"What conditions do you have?" said the only fair girl in Yunyin.

"I want you!" Naruto looked at the big-breasted beauty Samuel with a half-smile.

This woman's beauty can't be considered top-notch, but it's not bad either. This pair of big breasts gave her a lot of points. Born in the Land of Thunder where there are a lot of black people, Naruto is surprised to have such milky white skin. Time is full of lust, such an attractive figure, if he gets it, can he do some nasty things?

Two years ago, Naruto had already coveted this big-breasted woman, but he had no chance!

Would he still be able to snatch Samui up for his comfort back then? At that time, he had no power or power, and the superficially peaceful relationship between Huo and Lei still needed to be maintained, Naruto had no choice!

So, facing that pair of big white rabbits that are bigger than Tsunade-sama, Naruto can only hold back!

However, this time Naruto unexpectedly ran into this Samui, a beautiful woman with big breasts.

Especially this time, their mutual positions are still enemies. If it is an enemy, can this woman be regarded as his prisoner, spoils of war or something, this should be a normal thing!

Naruto has always had this idea, as long as his strength can suppress Raikage and all of them!

He can successfully implement this idea!

"You want me? What do you mean? Your condition is..." Samuel froze for a moment, she had a very bad premonition in her heart.

"You're right, this is my condition!" Naruto sneered, he was like an emperor, controlling their lives, so... now he wants to implement the emperor's rights and get what he wants.

The Kingdom of Thunder offended him first, so Naruto didn't think it would be inappropriate for him to do so!

"As long as you keep this woman with me as my captive, the rest of you can go!" Naruto said.

"I...I..." Samui's lips twitched and wanted to say something, but she could only agree, so that everyone could be protected!

"Impossible!" Samuel hadn't said anything yet, she wanted to agree, but Lei Ying suddenly roared.

What is this?

Humiliated compromise?

He is Raikage! Raikage, the strongest in the Land of Thunder! Did he actually need Samuel to sacrifice himself to survive? In that case he would rather die himself!

"Naruto Uzumaki, I will die with you!" Even if he died, he would not let his subordinates do that.

Otherwise, even if he escaped a catastrophe, so what? What about his ninja dignity? What about Raikage's majesty? He has nothing left! Let him live like a walking dead?


Raikage completely lost his sense of proportion, and rushed towards Naruto again in a panic. This time, his attack without any rules made him lose his mind! ?

Naruto sneered, dodged calmly, and then slashed Raikage's neck with a knife, making him faint.

"Be merciful!" Samui said.

"Don't worry, I just knocked him out." Naruto laughed, "Have you decided yet?"

"I agree to your terms!" Samui said blankly, as a ninja, she could sacrifice everything she had to protect Raikage-sama.

Even if it is a hostage prisoner, what is it?

"Let's go!" Naruto waved his hand, indicating that Darui could leave with Raikage.

"Samui, take care!" Darui didn't say much, he looked at Samui deeply, and clenched his hands tightly, such a shame would happen to their Yunyin ninjas, if not With Raikage-sama around, Darui would rather die than surrender to Naruto.

He glanced at Naruto, carried Raikage-sama on his back, and held Omoi and Karui, whose death was unclear, between his hands.


"I didn't expect you, woman, to be so calm!" After the incident, Naruto said softly.

"I am a qualified ninja!" Samui said.

"Qualified ninja?" Naruto laughed, "You really have the spirit of dedication!"

"Then I am an unqualified ninja." Naruto said.

"What's the meaning?"

"Look at me, where do I look like a ninja?" Naruto continued, "What a ninja needs to control most is emotions, but look at how overflowing my emotions are."

"For you, I let you go, Raikage-sama!"

"What do you want to do?" Samuel asked.

"You are a prisoner now, you have no human rights. Everything is mine!" Naruto gently raised Samuel's chin, "Including your body!"

Naruto grabbed the pair of big breasts and kneaded them vigorously. Samuel's originally calm expression became painful, her brows were tightly frowned, and she was trying her best to endure.

"Why are you bothering?" Naruto lay his head on Samui's beautiful breasts, "Why did you provoke me?"

"In that case, nothing will happen."

"You Yunyin will be fine too!"

Samui's expression was complicated, indeed, if Karui didn't take the initiative to make trouble, he wouldn't make this guy furious, and there wouldn't be so many troubles in the future, so that their Yunyin was almost wiped out, even She herself is now a prisoner.

It feels like a dream. When she wakes up, she is still in the Land of Thunder, and nothing will happen...

However, the reaction from the sensitive parts made Samuel irresistible, her hopes were all in vain, the real her, now she is just a bullied woman!

"I thought you would be overwhelmed?" Naruto said.

Samuel was startled, she really wanted to commit suicide, but could she really do it? In that case, will Naruto catch up and anger Raikage and the others?

"As a ninja, suicide is bad!"

"You woman, if you serve me well, I might consider letting you go!"

"Do you know?"

"Of course! I don't want to be missed by a woman. You must hate me very much now. After a long time, if I relax my vigilance, you might assassinate me!"

"That's too dangerous!"

"So! Serve me well now, and I will let you go later!"

Samuel seems to have no choice!

There is struggle in her eyes, but there should be no way to refuse no matter what!

This man is definitely not a simple person!

Ninjas shouldn't pay attention to these.

Samui thinks maybe!

As an excellent Yunyin ninja, must she endure?

"Have you figured it out?"

"I promise!"

"It's very straightforward. In fact, I have already thought about it. If you don't want to..."

"What if I don't want to?"

"It's also exciting to struggle!"

The beast! (To be continued.)

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