

"Okay, no problem, let's do this first, and you can take care of your injuries. Only then can we set off as soon as possible." Yue'er said to Jiang Ning.

At this moment, Liu Mei on the side saw that the three of them were so hypocritical, and she couldn't help it anymore.

"You three, do you want to be so hypocritical? The goose bumps are all up. Ouch, I can't stand you!" Liu Mei said with disgust.

"I didn't let you watch it, so you can choose not to watch it?" Yue'er also said very upset.

"At this moment, my house, I just watch wherever I like. It's your shit?" Liu Mei said very upset.

"What can you do if it's your home, can you overhear others?" Yue'er said.

"Am I eavesdropping on what you are talking? This tent is just like that, everyone is here, and you talk so loudly. Besides, I'm not deaf. It's hard for me not to hear it!" Liu Mei proudly Said.

"You, do you want to fight?" Yue'er said angrily.

"Yeah, what if I just want to fight? You still want to be wild in my place, no way!" Liu Mei also said very angry.

"Okay, come on!"

Yue'er and Liu Mei started to prepare as they talked.

And Jiang Ning, who was still lying on the bed, finally couldn't help it after hearing the conversation between the two of them! "Yue'er, don't make a fool of yourself? You are a guest, how can you be so rude?" Jiang Ning roared angrily.

When Yue'er heard Jiang Ning yell at her like this, Yue'er said in her heart: "Obviously she provoked me first, why are you just talking about me?" The angry Yue'er said to Jiang Ning and ran outside the tent. Got out.

When Feng Ying saw this scene, she didn't say much, but kept shaking her head. Hey……

Liu Mei felt that she had won the battle in this battle, and her face was proud of it!

An angry Jiang Ning couldn't say anything to Liu Mei, so he could only yell Yue'er a few words. It is estimated that Yue'er is now angry. He didn't know how to persuade her. Jiang Ning knew that he couldn't talk about Liu Mei. If she were to be angry again at this critical juncture, it would be completely difficult. Because they still need his help, the Liu Mei in front of Jiang Ning is so savage and willful, not like the leader's sister at all. If you don’t admit it, you have to admit it.

Jiang Ning kept thinking about these annoying problems in his mind, but he didn't know how to solve them.

"Liu Mei, can I talk to you?" Jiang Ning asked Liu Mei.

"Come on, I think you are the most reasonable among these three people." Liu Mei answered Jiang Ning excitedly.

"I apologize to you for what happened just now. Yue'er is a little ignorant, I hope you don't take offense." Jiang Ning said.

"It's okay, I don't want to care about her in general. If you want to care about it, it's just a second care." Liu Mei said to Jiang Ning angrily.

"Then you are willing to accompany us to find the wind chime grass?" Jiang Ning asked Liu Mei.

"Of course I don’t want to. Who made her annoy me? Originally, I didn’t care about the previous things with you, and I would cook for you, but who made her come to provoke me somehow, seeing her like this, I I don't want to go." Liu Mei said to Jiang Ning reluctantly.

"Then you say, what do you need before you can move forward with us? You can ask for Shenyang's request, as long as it is not too excessive!" Jiang Ning said to Liu Mei.

"Oh, okay, then I think this is fine. Or else, when we find the wind chime and go back, you can propose to my elder brother and the patriarch and let me marry you." Liu Mei said with a face. Said with a smirk.

When Jiang Ning heard what she said, he was terribly frightened. How could this be? Jiang Ning was so frightened at this time!

At this moment, Feng Ying was shocked when she heard what Liu Mei said, and a very surprised expression suddenly appeared on her face.

"Why? Are you still unwilling? Are you really unsatisfied to give you such a beautiful woman?" Liu Mei still said with a wicked smile.

To be honest, whoever sees Liu Mei at the first glance will think that she is a very individual and courageous woman. Although I have always lived alone on the grassland, it still seems to give people a feeling of wanting to protect and pity her. Maybe most men will want to marry her. But when you understand her carefully, you will find that her savageness and willfulness will be greatly reduced. In this way, it seems that there may be very few people who can control Liu Mei. ,, ..

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