Thunder escape body!

He came to Naruto's side in an instant, and smashed down fiercely with a pair of fists!


The ground was overwhelmed, and it was terribly smashed, but Naruto was unharmed.

Raikage's current speed is no longer a threat to Naruto

It is true that Raikage's speed is at the top in the ninja world, almost unmatched by anyone, but now his extreme speed can no longer be displayed.

Under Naruto's previous bombardment of Daima Helienwan, even if Raikage couldn't escape at all, he didn't have to suffer such serious injuries, but he still protected Samui and the others.

In this case, no matter how fast he is, he is helpless.

Although he is Lei Ying, he is not a god!

Naruto also knows something.

Although Lei Ying's instant body is a lightning instant body, it is still a high-speed body technique instant body in the final analysis.

If it’s just physical teleportation, in the case of protecting others, this speed will naturally not be faster than his original limit, and injuries are inevitable... If it is space teleportation, it’s okay, such as Naruto’s father’s Flying Thunder God, There is also Kakashi, Kamui with soil, the speed of saving a few people will not be affected in any way... But the instant body of Taijutsu, with so many oil bottles, it is already very good for Raikage to survive. !

His chakra is running out now, less than one-twelfth of what it was in its heyday. Even with the addition of the Thunder Shield, the speed has already been reduced.

At this time, it would be fine if Raikage's opponent was an ordinary person, but it happened to be Naruto, a difficult guy, so his speed was no threat.

Naruto in fairy mode is very confused now!

Naruto dodged it easily, and said lightly: "Raikage, your speed is really super slow now!"

Naruto sneered, the current Raikage had lost one of his greatest advantages.


Without the speed beyond the reach of the naked eye, under such exhaustion, Raikage-sama is in a critical situation!

Darui, Samui, and Omoi, the three of them stood in front of Raikage, guarding Naruto seriously.

A mere junior from Muye Village is so terrifying that even Lord Raikage...

The indescribable feeling in Darui's heart was very bitter. It was obvious that the two of them had fought against each other two years ago. In the eyes, such a gap, even if Darui has never cared about these things, it is still uncomfortable.

Mentally depressed!

How can someone grow up so fast in this world? Or alone? !

Yup! Jinchuriki, he still has Kyuubi not released? This guy still has hidden strength!

what can we do about it?

Now, Darui gritted his teeth, he had already made up his mind, even if he desperately wanted to stop Naruto, so that Raikage-sama would have a chance to leave here.

Karui, you fucking woman, why did you mess with him! If Naruto's companion hadn't been moved, Naruto wouldn't have been so angry just because of that priestess alone!

Regret! ! !

But is Darui really capable of stopping Naruto?

Naruto made a move calmly, and instantly got behind Raikage, and a spiral pill hit Raikage's body.

"Ah!" Lei Ying couldn't react anymore! The Helix Pill this time caused blood to gush out of his mouth, didn't he even have enough defense?

"Master Raikage!"

"I said, why are the ninjas in your land of thunder so dark? Is the sun very poisonous in your place?" Naruto suddenly said nonsensically.

After beating someone just now, is he talking about this now?

The end of the hero!

Lord Raikage is weak...

They were stunned, what does this mean? Laugh at them? Lei Ying is so angry, is this torturing him? Why not just kill him?

Somehow, this guy recovered Chakra, and now even Raikage can only admit defeat.

But Naruto didn't seem to be in a hurry to make a move.

Is this going to kill them?

"What do you mean?" Lei Ying said in a deep voice.

"It's boring! It's just to amuse you!" Naruto spread his hands, looking very indifferent.

Lei Ying really wanted to tear him alive, but does he still have this strength?

Raikage's iron fist hit Naruto, who sneered, "You're looking for death!"

In a blink of an eye, he dodged Lei Ying's iron fist, and swept out with one kick, kicking Lei Ying hard.

"Master Raikage!" Omoi roared angrily, and slashed at Naruto with the sword in his hand.

Naruto didn't dodge or dodge, wrapping the wind and thunder in his palm, he directly shattered Omoi's weapon with his palm, and hit Omoi's body unabated, causing him to vomit blood and fly.


Another fell.

Only Raikage, Samui, and Darui are left standing.

Lei Ying roared and rushed over again, he had never been treated like this before, it was a shame and a shame!

Heavy storm!

Lei Dun's chakra concentrated on Raikage's elbow, and then pressed towards Naruto.

"Without speed, can your attack still hit me?" Naruto sneered, and then disappeared on the spot in an instant.

Raikage's body is really strong, and now he can still attack with Chakra, the move just now is very powerful.

Although Naruto can show off that power, but this Raikage's fist is too strong, if he hits hard, Naruto always feels that he is at a disadvantage!

The enhanced defense and attack of Lei Dun Chakra made this guy very difficult to deal with, even a wounded tiger was hard to deal with!

At this moment, Naruto actually admired Raikage a little bit.

Frankly speaking, among the current five shadows, he may be the strongest.

It's no wonder that in the original book, he will serve as the commander of the Ninja Alliance. Although he has a very violent temper, he is a strong and abnormal person!

In this regard, maybe Teacher Akai is not as good as Lei Ying! Unless Mr. A Kai opens eight gates for this physical skill in the thunder escape chakra mode, he is invincible!

"How about we stop now?" Naruto said suddenly.

"What?" Lei Ying said, he thought Naruto was teasing them again?

"I mean, I don't want to fight you guys."

"You want to leave? No! We have killed so many ninjas, do you want to leave now?" Raikage said angrily, they failed this time and suffered heavy losses, Raikage was unwilling to let it go!

"Master Raikage!" Darui and Samui dissuaded from the side, "In your current state, it is really not easy to continue!"

Since this guy is willing to let them go, if it is true, it is the best policy to leave quickly!

"However, I have one condition!"

"Hmph! You're still teasing us!" Lei Ying was really going to be blown away, he was going to be so insulted by a junior, it really made his Lei Ying's majesty drop to the ground, and there was nothing left!

"What's your condition?" Samui asked, she was still relatively calm at this time.

"I want you!" Naruto said softly. (To be continued.)

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