Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 308 Must be trained!

Naruto suddenly said something very emotional, and then...boom~~~

what happened? ? ? ?

step... collapse... collapse...

Does this feel very inexplicable? ? Of course, because there is a big omission in the middle~~

What is missing? Then what's the matter with this rumbling sound? ? It's really hard to describe~~Why is he always so sad? As the protagonist, there are also fateful entanglements that cannot be avoided! That is the beautiful girl Sakura! !

Uzumaki Naruto, who is the absolute male number one, and Haruno Sakura, who is the absolute female number one, the entanglement between the two of them cannot be completely cleared up no matter what.

No, how long has passed, and we bumped into each other again, and it was still at Naruto's house, and even when Naruto and Ino were both here...

Although it may be too much to describe it in Shura field, because Sakura is not yet Naruto's woman, but this woman's mind can never be guessed by him, and she will change her temper all the time, and her violent temper can be felt at any time. It is possible to erupt, and once it erupts, Naruto is also afraid! !

This girl's fists have the absolute power to break defenses violently. No matter who the opponent is or what level of master she belongs to, her fists are the most powerful cheats~ The bugs in the original book settings can be smashed with a violent blow The effect of defense, Naruto would not even want to try it easily! ! !

Then, Sakura shouldn't look like that today, right? ? She should have come to ask him for something, after all, she still has to perform a mission, so this girl will never dare to act rashly~~~

absolute! ! However, he is too confident...

"Hi!! Long see!" Such a sincere but absolutely classic greeting, hello! The two of them who just met yesterday, how deeply affectionate is it that they meet in less than a day... Long time no see! !

Ino chuckled, this guy, sometimes his words are really annoying.

This completely insincere sentence of 'Long time no see' really made her burst out laughing, is it true? ? ?

"Oh, long see!!!" Sakura also said the same sentence from her mouth, but the same sentence had different emotions. Ino's laughter stopped suddenly.

Then, Naruto was stunned for a moment before he understood, oh, let me go, the clothes don’t seem to be finished yet, the disheveled appearance was completely seen by Sakura’s bright eyes that don’t know the meaning go……

Especially Naruto! All of this, Naruto's fit body, broad arms, and powerful eight-pack abs are perfect~~~

Is there any? ? ? Every time I use the white magic mirror ice crystal to appreciate my body, I will be charmed by this beautiful body~~ Fascinated by my own charm.

Let alone Ino and Sakura, two nympho girls who can't move as long as they see a handsome guy, and good girlfriends, right? ? ?

Such a masculine sex, the two of them will definitely not be able to bear it! ! If it was Xiang Lin, the No. 1 nympho girl, she probably would have jumped on her when she saw such a peachy look, right? ? ?

What a pity! As long as he thinks of that woman Xianglin, Naruto suddenly feels a little regretful!

why? ? ?

Why didn't he meet that glasses-wearing lady Xianglin in the second Chuunin test in the Forest of Death?

That is a beauty! He is still a member of the Uzumaki clan, and he and Naruto can be regarded as fellow villagers! ~It's a pity, but in the end it seems that Er Zhuzi saved the beauty for the hero Hey! !

What kind of hero is that guy! At best, it's just a higher appearance, what else is there?

What? ? ? What? ? talent!

I go! Don't mention the extraordinary talent, Nizhuzi Sasuke, hello! ! Full name Sasuke Uchiha Hello! ! The Uchiha family, they were born with very good genes and very good bloodlines. Even ordinary tribesmen who do not have Sharingan,

Also a great ninja! ! Not to mention the Uchiha members who have Sharingan...

Is this talent? ? This is the inheritance of blood, okay? ? If there is no inheritance of the Blood Successor Genkai of the Sage of the Six Paths, if the Uchiha family does not have the Blood Successor Genkai Sharingan, what a fart? ?

At that time, could the Uchiha Erzhuzi get up with Naruto? ? All along, his talent is good, but Naruto just refuses to accept it! ! Now, if he is talented, Naruto's should not be bad! So, what advantages does the second pillar have? ? He and Er Zhuzi, who are both descendants of the Immortal of the Six Paths, who should be stronger? ?

At that time... Hehe, I have to snatch that super nympho Xianglin over here! !


Alas~~ I went off track again, why did I go off topic again? ! As long as he thinks of Sasuke, Naruto can't help but bury him! !

Erzhuzi still hasn't shown up yet, I will go to him after two days! For fragrant phosphorus, yes! She still has to wait for Erzhuzi to find it! !

Now here are Sakura and Ino!

Ino's case, of course, there is no need for much. This body, every inch of skin in this body, yesterday and today, or even earlier, she has seen it more than once or twice, and she has already been deeply fascinated, and it is still skin-to-skin, even the touch and Naruto's muscles The elasticity and firmness are all known clearly!

So, what about that girl Sakura?

Sakura had no expression on her face, she stared at Naruto's naked and strong body full of masculine desires without blinking her eyes, and her answer was actually...

boom! ! ! !



I'll go, hello to this house! His old look at the house! Just leave him like that? ? Is there anyone who is so worried? ?

This collapse is inexplicable, is there wood? ? !

Obviously, he showed Naruto's body so recklessly, but this suddenly broke out? ?

Who is taking advantage? ?

Who is at a disadvantage? ? ?

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that it seemed that he was the one who suffered! Naruto's brain short-circuited for a moment before he could figure out the problem.

Because... his house is gone! This house was also rented by him, and now it has been destroyed and turned into ruins! How much does this cost? ?

Although he is not short of money, he doesn't like to waste money! !

Sakura, Sakura! Sakura~~

Damn, I originally planned to let you go, but since you really like to be entangled with me so much, should never try to separate me! !

I must **** you~~~~

………(To be continued..)


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