Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 2143: Bale danger

A formidable race that controls some races that are unstoppable forces. If it can't be killed, it will be a crisis for the entire Central Plains Continent. Jiang Ning is quite clear about this.

It should be said that when this dark night clan did not control the power of the curse, perhaps Jiang Ning would not be so determined to kill them, but they controlled this intangible power. Jiang Ning had no choice but to It was to destroy them.

If they were to continue the inheritance, it would be completely finished. After all, this kind of power is already extremely untouchable, and the power is also extremely amazing.

"Bury them, let's go!" Jiang Ning couldn't help showing a bitter smile when he said this.

At this moment, he felt a sense of powerlessness. If he could deal with this dark night tribe, perhaps he would not have such an idea, but his current ability cannot directly deal with the dark night tribe. Now, because the people of the Dark Night Race are powerful, and they also appeared in the dark.

This is a huge challenge for Jiang Ning. If he has a teammate who rivals him, maybe he can do a lot of things.

However, this is just thinking about it. After all, Jiang Ning's strength is already strong enough for a certain time. If he wants others to chase him, it is simply impossible.

After everyone had done this, they immediately left this post without any accident.

Before, they came to this inn just to see if someone from the Dark Night Race appeared. Although it did, Jiang Ning and others did not have any ability to restrict this person from the Dark Night Race. Instead, it harmed the people of this group of stations.

This is something Jiang Ning and the third daughter don't want to see.

But things have already happened, and they have no choice but to pray that they will live better in the next life.

Everyone left the inn, after all, no one was there anymore, and the people of the Dark Night Race would not come here.

When Jiang Ning and the others left, they unexpectedly received a flying letter from far away, from the Bale tribe.

Jiang Ning opened the letter paper and read it directly.

However, when he read the content of the letter, the whole person's complexion became completely gloomy. He never thought that this dark night clan person was so bold and directly opposed to Bale. The people of the clan took action, and it was still this time.

"Jiangning, what's the matter?" Liu Mei couldn't help asking when seeing Jiang Ning's expression.

Jiang Ning handed the letter paper to Liu Mei, and then he was thinking about how to deal with this matter.

After the three women got the letter paper, they immediately read it.

After they had finished reading them, their expressions were completely cold. They had never thought that such a result would happen, and it would directly arouse the Bale people, and it was still during the day.

The key point is that last night, Jiang Ning and others also met the Bale people. Although it was only one person, the strength of that person was extremely strong. Even Jiang Ning could not be pursued. Other people, Needless to say.

"Go, let's go back to the Bale right away!" Jiang Ning walked ahead without saying a word.

They are some distance away from the Bale. Although their strengths are good, they also need time to go to the next place. Everyone understands this.

"Well! If the Bale people are in danger, we will completely lose an expert!" Jiang Ning could not help showing a depressed expression when he said this.

The Bale race is indeed an extremely powerful race, because their people are born with a divine power, so-called are much superior to other races, but now they are facing danger, and it is dangerous. It is from the dark night clan.

Jiang Ning was shocked. If anything happens to the Bale people, it might really change the sky. After all, such a large race cannot withstand the attacks of the Dark Night race. Other small races , Not to mention.

Without any accident, Jiang Ning said directly to the three women: "Hurry up and go back to the Bale, otherwise, there will be a series of incidents afterwards!" Jiang Ning's thoughts are very clear. After all, at this time, if it happens, Some unnecessary things will appear one after another in the future. There is nothing to say about this.

The three women naturally understood the importance of this matter. They also quickly followed Jiang Ning’s footsteps. Although the speed was already extremely fast, the distance between them and Jiang Ning was still getting farther and farther. This is why They are more depressed, but they also know that it is now in a dangerous period and it is normal for Jiang Ning to take the lead.

In about two hours, Jiang Ning had already arrived in the territory of the Bale tribe.

However, the current Bale territory is in ruins. There are no buildings in it, and there are very few people.

Jiang Ning's heart sank suddenly. If the same situation as the post station happens again, then it will be a big deal.

However, fortunately, this did not happen. When Jiangning arrived at the rockery behind, the Bale people all came out of it. Everyone’s expression was extremely exhausted, as if they had experienced something. general.

"You are here!" a leader of the Bale asked Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning nodded, and then asked, "What's going on now?"

"What's the matter, we can't resist it, so we all came over to this rockery, relying on the terrain to fight with the Dark Night tribe people, they couldn't take us all at once, so they just left! We thought To keep them, there is no chance!" The leader of the Bale said a little depressed.

Before, they were indeed extremely dangerous. Fortunately, the final decision was right. Otherwise, it would be a big problem. Maybe it was the same as that of the Moon Clan and the Spirit Clan, or maybe it was.

However, their combat effectiveness is also extremely high. If the Bale tribe cannot be destroyed in the first time, then the Bale tribe will have the opportunity to deal with each other, and it is the Dark Night tribe’s person who came up in person, and the terrain is also Not very familiar.

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