That commander completely collapsed. He never thought that he would be like this. If Jiang Ning killed him directly, it might not be the case. After all, he was killed. If it is, then it can only be resurrected again, but this way of life or death is a huge blow to any person.

The key point is that even if he commits suicide himself and is resurrected, he will be a disabled person, and he knows his race very well. There will never be any saying about a disabled person, even so. Said that this is a waste person, it is like this, people see people hitting people, there is no statement at all.

"You slowly enjoy the life in this world!" Jiang Ning smiled, this is also a punishment for him, if it is to kill him directly, then it will be too good for him, after all, the Protoss People can be resurrected again, but if this makes him live or die, that is the best torture for him, and this can be regarded as a punishment for him.

Actually otherwise, Jiang Ning didn't want to do it like this at the beginning. After all, it was a little bit cruel. But seeing this person like this, he didn't say much. He thought of the death of some other innocent people, so Only then will he do it like this, even going against his will to do it.

"I beg you to kill me, I don't want to live anymore!" The commander, crying and begging at this time, he seemed to see himself, that everyone can bully him. But he has no other way, he can only do this, after all, he will be more satisfied with other people.

Thinking that everyone who sees him can humiliate him, he has a desire to commit suicide, but he is now a disabled person and cannot do so, so he can only plead, but Jiang Ning waits People just ignored him and didn't give him such a chance.

Sometimes it will be more painful to live and die. Now this leader looks like this. Since he has done so many detrimental things, then he has to bear this and it is also a punishment for him. Up.

"Let's go, let's move on, and this person will ignore him!" Jiang Ning didn't even look at the leader of the Protoss, and directly led the three women forward.

As for this person, what will happen in the future, he doesn't know, and he doesn't want to care about it. He knows that this person will be suffering from other people in the future. You can even say that, no In the event of an accident, this person will have no chance to stand up a little bit.

"Well! Go, let this person live and die here!" Yue'er said with a sneer, and then followed Jiang Ning away, leaving the leader in the field.

In addition, Liu Mei and Feng Ying are also following in Jiang Ning's footsteps. At this time, they already clearly know what they want to do, and what they want to achieve is undoubtedly to abolish these gods and men. Only in this way If you say, then the fighting ability of the Protoss will be less and less.

The number of people who can fight will gradually decrease. Even after a period of time, no one can fight. At that time, it may be time for the Protoss to disintegrate.

In fact, it’s not that the people of the Protoss didn’t think of this, but they were too eager for quick success and quick gains. They didn’t consider other things at all. They often wanted to use a lot of people, and even use the resurrection altar to eat the whole continent. Actually otherwise, they had never thought that Human Race would have such a master.

Even among the tens of thousands of soldiers, they can be disabled. As long as one disabled person, it means that this person will be completely finished in the future. Of course, it is here that it is undeniable. If there are too many people, then it can only be a quick fight, and it can't be done all by one.

When Jiang Ning and others left here, that person had already completely bowed his head. Maybe he would have been like this in his life. He thought of the past, thought of when he was in high spirits, but something happened at once. After that, it will never appear in the arena again.

This is a major blow to his whole mind, but he has no way to do it. After all, at this time, he stayed in place completely, and could not move.

Jiang Ning and others are heading to the Protoss swamp. In it, they may gain, but they may not. No matter what, they will attract the attention of the Protoss. At that time , As long as Jiang Ning and others can make a move, they will definitely not have any argument for mercy.

At the same time, his approach will be to tell all people in the world that they will not kill the people of the Protoss, but they can be completely disabled. At that time, all people will understand this approach. There is no need to fear the existence of the resurrection altar for the Protoss.

If you do too much of this thing, the Protoss will slowly disintegrate, and it may eventually perish on its own.

However, Jiang Ning also needs to prevent these people from starting any new conspiracy. After all, if it is a new conspiracy, they still cannot kill the Protoss. It can even be said as long as it is a Protoss. If the resurrection time is longer than this time, then it will be a catastrophe, so Jiang Ning must not allow the Protoss people to appear in such a situation.

Since they can all study this resurrection altar, they can also study things like this, and even if Jiang Ning is asked to study it, he can study it, but he is not a member of the Protoss , And his heart is not so vicious.

During the march, Jiang Ning and others did not encounter other troubles, but he understood that this was only temporary. If they continued to encounter other troubles, perhaps their approach was to let the Protoss know. And now there is still a little distance from that protoss swamp, it should take a while to get to the poisonous grass.

But this did not stop Jiang Ning and the others from coming. After all, killing the Protoss had already fallen on them. Since the moment of the Yue Clan’s accident, Jiang Ning had already made up his mind to give this race to It was blown down.

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