But one thing is fortunate, that is, the original Protoss and Berserkers have all fallen into Jiang Ning's hands, so they can't unite with this witch clan.

Once they are united, Jiang Ning and others don’t know how to deal with it. After all, when dealing with this witch clan in the past, it required aspiring people from the entire Central Plains, and now he is going to face it alone. At most, a Bale was added, which made him more depressed.

Therefore, he can deal with this witch clan without such strength, and it can even be said that if other things happen here, he can't stop it at all.

"Are we going back to the Bale?" Yue'er couldn't help asking Jiang Ning.

"Well! If we don't go back to the plan, we will not be able to defeat this witch clan at all!" At this point, Jiang Ning couldn't help showing a depressed look.

I originally thought that if he came out from the land of death to the land of the Central Plains, there would be nothing to stump him. After all, his strength was already so powerful, but he didn't expect that he is now a race after another. Appeared, and every race is so powerful.

"Actually, I want to say that I have sensed the aura of our Moon Clan people just now, just a little bit. As for whether they are already experiencing problems, I am not sure!" , Yue'er couldn't help but tell her own thoughts.

When the three people in the field heard the words, their faces immediately showed consternation.

Especially Liu Mei, she was shocked all over, and asked Yue'er: "If you can sense it, then you can say that, you members of the Moon Clan must have been captured! Since this is the case. If that is the case, then some of our Spirit Race must have been captured!"

As for Feng Ying, she was not too shocked. After all, she was just a girl who had nothing to do with her, and her people did not come from the Central Plains.

Jiang Ning, who was on the side, was also shocked at this time. He had never thought that such a thing would happen.

Not to mention, can Liu Mei's special technique be able to sense everything? Why can't Liu Mei be sensed now, but Yue'er sensed it. This made him extremely depressed.

"Are you sure?" Jiang Ning couldn't help asking Yue'er.

"Yeah! Actually, there is a heart-to-heart technique in our Yue clan. After I practiced this technique, I was connected with a senior in the clan, so I could easily feel her. The breath is coming!" After Yue'er said this, her face couldn't help showing worry.

Although she has sensed the aura of her own tribe, she still doesn't know the condition of her own tribe. It can even be said that if anything happens to her tribe, it is not something she can do. Good.

"Understood! But we still can't go to that Jiwang Mountain now. After all, our strength is not enough. Once they are given a chance, maybe our entire team will have big problems! So, I If you want to unite with the Bale tribe, and then unite with other people, then you can cause harm to the people of the Earth Witch tribe!" Jiang Ning directly expressed his thoughts.

Sometimes, it’s okay to use some better methods. After all, here, the number of them is really too small. If one person is cursed, then one’s fighting ability will be lost. With.

In this place, don't underestimate a person's combat effectiveness, he can often rescue you, so everyone is an extremely important member, and nothing is allowed to happen.

"Well! I mean, I didn't want to go to Jiwang Mountain to find out all of this immediately. After all, at this time, if they encounter harm, they will also encounter it. We passed by and there was nothing. Say it!" Yue'er shook his head.

Although she said that, she still had endless worries. After all, she was a member of her race. After coming back, she hadn't encountered one. Unlike the spirit race, the spirit race can still meet several people. Now, for the time being, it is possible to know that his people are not in danger.

But for the Yue Clan, it was different. No one had seen it before, which made her feel depressed.

After discussing it, everyone left this resting place.

However, after a few of them walked for a while, they actually saw an incredible person, Dahan!

Dahan, this person was met in the land of death, his reputation is leveraged, and the whole person is also very easy to talk, and the strength is also extremely strong. If he is allowed to enter the war of resistance, then Still a better thing.

Dahan also froze after seeing Jiang Ning and others, and then said: "Finally I saw an accomplice! Since he came out of the Land of Death, he has not seen any accomplices. At this time, I can still meet it, which makes me so happy!"

"Me too! I didn't expect you to come out too, and your strength has increased a little bit!" After Jiang Ning saw Dahan, his face also showed a smile.

As for the three women, they are in the same situation. After all, Dahan’s strength is in front of his eyes. Even if an average person stalks him, there is no possibility, because of Dahan’s strength. , Has reached a very powerful level.

"By the way, how many of you had come out at the time?" Jiang Ning still didn't know what happened at the time. After all, he was the first batch to come out, and after coming out, they did not wait for the next possibility. The people who went out.

When asked about this, Dahan immediately came to the topic, saying: "At the beginning, but all the people came out. Among them, we came out in the second wave. As for the first wave, it must be you! Because we came out. At that time, they have already seen your trail, but they have not caught up!"

When Jiang Ning heard this, he was called a speechless, powerful person like Dahan, but he couldn't catch up with him. If he said this, he would definitely laugh out loud.

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