If it had just changed to another race, then there would have been no follow-up long ago. After all, the people of the Dark Night tribe had many people here before.

Only the Bale can resist, otherwise, it will be completely finished.

It was only an hour after Jiangning came to the Bale that the three women rushed over.

When the third daughter saw Jiang Ning chatting with the Bale people, her hanging heart was let go. When they were on the road just now, they had a bad feeling. Fortunately, when they came here, there was no problem. Otherwise, they would not forgive themselves.

But at this time, the three of them were already worried about their race, because they hadn't been able to find their race for so long, which made them extremely depressed.

And during this period of time, they have also been inquiring a lot, but they can’t get any news. They think in their hearts that something has happened to people of their race, otherwise it’s impossible. You can't find your own people in the Central Plains.

Among them, the saddest thing is Yue'er. From the beginning, Yue'er knew that something happened to her Yue family. After that, she always wanted to find Yue'er people, but all the time, He couldn't find it, which made him extremely worried.

There is also Liu Mei. Although there are still a small part of her spirit race, a large part of the escaped has disappeared. This is also extremely worrying for her.

But now it’s useless to worry. After all, in this, no one can have the tyrannical strength to find these wireless people. After all, when they came out to the Central Plains, they already didn’t see themselves. People of race, this is something that makes them more worried.

"By the way, when I was fighting with the Dark Night Race, I got such a small thing. I don't know if it will help you find the Dark Night Race!" At this time, the leader of the Bale family took out a small bead. , This small bead is black, it looks a little smooth on the surface, and if it's inside, it's a bit bright inside. ,

But no matter how you look at it, there is always a gloomy feeling in it. After Jiang Ning took it, his face immediately showed a pensive color.

In his feelings, this little bead did have energy in it, but with his own strength, he could not explore and know, and this made him more depressed.

If he were to change to normal times, he might not be so surprised, because in the Central Plains Continent, there was nothing he didn't know yet, but now here, he actually couldn't understand even a small bead.

"Can you detect some news?" The leader of the Bale couldn't help but ask Jiang Ning.

"No! At this moment, I can't detect anything from the bead, but I believe that if nothing goes wrong, the dark night people must have left this bead with a purpose in it. Otherwise, relying on their abilities, it would be impossible to drop these things!" Jiang Ning's expression on his face couldn't help but become solemn when he said this.

In fact, in his thoughts, there is still another situation that has not been mentioned, and that is this bead, which seems to be tailor-made for him. Maybe they know Jiang Ning’s character and they will definitely hold it. The beads are in their hands, so when the time comes, they will be able to detect where Jiangning is all the time.

At that time, as long as they avoid the place where Jiangning used to be, then they can do other things with confidence. This is what Jiangning thinks of now, but Jiangning is still not sure whether this is the case, after all. Did not see the people from the dark night race before.

But when Jiang Ning said this speculation, the leader of the Nabal tribe sank completely. He had never thought that the people of the Dark Night tribe seemed to know their practices, even this point. Can be counted inside.

However, after Jiang Ning said the power of the curse, the head of the Bale tribe sank again.

These cursing powers were only heard in legends, but now, they appeared directly beside them, even if they had always been bold and careful people, they couldn't help but feel shocked now.

"You won't say that they are going to do other things behind your back?" At this time, the leader of the Bale couldn't help asking.

"Perhaps it is like this. After all, I have the ability to stop them. If they can't stagger me, then they will start things. Once they meet me, then they will be finished. So I guess it is such a What's going on!" At this point, Jiang Ning's expression suddenly became cold.

If it is said that this pearl can detect their movements, then Jiangning can know that the people from the Dark Night tribe who just came to attack the Bale tribe may be just a cover, they are just to make Jiangning here. There is nothing for me. After all, I know that Jiang Ning is the guardian of the Central Plains.

When Jiang Ning's guess came out, everyone in the match was shocked again.

The three women were even more shocked. They had never thought that something like this would happen. No one could guess this. Without Jiang Ning, they would have been fooled. Here, when there is a problem, they can't solve it completely.

The people of the Bale tribe are even worse. Before they faced the people of the dark night tribe, although it was a bit difficult, there was no danger to their lives. Now it seems that this dark night tribe has ideas in it. Yes, otherwise it would not have happened.

"If you want to say that, this dark night race is simply a terrifying race..." The leader of the Bale tribe said, his scalp numb.

He had never seen such a gloomy person before, which was extremely depressing for him.

"Perhaps! But we don’t need to worry so much, as long as we guard ourselves, it’s okay! As for the curse power of the Dark Night Race, I don’t think they can easily display it. After all, there are still problems in the Central Plains now. There are a few powerful masters, if they display this kind of power, they will definitely be stunned. Once they are attacked by everyone, it may be the same as it was a hundred years ago!"

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