Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 307 Do you want to apply for breaking the record?

Flying Thunder God was already the only means Naruto could use at that time.

So, even if it doesn't work, he has to try it. No matter what the reason is, since you have encountered such a good place, if you don't want to try your best to hold it in your hands, it is really a pity!

Although, the meaning of this place to Naruto is very tasteless, but since it appeared, it must have the meaning of its existence!

Therefore, although Naruto still doesn't know, doesn't understand, but this does not prevent him from taking it as his own.

Fortunately, the Flying Thunder God Technique is indeed useful.

The traces it engraved are very difficult to erase, and this place can't do it.

So, since then, this place has become an exclusive private space for Naruto! It is specially used by Naruto to hide the beauty in the golden house and use it when they have a tryst, to enhance the atmosphere! ! !

How about it? ?

Is there a longing for it? ? ?

Haha, but we are very picky, as long as there are beautiful women! ! !

The only regret is that using the Flying Thunder God to teleport to this place seems to be limited by space and distance.

In other words, if the distance is too far away, it will not work. The farther the distance, the more Chakra will be consumed, and once you leave the range of Konoha Village, there is no way to go there in an instant.

That's the limit.

Is it the space of Flying Thunder God Technique? Similarly, this is also the limitation of this mysterious space, so Naruto can only teleport back and forth within Konoha's territory, although... Naruto has not yet found out whether this mysterious space exists in the village where in the...

Naruto told Ino some of the facts he knew that could come out, and finally made this arrogant, capricious, sentimental and cranky girl stop worrying about this...

Woman~~~It's so strange~~

Sometimes, Naruto thinks that women can be easily dealt with, isn't it easy to catch with his looks? ? But what? Sometimes women are very difficult to deal with, just like now, how much Naruto has lost his tongue, his mouth is dry and uncomfortable!

Then Naruto looked at Ino's smooth and moist lips, let's replenish the water first! Immediately, he opened his big mouth and blocked it towards Miss Ino, and then...hit her heart~

The fine nectar in the mouth of the beauty, this taste is really wonderful, it is better than all the delicious wines in this world, from now on, Naruto will contract such deliciousness! ! The delicacy that can be compared with it is probably only that of other beauties...

This pathetic situation lasted for a long time, and it is impossible to apply for the Guinness Book of Records, but this time is indeed quite long.

The saliva has even formed a crystal clear waterline... The breath from the nose slapped Naruto's face, the distance between the two, their postures and bodies were all tightly stuck together, darling, a certain Some places are already negative distance!

This kiss is really passionate! Let Naruto want to stop. Ino could only lie in Naruto's arms as weak and boneless as a puddle of ooze, and let this guy be frivolous... His face was flushed all over, and he was as delicate and charming as the setting sun...

Naruto felt that the blood in his body was about to boil again, as if he was about to turn into a moonlight werewolf again...

When Ino recovered from this almost suffocating kiss, she found...she was in a different place again.

She is not a stranger to this place! Not only is he no stranger, but he also comes here often, cleaning this room and the whole house frequently.


Naruto let out a long breath of turbid air, his heart is as clear as ice, and the sky is not shocked... This is finally suppressing his desire, avoiding the consequences of burning himself! There is no way, he is not a lower-body animal being dominated~ How can he be so demanding again and again? ? ?

Be temperate! control! !


This is your home? ! "Ino looked around, looked around, it can't be wrong! This is the house where Naruto has been living since he was a kid!

These years, because Naruto was in Anbe, he had very little free time. He often went out to perform tasks, so he seldom returned to his home. It not only saves him the time to clean the room and do housework by himself, but also can take advantage of the beauties, which is really why not do it! ! ! Because of this, Naruto often 'for'! ! ! !

"It seems that you have been coming to my house frequently these past few years! Otherwise, why do you know the face of my house so well?" Naruto said with a smile.

"Huh," Ino blushed a bit, then she clenched her pink fist and waved it at Naruto a few times, wrinkling her pretty nose, "In the past, I thought your smile was so handsome, but now Why do you suddenly feel so wretched?? It seems to beat you!!"

Beautiful girl, ah no, she is already a woman, a woman! Naruto's woman said viciously to him, "Hehe, ok~ Hurry up and hit me! Let's fight another 300 rounds..."

"I'll let you~~" Naruto blinked, which was full of playful meaning.

"You!" Ino stomped his feet angrily, this foot is working hard! Are you using chakra? ? How else would it be so powerful? The sound of rinsing from the whole room was about to crush Naruto's dilapidated room, wow! ! !

This dilapidated house of his is almost ruined! !

Although, he does not often come back here to live now, but after all, this is his home~

"I'll go~" Naruto hurriedly hugged Ino's body, not letting the girl stomp and kick the house~~ This house is Naruto's property! !

"It's almost collapsed~~" Naruto said.

"Hmph! Let you bully me!" Ino stomped down again, but this time he aimed at the target, and the foot landed on Naruto's instep~~~

I go!

Fortunately, we have the foresight to increase the defense. Although Ino is not strong, it is not the kind of strange power of Sakura after all~ It is still not harmful to Naruto~~

"It's okay~~It's okay~" Naruto said happily.


"It's a good thing it's not Sakura, it's a good thing she's not here! Otherwise, if she stepped on it, my dear, my whole house will collapse!!"

... (To be continued..)


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