This place can be seen as a residential area at first glance, and it is a different type from the post house where Temari rests.

But this is not Naruto's house!

Temari can be 100% sure of this.

Because, she wanted to know Naruto's whereabouts before, so she once inquired and went to Naruto's home...

So, who actually lives here? whose home? Has this guy got water in his head? Is the inertia going to trick people again?


The layout of this independent small house is really good, and the location is also very good. Compared with the dilapidated house that Naruto lived in for more than ten years, it is several grades higher. From the appearance, one can guess that this is the house of the elite.

After all... treatment!

Talented people can have better living conditions!


This is obviously someone else's home! What do other people's belongings do? Love Nest? Is it disgusting? !

What the hell are you trying to do by bringing her here...

"I said, should you go see that Sakura now?" Temari pouted, this guy was merciless everywhere, and suddenly he was so unfeeling, which made a girl so sad, but he just ignored her I don't care if I don't ask, I'm here with her...

Why does Temari feel a strange sense of guilt? It made her feel weird...

"Okay!" Naruto-san was not happy, this day is too short to spoil the good atmosphere!

"Women don't care too much."

"You!" You raised eyebrows, this guy! What a temper!

I gave you a bit of color today, but you still put your nose on your face! She was brewing with anger and wanted to explode, but was dragged by Naruto and broke into the house directly.

"Hey! Hey! Naruto, do you know who this is?! This is a house break-in! Why are you so cowardly?!" Temari whispered, is the owner there?

There was a gust of fragrant wind blowing in front of her, and a woman with long purple hair stood tall.

Temari looked at this beautiful woman who suddenly appeared.

This woman... seems to be Uzuki... Uzuki...

Uzuki Xiyan! Temari remembers!

Two years ago, the two of them were forcibly bullied by Naruto together.

Could it be that he still wants that and that tonight...

Temari's two eyebrows are about to stand up, they are tightly gathered together, this is nonsense! Nonsense!

she wants to go...

"Yeah, why are you leaving? Stay!" Naruto grabbed Temari's arm tightly.

"Let go of me!" Teju shouted, "I want to go back and rest!"

"Tonight, you are going to rest here!" His voice was full of the majesty of a superior, as if it was unquestionable and irrefutable.


Temari was stunned by Naruto for a moment.

Ha, the past two years, Anbu, we have not been fooled for nothing, this majesty is quite impressive.

"Hey, Xiyan, you really haven't slept yet?! You're waiting for me!" Naruto walked over swaggeringly, turning around Uzuki Xiyan, looking up and down. Where is the majesty before... Disappeared!

This guy……

"Quiet!" Xiyan looked at him indifferently.

Beauty is so cold today!

Although she is usually quite cold, but today it is even worse. Could it be that she is also jealous! ? Because of Temari?

That temari...

Could it be the prelude to the Shura field again?

can't you? Obviously two years ago, the two of them cooperated very well!

There is an invisible electrical communication between Temari and Uzuki Xiyan again, this skill is really against the sky! It's been two years, it's the first time we met, but I'm still so proficient, I don't feel unfamiliar at all!

What is the content this time?

I really want to know!

Naruto looked at these two women from a third-party perspective, and both their aura and charm were several grades higher than those at that time.

Temari's development is no worse than Xiyan's now!

But whose figure is better, it seems that further identification is needed!

Xi Yan, who stayed at home at night, did not wear the usual Anbu's prescribed clothes,

Putting on ordinary casual clothes at home, he looked dignified and elegant.

Temari is dressed in a black corseted cheongsam, full of rigor and a touch of arrogance.

Anyway... seems to be the type that Naruto students like.

"Cough, cough cough." Naruto coughed, breaking the silence in the room, and looked at him with two eyes.

"Look, it's getting late, isn't it..." Naruto pointed to the black night outside the window.

"So, can we discuss sleeping together..."

"There is only one bed, you sleep on the sofa!" After leaving a word coldly, Uzuki Xiyan entered her room without looking back.

"Bang!" The loud closing sound of the door seemed to vent the dissatisfaction in the owner's heart.


Originally, she was really angry. Also, weren't the two of them using eye contact to deal with him just now? Why did you leave the handjobs out?

"This is your love nest!" Temari looked at him disdainfully, "Feelings are the beauty of a golden house! Then why did you bring me here?"

"Agreed! Anyway, you have to listen to me tonight!" Naruto said.

"When!? I never said such a thing!" Temari quarreled with Naruto, this guy is unreasonable!

"You said 'in a while', didn't you mean this time!" He began to make trouble out of no reason.

That's a stopgap measure! What should we do now? Want to be bullied at will by this guy in that woman's house?

I feel uncomfortable just thinking about it. was unreasonable to talk to Naruto, and Temari found out tragically in the end that she was about to be bullied by Naruto again.

Back against the door of Xi Yan's room, there was a bang, bang, bang, and a slight tremor, "What are you doing?!"

Disturbed by the noise, Xi Yan came out to scold.

However, once the door is opened, Pandora's Box is opened.

It can no longer be closed.

Even if it is closed, it is too late.

Two figures took advantage of the void and entered Xiyan's boudoir.

"You guys, get out!"

All voices at this time have no effect and are all suppressed.

Maoyue Xiyan is just putting on airs, and has no actual benefits at all!

Will Naruto go out so obediently? Can she throw him out? Do you have that strength?

The combination of Temari and Uzuki Xiyan is not enough to see at all, so, talking, screaming, a man and two women are lying on that bed, all the struggle is fun! All the sounds are music, and the leader of all is the man who is pressing on them.

This man is more beautiful than a woman!

This man who wants to conquer everything!

A wonderful night, a happy night, a night full of music.

Embracing each other, constantly asking for it, for the farewell tomorrow, and for the reunion in the future...

This is a deep memory! (To be continued.)

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