Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1535: Protoss wrath

With the power of four people, Jiang Ning and others directly killed a group of people from the Protoss and waited. This group of people, etc., were regarded as elites in the Protoss, but they were all killed by these four people. Just as Jiangning went to the swamp land of the Protoss, a high priest in the Protoss was already completely mad.

"Damn it, it actually wiped out so many of our elites!"

"High priest, what should I do now?"

"What can we do, continue to send people, and we must kill this person! If this person does not die, our plan may be difficult to implement!"

Another person couldn't help but hesitated, and then said: "In fact, I have one thing I want to tell you, that is, our leader is not dead, at least I did not see his soul at the altar of resurrection. Go!"

"What? Not dead?" As soon as these words came out, the high priest's expression became gloomy. If the people of the Protoss were not dead, then there would be a complete problem, and perhaps it was his consideration that would completely happen.

"Look it up, be sure to find out! If this person breaks our plan, then it won't be worth the loss!" The high priest said coldly.

I don’t know how long, this person directly rushed in, and then said; “High priest, it’s not good. Our leader seems to have been abolished by someone, but that person did not kill our leader. , This means that there is no soul of this person on the altar of resurrection!"

"Oh my God! They thought so thoroughly, so quickly they figured it out!" The high priest was already completely shocked. This matter was caused by the worry in his heart, and he had never let it go. People discovered it, but they didn't expect it to be discovered by people now. If this is the case, more people will be abolished in the future, and they may lose their vitality.

This is an extremely huge blow to their Protoss. Although it is said that their Protoss now owns the altar of resurrection, if it really continues like this, there will obviously be major problems. When the time comes, it will It was the end of their Protoss, and he had thought about this, but he had been unable to come up with a good solution.

"This person must be killed, otherwise if this situation continues to spread, it will be completely ruined!" The high priest said coldly, he already knew that Jiang Ning understood their weakness. Now, if their weaknesses are spread out, it will push their Protoss to a place of destruction.

For this matter, it is not allowed to exist, so now their goal is Jiangning, as long as Jiangning is killed, then everything is easy to say, and it can even be said as long as it is If you don't let other people know this secret, then the people of their Protoss will complete their plan.

"The high priest asked to send someone to follow me, and this person must be killed!" This young man said directly, desperately trying to prove himself.

The high priest obviously believed in this young man, and then said: "You bring a hundred more elites over, this time you must kill the young man named Jiangning, otherwise, our Protoss will be It's completely messed up!"

"Understand, it's up to me this time!" The young man said confidently, and at the same time he showed a look of disdain on his face. He looked down on the guy named Jiang Ning, even though Jiang Ning said. Frequently make them difficult for the Protoss, but that's it, after all, they are just a human race, and they are from the Protoss.

But in fact, he didn't know that even if the high priest came out, maybe he would be unable to come to Jiangning, because Jiangning's own strength is still extremely good, and it can even be said that if anyone in the world wants to put him to death, then It's impossible to do it, because when Jiang Ning's strength is inferior to others, he can escape.

"Go, make a quick decision, remember not to give Jiang Ning any chance!" The high priest directly expressed his worries.

The successive waves of battles have been defeated by Jiang Ning. Anyone in this situation will be worried. If they are not worried, they will only be high-level personnel, but they are high-level personnel. They need to do other things and don't do the small things like now, so no one can choose.

There is no saying that after this young man got the order, he quickly left the Protoss swamp and wanted to fight against Jiangning.

But he didn't know that when he came to fight against Jiang Ning, Jiang Ning had already made a lot of noise about this matter, completely making all the races in the world understand the weakness of the Protoss.

After that, there will be people of other races from large forces appearing here. At that time, they will be completely disabled, and they will not have any combat opportunities.

For the time being, Jiang Ning is currently on the move. Of course, he is still more careful along the way. After all, he doesn’t know when the gods will come out. If another large army comes out, maybe Jiang Ning has to weigh After all, Jiang Ning still doesn't like human flesh tactics.

They are just a team of four. If there are tens of millions of human beings, no matter how strong he is, he can only escape.

Often when there are many others, Jiang Ning will not resist. After all, there are many big masters in it. If one is not careful, it will be broken by a big master. Not left.

Moreover, the main purpose of Jiang Ning's coming here was to make it possible, not to have to fight against the Protoss to complete his task.

"Jiang Ning, you said that if some other races have been wiped out, how should this be dealt with?" Feng Ying couldn't help thinking about one thing before, that is, when she was very young, her family has always been When encountering a lot of troubles, the key point is that her people are weaker, so she encountered bullying from other races.

But bullying by other races is nothing more than bullying, and it will not put other races to death like the Protoss. There is no saying that this is on anyone.

In the final analysis, her race is not strong enough. If it is strong enough, it can resist all external forces. It can even be said that when it is strong enough, it will be an existence that will kill the Protoss. With.

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