When is it bright outside?

The sunrise in the east can be used as a basic standard of measurement, Temari has returned to normal, she opened her eyes, and then put on the clothes on her body with a calm expression.

She is different today.

Temari put on her clothes unhurriedly, her expression was calm and at ease, neither the shyness of last night, nor the shy daughter's attitude of yesterday, her face was as cold and charming as when we first met, Or strong.

In fact, everyone is like this. There may be times when the true feelings are revealed, but in ordinary life, we always need to live with a natural 'mask' to protect ourselves.

This is probably the protection that people have to have all their lives.

Last night, she could indulge herself as much as she wanted, and she could indulge herself under Naruto's body as much as she wanted, but when she wakes up today, she will be a strong and decisive sand ninja.

Queen of Hidden Sand Village in the Land of Winds! Temari!

Wearing a sand ninja forehead protector and wearing a red belt, the slender waist is highlighted clearly, it is really worth a grip.

Finally, Temari carried her equipment, the Samsung Fan, on her back again to confirm the reinforcement.

Ready to go.

"All right."

Before leaving, she looked at Naruto who was still sleeping there with complicated eyes, and Uzuki Xiyan automatically ignored it. Parting always represented sadness, not to mention that her character was not good at saying goodbye.

Temari can't leave the village for a long time. Now that the affairs here are over, she has to leave.

She is a ninja! Not the ninjas of Muye Village, but the ninjas of Hidden Sand Village.

But since you are a ninja, you need to learn to control some taboo feelings of ninjas well.

Even if you don't want to give up, you have to leave.

Even if you don't want to, you have to separate.

Hope to see you soon! During this chunin exam...

today! She was walking alone on the street they walked together last night, which made her feel a little strange.

Perhaps... this is because she is the only one now!

The silent morning.

When passing by the inn where she used to live, Temari took a look, but didn't stop there.

A qualified ninja will not carry unnecessary useless things on her body, and all her precious things are always kept on her body.

This is a capable female ninja!

"It's you..." At the back corner of the post house, Temari saw a ninja with a lazy face.

Shikamaru! This is a very ninja-like ninja!

I don't know when he started waiting here, anyway, he kept yawning.

"Knowing that you are leaving today, as your guide and short-term working partner, I want to complete the final task." Shikamaru shrugged.

"It's really troublesome."

He is a very smart man, in the entire Hokage, there are few people who can have a higher IQ than him, so, as rational as Shikamaru, he knows what to ask, and at this time, he didn't ask anything.

Because he has always been just a guide, and has no other qualifications to ask about Temari.

Although...he already guessed why Temari was not at the posthouse...but, he won't go anywhere!

Now I deliberately spend time waiting here, just to fulfill my duties...

That's all there really is! ! !

"Thank you for telling him!" Temari said suddenly without knowing it.

Shikamaru waved his hand, "I mean! It should be!"

This 'he' doesn't need to be used, everyone understands.

All the way in silence, farewell Temari to Konoha's huge and spacious gate.

Teju nodded slightly, "Farewell!"

"En! Goodbye!" With his hands in his pockets and a bored expression on his face, Shikamaru suddenly turned and left.


Really... goodbye!


Temari's moving speed is very fast, because Sand Shinobi is only her,

There is no burden, so she can travel very quickly, although it will take nearly three days to return to Sand Hidden Village...

But doing so can relieve her mood, and prevent her from thinking about other things or people through such behaviors.

She was jumping and shuttling among the trees as the absolute background, and within half a cup of tea, Temari suddenly stopped.

A handsome man with long blond hair stood in her way.

"Naruto???" Temari's mood fluctuated violently in an instant, which was hard to restrain.

But she still managed to control it, but the trembling in that voice had already betrayed her mood at the moment.

Very restless!

Could it be... Does she really want to leave alone? Without any greeting or farewell, did you just leave so resolutely?

Her heart is actually not as hard as she imagined!

There is always a trace of softness that opens up to someone in her life.

This man, this hateful guy, is her destined nemesis. The guy in front of me!

Meet! acquaintance! Then... in love?

Why is it especially like the beautiful love in fairy tales?

"Hi!" Naruto greeted Temari with a smile.

"Why are you here?" Teju asked, this guy was so fast that he ran ahead of her.

"Leave without saying goodbye, you have the nerve to ask me!" Naruto hummed softly when he heard this.

"I told you yesterday that I'm leaving today!"

"But you didn't tell me it was going to be so sudden, and you didn't even know it."

"But you are not here!"

stop! Both Temari and Naruto burst out laughing.

"It's also lucky that I'm here, I saw you and that Shikamaru laughing?" Naruto appeared in front of Temari's eyes in an instant, gently raised her clean chin, and said condescendingly

"What's funny, don't get me wrong! You..." Temari explained, "Are you jealous?"

"En! Very heavy vinegar!" Naruto nodded.

Temari smiled sweetly, she stood on tiptoe, and gently kissed Naruto's lips, unknowingly, this guy was already so tall that she needed to look up to him.

"What do you mean?" Naruto pretended. "Please me?"



"Reward your good performance!"

"But, I haven't tasted it!" Naruto said, wanting to take the initiative, but his hands moved.

the first time!

Her Majesty Queen's Temari's queen demeanor is beyond doubt!

She hugged Naruto's neck tightly, and kissed him deeply with her gorgeous and seductive lips.

This is a different Temari or this is the real Temari, queen temperament, domineering.

Naruto is now like a shou, passively accepting Temari's attack, being attacked and overthrown, and charged into battle.

This kiss is definitely full of excitement.

An unparalleled thrill is born!

This temari made Naruto really fall in love with her! (To be continued.)


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