Do you want to act now? ? Of course... no! ! What he has to do now is to observe two people. Vertex Novel Updates Fastest

Observe the strength shown by these two people!

One is Sasuke, who has been pursuing power with him all these years; and, the other one, indeed, has the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's Jinchuriki in his body, Uzumaki Naruto! This kid is that person's child! As soon as you see Naruto's face, you will think of that man, the man who is willing to bow down to Orochimaru!

he died! But there is still blood passed down! Now, what is he going to do with this kid? ? ?


Four battles! But now what really interests Orochimaru is only two of these battles.

Already very good!

There are two battles that can be seen by the always proud Orochimaru, which is not easy.

This is a battle between Kakashi and Sasuke.

The other match, of course, was the contest between Junma Lu and that little ghost with nine tails.

Sasuke is the body that Orochimaru is very fond of, because of his body, his young but full of infinite vitality. After that, when the time is right, this will be a brand new container of Orochimaru! !

Although he failed to capture Uchiha Itachi's body in the end, because that man was too powerful. Orochimaru is no match.

But it is precisely because of this that Orochimaru has seen the true ability of the Uchiha family's blood succession boundary, sharing eyes, that pupil technique, such power, if he can have it, then what else in this world is he? What can't be done? ?

His reincarnation ninjutsu, immortal reincarnation, all he needs is a new young body full of potential! Orochimaru originally thought that this would belong to Junmaru, and took Junmaru's body as his new container, because the blood successor limit of this "skeleton vein" is really strong, even Orochimaru is eager to have it.

Jun Ma Lu is also very happy.

But what? ! Sasuke's body Orochimaru desires even more!

The pupil technique of Sharingan, the potential of Sharingan, needs the same body as the Uchiha family to fully exert it. A half-baked guy like Kakashi can't do it! All he wants! !

After so many years of cultivation, Orochimaru has cultivated a Junmaro and a Uchiha Sasuke.

He also wants to see, what is their strength now? ? ? Can Kakashi and Kyuubi be killed? ?

Let's wait and see? ?

In the end, does he still have a chance to make a move? ?

As for the battle between Dou and the three of them... The former Orochimaru is very reassuring. Dou is his right-hand man. Many experiments can be carried out smoothly because of Dou's assistance. Both strength and mind are excellent. It doesn't need much attention at all.

Then there are three people, this is not worth watching! Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

The current trio is about to be eliminated, and his subordinates must be elites.

On the contrary, this Yamato, who was implanted with intercolumn cells by him back then, is somewhat interesting.


thud thud! ! !

Hiss! ! !

The roar of thunder and lightning, the explosion of fire escape, and the fight between Sasuke and Kakashi should be said to be the most intense so far.

Kakashi is proficient in thousands of ninjutsu. As for Sasuke, he is good at fire escape, thunder escape, and sharingan.

Among them, the Chidori of Thunder Dun was also taught by Kakashi!

Then, Kakashi also has Sharingan...

Sasuke and Kakashi, there are actually many similarities between the two of them, so at first, Kakashi would prefer Sasuke.

It's a pity that Er Zhuzi doesn't appreciate it! He went his own way, but he didn't pay attention to Kakashi, the teacher who taught him Chidori.

so! That's how it is now! This fight is really murderous everywhere! ! Even Kakashi is passive,

Sasuke's offensive was too fierce.

"Fire Escape. Great Dragon Fire Art!"

Several clusters of flames in the shape of a dragon's head spewed out from Sasuke's mouth. The flames hovered in the air first, and then suddenly fell down after confirming Kakashi's position. Boom~~~ The explosion burned everything around. .

Water Dungeon has water dragons, so this Fire Dungeon also has fire dragons. Although it's just a dragon's head, it's very powerful.

Huo Dun could still be like this, the flames falling from the head kept smashing towards Kakashi.

The sound of explosions sounded one after another, forcing Kakashi to be quite embarrassed.

Sasuke's strength has improved too much. It is unimaginable.

The level of this fire escape ninjutsu is at least level B, right? ? ! Is it the fire escape technique that Sasuke researched? ? Very strong!

However, Hatake Kakashi is not a vegetarian either!

"Water escape. The art of water dragon bullet." The water dragon and the flame dragon collided together, the water escape can restrain the fire escape, even if it is a flame dragon, it is still a ball of flames! Since it is fire, isn't water just right for extinguishing fire? ? ?

"Dragon fire jutsu!" Yanlong was extinguished, followed by another powerful fire escape ninjutsu.

This is a straight line of high-speed flames, very fast, making it impossible for Kakashi to guard against. The flames directly hit Kakashi's arms and were completely hit.

So... after that? ?

What will happen to Kakashi who was hit by the "Dragon Fire Art" in the middle of the heart? ?

This time, it was swept away by dozens of meters, leaving a deep mark behind.


"Sasuke, it seems that you really want to kill me!" Kakashi's voice sounded from behind Sasuke.

Just now, Sasuke's attack was dodged by him using a substitute technique.

This must be praised! Sasuke's Fire Dungeon is already perfect, and the connection is very ingenious. Just now, he was really close to being swallowed by the flames...

"I have nothing to do with Konoha for a long time! You better know this." Sasuke said.

"I knew it just now, I already felt it from your attack." Kakashi said.

"That's right! An excellent ninja can sense the intention of the opponent's attack." Sasuke smiled.

"Then, from now on, I will no longer treat you as my disciple, my student. Instead, I will fight you as a strong enemy with the will of fire. Even if it will kill you!"

"Even if it is you, it is absolutely impossible to kill me now!" Sasuke said firmly. He is full of confidence in his current strength.

Even Kakashi, who was once out of reach, is not his opponent now.

Does killing Kakashi prove that he already has power?

………(To be continued..)

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