Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 332 The Second Dance!

If even Kakashi is undefeated, how can it be possible to kill that man Uchiha Itachi in the future! !


Kakashi who writes sharing eyes!

It is the first touchstone after Sasuke left the customs. He has already cut off all the previous fetters. He pursues strength wholeheartedly, and exerts his strength with all his strength. How strong will he be? ? ?

Sasuke took out his weapon.

Grass Pheasant Sword! ! ! One of the three great artifacts, it is extremely sharp and can cut iron like mud.

This is his own Grass Pheasant Sword, which is somewhat different from Orochimaru's Grass Pheasant Sword.

These differences will make Kakashi feel better!

Sasuke held the Kusanagi sword tightly in his hand, and the chakra of the thunder attribute was injected, and the dazzling light flickered, and the blade was full of electric current.

Chidori blade!

The purpose of injecting Chakra, which is particularly thunder-like, into the blade of the Grass Pheasant Sword is actually very simple, that is, to greatly enhance the lethality of the blade.

The Grass Pheasant Sword was originally a divine tool, with hair blown and hair broken, but under such sharpness, it was endowed with the attribute of lightning, making it even more powerful and stronger in all aspects.

Simply taking the Grass Pheasant Sword as an example, its power may already be higher than Orochimaru's Grass Pheasant Sword.

And because of the nature of the thunder attribute chakra, it can also bring effects such as paralysis, and Sasuke's grass pheasant sword seems to have great immunity to physical attacks...

Kakashi used an ordinary kunai to face off against the artifact in Zuo's assistant, which is really a considerable disadvantage! During the confrontation of weapons just now, Kakashi was almost stabbed by Sasuke's Kusanagi sword... Thanks to Kakashi, he was always very cautious when fighting, so he was always able to save the day.

Well! ! In fact, Kakashi itself can be regarded as a B in Naruto!

His strength seems to be the same all the time. Say he is strong, but there are many people who are stronger than him; but if you say he is weak...but Kakashi seems to be able to pass no matter who the enemy is. Two tricks, no matter what level of battle it is, it can exist, and it can also play a big role. Isn't this a B? ?

There is no way, who told him to be Kakashi-sensei! So it can't be true! !

Facing Uchiha Sasuke who has a magic blade in his hand, and Kakashi is unarmed, it really feels weak in momentum, right? ?

So, this Kakashi must also use his weapon! !

When it comes to Kakashi's weapon, the first thing that comes to mind is probably the 'White Fang' in the young Kakashi's hand, right? ? !

That was the relic of his father Konoha White Fang.

Although that White Fang was indeed quite good as a weapon.

But what? ?

Has it been broken long ago? ? ? And a few years ago, it was taken out by Kakashi to make do with it. It had a fight with Darui, a sword master from the Land of Thunder, and the damage has reached a very serious level. .

In the future, it can only be regarded as a relic of my father, and I will take it out when I miss it occasionally...

What now! What Kakashi took out was a brand new weapon!

Exclusively for him, a weapon specially made.

The inspiration for this weapon still comes from Naruto. This is the weapon that Kakashi suddenly inspired after seeing Naruto's saber, and then was born.

Then, here we go!

The duel between the successor of the genuine Sharingan, the genius ninja of the Uchiha family, and Kakashi, a copy ninja, is a battle of life and death! !


"Nizhuzi and Kakashi fought very well, it was quite intense~" Naruto murmured.

"What are you whispering there?" Jun Ma Lu handed out a sharp bone from the palm of his hand and stabbed Naruto.

"Hehe, it's too slow!" Naruto disappeared instantly, and then appeared behind Jun Malu. Kick it out with one kick.

Now, Naruto is gradually showing his advantage in speed.


This is what Naruto has always been good at!

UI! ! !

This principle is the same at any time and in any world.

Therefore, Junmaro, who only showed one kind of dance, is being brutally abused by Naruto.

Jun Ma Lu's flexibility is top-notch, because he can manipulate the bones in his body at will. Shigumai. Liu Zhiwu, the attack without redundant movements is very difficult.

However, there are limitations!

It seems that Liu Zhiwu can only pierce sharp bones from Jun Malu's limbs, so just avoid his limbs and attack!

It's very simple, is there anything? ?

For Naruto, it is true!

However, how many ninjas can do it? Jun Malu's speed, his movements, turned like a hedgehog, it hurts his hands when he gets close! Not everyone has Gaara's absolute defense! Not everyone has the speed of Xiao Li, or a large-scale shadow clone like the original Naruto...

Although, I don't want to mention the original work! But! There must be some reference, right? ? ? So, I'm sorry...

In the original book, it was Junmaro's Liu Zhiwu, who easily neutralized the attack of Naruto's Thousand Shadow clone!

In other words, this guy is not afraid of gang fights at all!

But what! Today's Naruto is different after all! All aspects of him are far beyond the original.

After the speed is displayed, Jun Malu's bones can't defend himself! Naruto could approach Junmaro's side in an instant, but Junmaro might have just noticed it at this time, right? ? ! However, there is no time to react!

What will happen? ?

In other words, Jun Malu no longer has time to make his defensive movements, no matter how soft and concise his movements are, but, he has no time to move the bones of his limbs to resist... because!

Naruto is too fast!

"Ahem, you are very powerful." Jun Malu coughed out a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

Notice! Please note! This blood was flattened by Naruto, not caused by illness!

Rao Junma Lu has been very careful, but such a speed, even Master Orochimaru doesn't have it, right? ? Could it be that this kid who is younger than him actually has a speed that surpasses Master Orochimaru? ?

No! no! How is this possible? ?

How could he think so! That's Master Orochimaru! How could it be inferior to this kid! too weak! Or his own strength is too weak! If he can't serve Master Orochimaru, then what's the point of his life? ?

……… (To be continued..) [Imagination Chinese Website]

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