Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1435: Jiangning mediates Yue'er and Liu Mei

"Look at your expression, don't you? Am I as scary as you think? Isn't it just letting you marry me? Isn't it like this? Hehehe, I'm just kidding you, don't be so serious. Huh? But it’s okay to go all the way to me and you, that is, you have to apologize to me that month, so that I can forgive you for all your previous impolite behavior, otherwise, don’t let me leave you to play Now." Liu Mei said to Jiang Ning.

When Jiang Ning heard her say this, he felt very embarrassed again. How could he apologize to her so easily if Yue'er is also the king of the family? So where will Yue'er's face be placed? Moreover, Jiang Ning just accused Yue'er again, and Yue'er already seemed very upset, so how could he apologize to her?

"I know we were sorry for you at the beginning. All this was caused by me. Otherwise, I will apologize to you for Yue'er. Okay, I hope you can forgive me." Jiang Ning asked in a pleading tone. Said to Liu Mei.

"No, I said that if I asked her to apologize, she must apologize, otherwise no one else would count." Liu Mei said stubbornly.

"Okay, then I will discuss with her first, and listen to her thoughts." Jiang Ning said.

"Okay, that's no problem, then I remember waiting for your good news." Liu Mei said.

As soon as Liu Mei finished speaking, she left the tent, and Jiang Ning was lost in thought again. Because he doesn't know what to do now, he would rather embarrass himself than embarrass others, what should he do now? Jiang Ning wondered whether to talk to Yue'er first.

"Feng Ying, go and see where Yue'er went? If you find her, tell her, I have something to tell her, let her come back quickly." Jiang Ning said to Feng Ying.

"Okay, I'm going now." Fengying replied.

When Feng Ying walked out of the tent, she began to look around, but he didn't see where Yue'er's figure was. So he kept walking towards the left front of the tent, and after a while, as he expected, Yue'er came to a small lake not far from the tent, where he was frolicking in the water.

After seeing Yue'er, Feng Ying walked in the direction of Yue'er. Feng Ying knew that Yue'er was in a bad mood, so he slowly walked to Yue'er's side, just like Yue'er. Squatting on the edge of the small lake. Feng Ying didn't say much, but accompanied Yue'er to play with the water in the small lake. Seeing Fengying's arrival, Yue'er didn't show too much surprised expression, but just said while playing with the water: "Why are you here? Are you here to see my joke?"

"Look at your joke? What is this? Your jokes are still behind." Fengying said jokingly.

"What are you talking about? My joke is still behind? Why are my jokes not enough?" Yue'er said angrily.

"Yes, Jiang Ning asked Liu Mei if he would like to go with us to find the wind chime grass, but you see how Liu Mei told Jiang Ning that the original intention was yes, but he wanted Jiang Ning to marry her when she returned. "Feng Ying said.

"How is that possible! How can this be done, isn't she taking advantage of others? It's too much." Yue'er said angrily.

"That's not a big deal, think about it, how could Jiang Ning promise her this matter? Isn't it a trivial matter of marriage? But at this moment Liu Mei said that she was playing with Jiangning, and she later mentioned the condition. Just ask Yue'er to apologize to her in person!" Feng Ying said to Yue'er.

"What, what did she say? Why should I apologize to her? Where did I go wrong again? Is she obviously good to me like that first? Why should I apologize to her? I am the king of a family, I actually apologized to her, so what's the face of me?" Yue'er heard what Liu Mei said to Jiang Ning, she was simply pushing people on the road to absolutes! How could she make such unreasonable troubles and make such excessive demands?

"No, Jiang Ning will never marry her, and I will never apologize to her!" Yue'er said angrily.

Feng Ying looked at Yue'er's current expression, it was so painful and angry, but he was limited at a loss.

"Yue'er, why don't you get angry for now? Jiang Ning's thoughts are even more chaotic than mine.

"Then what did Jiang Ning say to Liu Mei?" Yue'er asked Feng Ying.

"Jiang Ning said let me come to you, and then we will go back to discuss and discuss together." Feng Ying replied.

"In fact, Jiang Ning is also very embarrassed. He is injured now. We have already had many things bothering him. But now that we find Liu Mei, we find that it is even more troublesome than not finding her before. He is so. She's unruly and willful. But we have to follow her arrangements, because I really have to get her help." Fengying said to Yue'er.

After hearing what Feng Ying said at this time, Yue'er probably understood something in her heart, and then said to Feng Ying: "Go, let's go back!"

As soon as they finished speaking, Yue'er and Fengying walked back towards the tent. As soon as I walked into the tent, I saw Jiang Ning sitting by the bed. "Huh? Why are you sitting up? Now you should be lying in bed if you are injured." Yue'er said anxiously.

"Yue'er, come here, I have something to tell you." Jiang Ning said.

I saw Yue'er slowly walked to Jiang Ning's side and sat down.

"Yue'er, I just used that tone to talk to you, and I hope you don't get angry with me. I didn't mean it. If I didn't stop you from getting married just now, you might be even more violent! I hope you can forgive me." Jiang Ning said to Yue'er

"Jiang Ning, it's okay, I won't. I'm not such a small belly, unlike some people who know unreasonable troubles in a day." Yue'er said to Jiang Ning.

"It's fine if you are not angry. Then you should know all the things we found out after you left?" Jiang Ning asked Yue'er.

"I see, Feng Ying told me everything. I don't want to embarrass you, Jiang Ning." Yue'er said to Jiang Ning. ,, ..

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