After the two chatted about the past, Jiang Ning immediately turned back to the current situation.

"Do you know the Diwu Clan? Do you know the Dark Night Clan?" When Jiang Ning asked Dahan about this, his complexion suddenly became serious.

The witch clan is too powerful, no one can fight the witch clan alone, just like the situation back then, no one can deal with it.

"I know! What happened to this race that was wiped out a hundred years ago?" Dahan also showed doubts after seeing the solemn color on Jiang Ning's face. He didn't understand why Jiang Ning would have no reason. Speak out this witch family.

Because at the beginning, it was not allowed to talk about the Earth Witch clan. Once we talked about the Earth Witch clan, it would be criticized by others. Although there would not be dangerous things happening, but if you criticized it, it would It is completely helpless, after all, everyone has their own pursuits.

"Have you been annihilated?" Jiang Ning couldn't help showing a gloomy face when he heard the words, and then said: "We just met the people of the Earth Witch clan. Their abilities are extremely powerful, not just that. , They still have the power of curse, we don't know what to do now!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Ning’s complexion suddenly sank. He really didn’t know how to deal with this witch clan, because their strength was too weird. If something unexpected happened to him, it would be The whole army was destroyed.

If there are a few people who are as powerful as him, maybe they will not be afraid of this problem, but only then one of their own people will face this witch clan. If they really fight, it is still extremely dangerous. Things.

After Dahan heard Jiang Ning's words, the whole person was completely shocked. They had never thought that something like this would happen, or even never thought that something like this would happen here.

"Why do you still appear in the Central Plains? This is terrible!" Dahan's face was completely green, because he had seen things about the witch family in ancient books, which was extremely powerful. Existing, even many people participated in the battle that entered it back then, but it still takes a long time before the people of the Earth Witch clan can be killed.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ning actually said that the people of the Earth Witch clan still exist in this Central Plains. Not only that, but they are also making a comeback. This is an extremely depressing thing for him.

Reminiscent of the same situation as before, his whole person's heart trembled a little.

"Just now, the three women were affected by the power of the curse. Although they said nothing happened, they indirectly lost their ability. It has been two hours before they recovered! If I were not present at the time , Then what will happen to them, I don't know yet!" Jiang Ning was also a little gloomy when he said this.

It is indeed the same as what he said. If he hadn't been beside the three women just now, maybe the three women had already been killed. After all, a curse power can completely make you without any combat ability, even It can be said that if there is a battle here, those people with a little bit of strength will not have any combat ability at all.

After all, the power of a curse can completely make you lose the ability to fight, which is self-evident.

Therefore, Jiang Ning must also unite with other people, so that he can do some of these things well.

"The cursed power can still wake up, so it is enough to show that their abilities are not very strong, but it cannot be denied that their achievements in this area are not very strong, and their strength is still extremely strong. Powerful!" Although Dahan said simple and honest, he was not stupid as a whole. He could judge other things from some things.

Jiang Ning thought the same way. After all, if they were truly powerful, they would definitely use the power of a curse to control the entire Central Plains.

The appearance of this now means that their curse power is not very powerful, and as long as they slowly run in, they may be able to achieve this goal.

"By the way, didn't you say that you know where the previous group of people are? Let's go find them to unite!" Jiang Ning couldn't help showing a sneer when he said this.

As long as they are united, then they can do a lot of things. There is no need to look at the gaze of the Wu Clan. This is extremely important. Once they unite with other masters, they don’t need to be afraid. This is what Jiang Ning prefers to see.

There is another point, it is also such a statement.

"Yeah! I'll take you there now!" Dahan groaned, then said.

Everyone nodded. In this time, everyone knows such things. Otherwise, if the Central Plains are swallowed up a little bit, it will be impossible for anyone to be responsible. The entire Central Plains will be controlled, and all people will become slaves of this race. At that time, the real big things will happen.

Under the leadership of Dahan, several people crossed many high mountains and then came to a land of plains. When Jiangning and others went to this place, they only saw a green grassland. Not only that, There is still incomparably fresh air coming, which is extremely pure heart.

For a long time, Jiang Ning and others have not enjoyed such a situation, because they have been fighting, and even living in an extremely stressful life every day. Now suddenly there is such an opportunity. For Jiang Ning and others, it couldn't be better.

"Are they all here?" Jiang Ning couldn't help asking Dahan.

"Yeah! After they came out, they already lived in this area. In their words, they can cultivate their mood in it, and their strength will be greatly improved. If they go to other places If it is, it is too complicated. It is not so remarkable for their strength improvement. They understand this better!" Dahan scratched his head embarrassedly when he said this.

"What about you? Why did you go out?" Jiang Ning couldn't help laughing when he saw Dahan's appearance.

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