After Luffy and his friends left Kaya's villa, Usopp said uninterestedly, "I'll go for a walk first, let me be alone."

They all saw that Usopp seemed to be hit?

When they reached the fence in the wilderness, Luffy also ran away...

Nami asked, "Where should we go now?"

Zoro shook his head and said, "Luffy is not here, let's wait for him here."

"Hey, hey." Lin Hai said, "Did you see the bad guy in the distance? He's walking backwards!"

I saw the man not far away walking in the spacewalk?

They just watched the man walk in front of them in silence.

Lin Hai knew of course that this was Zangao, the current acting captain of the Black Cat Pirates.

Zangao stopped and said, "I'm not a weirdo. I'm not weird at all, okay?"

One of the kids asked, "Who are you?"

"Me?" Zangao introduced, "My name is Zangao, a hypnotist."

"Hypnotist?" The three kids came forward with great interest, and one of them asked, "So you have a special skill? Can you show us?"

Lin Hai couldn't help but mutter, "Kids are just kids. What special skill does he have?"

Nami said with disdain, "Look at your look, it's obvious that you just want to see it, okay?"

Zangao quickly slapped Lin Hai's hand away, meaning that if he didn't show his skills, he wouldn't let him go!

After all, Lin Hai was still very interested in this incredible hypnosis, and Lin Hai didn't believe that he could really hypnotize himself.

After slapping Lin Hai's hand, Zangao said, "What a joke? We are not acquaintances, why should I show you my special skills?"

After that, Zangao quickly took out a watch from his arms and said, "Look at this watch, when I count 1, 2, jango, you will fall asleep."

"1, 2, jango..."


Instantly, Zangao, Lin Hai and the three children all fell asleep! !

"Hey hey!!" Zoro still didn't understand, he fell asleep just like that!

Nami on the side slapped her forehead, turned to Zoro and asked, "Is this your partner?"

Zoro couldn't help blushing, and quickly said, "I'd better pull them aside, they sleep in the middle of the street!"

Fleeting quickly, waking up quickly!

The awakened Zangao had already left, and Lin Hai blushed at the playful looks of Zoro and Nami, and quickly explained: "That guy is still a bit of a good guy. Looking at the swinging clock, I don't know why I can sleep well, right?"

"Yes." The three children replied at the same time.

Zoro was too lazy to pay attention, and asked: "Where are we going now? I don't know where Luffy went."

Lin Hai said: "Why don't we go back to that snack bar?"

Nami agreed: "It's better to go there than to be outside."


On the other side, Usopp, who was in a bad mood, was sitting on the grass under a big tree on a high cliff, looking at the sea, and was startled by Luffy who rushed here.

It turned out that Luffy came down from the big tree. After the two chatted for a while, they suddenly found that the butler Crabate was talking about some conspiracy with Zangao!

From their conversation, Usopp and Luffy understood that Crabatel was actually the famous pirate "Hundred Plans" Crowe three years ago, and the man next to him was the deputy captain hypnotist Zango!

The two decided to let Zango lead the pirate group to attack the village at dawn tomorrow. Then use Zango's hypnosis to hypnotize Kaya and let Kaya make a will to leave her property to her housekeeper Crabatel, who is the hidden captain of the Black Cat Pirates, Crowe!

Hearing these conspiracies, Luffy stopped hiding and suddenly stood up and said to Crowe and Zango: "Hey, you are not allowed to hurt the people in this village!"

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Crowe immediately ordered Zango to take action.

As a result, Luffy was hypnotized and fell off the high cliff, while Usopp thought it was a hidden weapon and escaped the fate of being hypnotized.

After falling from such a high place, everyone thought Luffy was dead. Zango wanted to chase Usopp, but Kuro said, "No need to chase him. No one will believe what he says because he is no longer trusted in this village!" Kuro was right. Usopp went to the village to persuade Kuro, but everything was the same as usual except for being scolded. Especially Usopp and Kuro

After Miyabi explained, Kaya became even more disappointed with Usopp!

When Usopp returned to the store in a depressed mood, he suddenly saw Luffy and his group eating and drinking there.

Usopp couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "Luffy, aren't you dead?"

Lin Hai said contemptuously, "He's just a pile of rubber. Have you ever seen rubber fall to death?"

Usopp sighed and sat at the side of the table, "I see!"

"Hey, hey." Lin Hai said speechlessly, "What kind of character are you in? You are too fragile, right? You still say you want to be a brave sea warrior.

Look at what you look like now, just like what that hypocritical housekeeper said, you are just bragging."

Seeing Lin Hai hitting Usopp so hard, Nami couldn't help but say, "Lin Hai, how can you be so..."

Lin Hai raised his hand to stop him and said, "That's the fact, right?"

Usopp stood up and said, "What can I do? They are real pirates, I can't save the villagers! No, I can't let them hurt the villagers here, even if I bet my life tomorrow!"

Luffy laughed and said, "Hey Usopp, you still... There are us! "Upsi excitedly said:" Are you really willing to help me? Lin Hai shook his head and said, "Luffy, we are pirates, not the Virgin. Do you think this shop is delicious?" "Hmm!" Lin Hai clapped: "Isn't it possible? How can he get hurt by the owner of the shopkeeper? But the group of pirates will hurt him. The group of pirates "" "" "" "Barrier!" Usopp said weakly: "But the money was paid!" Lin Hai couldn't help but say that there was a loophole in his reasons! Is this beaten? Thinking of this, Lin Hai turned his head dangerously to look at Usopp and said, "Don't I have any face? If you have the guts, say what you just said again?"

"Hahaha..." Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Nami: "You're just being stubborn."

Usopp hugged Lin Hai and said loudly, "Arigato."

"Damn, don't wipe your snot on me, it's disgusting..." Lin Hai felt like he was going to collapse, "Usopp, why don't you hug them? They must be taking revenge on me for what I said about you just now, right?"

"Ah! You found out!!"




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