After playing for a while, they saw Zoro sleeping on one side, while Lin Hai and Luffy caught Usopp...

Lin Hai asked curiously: "Luffy, look, Usopp's nose is so long, how did it grow? I'm curious whether Usopp's nostrils will be blocked by his boogers and suffocate..."

Usopp exclaimed: "Don't scare me, okay? How can a person be blocked by his own boogers?"

Luffy scratched his head and looked at the ceiling. After thinking for a while, he turned around and asked: "Nami, do you think Usopp will..."

Nami was already angry enough, especially what was the situation now? The pirates will invade this village at dawn tomorrow, and these guys are still studying this?

And Luffy, as the captain, asked himself this question so leisurely!

Nami couldn't bear it anymore and gave the three of them a slap!

Nami felt that it was not enough, wasn't Zoro sleeping? So Nami also hit Zoro! !

Zoro woke up and said in confusion: "Ah? Have you eaten?"

Nami's eyes twitched, "One by one, one by one is like this..."

Just at this moment, Lin Hai stepped forward and asked: "Nami, you have been so irritable recently, is that coming?"

"What is coming?" X3

Zoro thought Lin Fan was talking about the pirate invasion tomorrow, and suddenly said: "What are you afraid of? I will kill as many pirates as they come!"

Nami slapped her forehead, glared at Lin Hai and asked: "I'm talking to you, the pirates are going to invade here tomorrow, aren't you worried? They are real pirates, and they will kill people!"

Luffy put his hands on his hips and said: "What are you afraid of, beat them up."

Zoro: "Cut them."

Lin Hai: "Fight them to death."

Usopp: "Ahaha, I'm free, if you want, I'll give them to you, I don't care."

" Hi hi." Nami asked weakly: "Do you know where they come from? Before the war, shouldn't we prepare in advance and make some plans?"

"Nami." Luffy stepped forward and smiled: "Don't worry, if they dare to come tomorrow, I will beat them all..."


Nami said angrily: "Really, I don't care about you!"

Although Nami said so, she really couldn't ignore it, and Lin Hai and others on the side couldn't continue to joke...

Soon, Usopp brought a few people to the coastal port, and then said: "Everyone, let's wait for those pirates here, but I'll set up a trap first..."

Lin Hai waved his hand and said: "I'll sleep for a while, just call me when the time comes..."

Unconsciously, Lin Hai fell asleep quickly. Because listening to the sound of those waves on the coast really helps sleep!

When Lin Hai woke up again, looking at the bright sky, Lin Hai felt a little confused...

Who am I? Where is this?

Lin Hai came back to his senses and was a little confused. Where are the people?

However, Lin Hai faintly heard some shouts in the air...

Lin Hai slapped his head. Usopp, this idiot, chose the wrong coast, and why didn't they wake him up?

Without thinking too much, Lin Hai quickly used his ability to rush to the source of the sound. That should be the place where the pirates invaded, right?

Don't go there, the battle is over! He Lin Hai hasn't made a few waves of coquettish operations yet!


The port where the pirates invaded

The battle was not over yet. When Lin Hai arrived, he saw that Luffy had some wounds on his body, and Kuro slashed him with a knife at high speed, and he didn't react.

Lin Hai was speechless!

"Room..." Lin Hai used his ability and instantly appeared next to Kuro who was running at high speed, and then punched him away.


A sound pulled a large group of pirates back to reality from their panic. When the smoke cleared, all that was left was Crowe lying there.

The pirates were immediately shocked by this scene...

"It can't be true? That young man hit Captain Crowe and sent him flying?"

"Is he lucky? How could anyone catch up with Captain Crowe's speed? And he hit him!"

"Who is he? So powerful..."

Nami, who had sneaked onto the pirate ship, was stunned

Looking at Lin Hai, it turned out that those pirates who were wailing just now were hurt by that Kuro!

How is this possible? Nami softened her eyes and wanted to confirm whether what she saw just now was true...

After knocking Kuro away, Lin Hai turned around and looked at Luffy with contempt, and said with a smile: "Hey, Luffy, you have been practicing for so long, can't you even keep up with this speed?"

Luffy was about to answer, and Kuro, who was lying on the ground, stood up and continued: "Who are you? My speed is so fast that even I can't control it. You must have been lucky just now, right? Don't get too proud of yourself."

After speaking, Kuro adjusted his big back hairstyle.

"Huh?" Lin Hai turned his head to look at Kuro, and did not speak, but took out his sword, Gao Feng, from his space.


"One sword flow, cut the cake!"

"Clang..." After a burst of sword sounds, everyone felt that a white light seemed to flash above their heads, and then a scene that made everyone present blank appeared.

I saw the huge high cliff next to me was cut in half by Lin Hai with one sword! !

Kuro turned his head and looked behind him blankly. What the hell was that flying mountain? Was it chopped by a sword? Was it done by a human?

After a long while, the pirates came to their senses and were terrified...

"What happened? This, was it chopped by him just now?"

"Hahaha... I must be dreaming, who can tell me, am I dreaming?"

"Ah! Too scary, is this human power? Is he a human or a ghost!"

And Nami on the pirate ship was almost fainted by Lin Hai's operation at first. That high cliff, like a small mountain, was so far away, but it was actually split by Lin Hai? What kind of monster is he?

He is so powerful, can he help me defeat the captain of the Fishman Pirates? And then save my hometown?

At this moment, Nami's despair was inexplicably stirred. Looking at Lin Hai's figure, she felt a glimmer of hope...

At the right time, a voice attracted everyone's attention. Lin Hai asked Kro: "Captain Kro, what did you say just now?"

Kro looked at Lin Hai in horror, not knowing how to answer. This was a crushing strength! !


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