who is he? Jun Maru!

Orochimaru-sama's most devout subordinate!

What is the meaning of his life? For Oshemaru-sama~~

His firm belief made him linger on, but one day he miraculously recovered like this, and lived a brand new life! Unexpectedly...God favored me! !

It must be so!

so! He survived the terminal illness at that time! That terminal illness that even Oshemaru-sama and Kotobu couldn't do anything about... Now he has a stronger power than before! If you can't do something for Oshemaru-sama, what's the use of this power? ? If he can't kill this kid, and can't help Oshemaru-sama do something, then what's the point of his life? ? ?

What is his whole being? ? Finally, finally, a person who agrees with his existence appeared and gave him the meaning and value of existence. For this person, he will go all out and bet all his strength...

Corpse veins! The second dance! Tsubaki Dance! What follows is the movement that makes Naruto's heart tremble and his body chill...

Looking at this action, Naruto is really resigned!

Anyway, she is definitely the first to be able to play with her body like this! Still the same sentence, doesn't it really hurt? Even if it doesn't hurt, don't you feel very uncomfortable? ? ? This is my own bone!

Naruto is really speechless about the blood succession limit of the 'Bone Vein'...

This time, Jun Malu didn't have sharp bones protruding from his limbs, but started directly from his shoulders, pulling out the... arm bones of the entire arm. Hey! !

The next dance should be the bones coming out of the whole body, right? !

Jun Ma Lu didn't attack yet, but the psychological pressure this caused Naruto was great! !

At least, now Naruto felt uncomfortable in his arm. us update the fastest

This pressure is too great! ? No wonder Orochimaru likes such a body, because...he is a pervert~~~

This is the bone sword!

Jun Malu doesn't seem to be proficient in ninjutsu. All his attack methods are based on his own bones and combined with his perfect physical skills. He can already defeat many powerful enemies.

This bone sword is very hard, like steel, once fought, Naruto found it different.

With this bone sword in hand, some of Naruto's ninjutsu are useless.

The water dragon bullet was broken by the bone sword, and Tu Dun couldn't defend himself, and was pierced by this thing that didn't know whether it was a bone sword or a bone knife. Then Huodun's Big Fireball, Phoenix Fire, and even the Dragon Fire Jutsu and Great Dragon Fire Jutsu that Sasuke used to deal with Kakashi just now, couldn't work!

Jun Malu is really difficult to deal with! This is really a hard bone! There are hard bones all over the body, which can't be chewed! !

With such a strong defense, and that unpredictable physical attack, Jun Ma Lu always wanted to get close to Naruto and then attack.

Otherwise, this situation will always be a stalemate. Master Oshemaru hates to treat it. If it is too slow, Master Oshemaru will be angry.

But, I really can't catch up!

Jun Malu is also very depressed! ! !

His speed had been further improved, but he still couldn't keep up with Naruto's speed. Although he could catch Naruto's shadow, it was too late when the bone sword stabbed out.

This is the advantage of speed! If the speed is fast, you can take advantage of it. In the end, even if you can't beat it, you can still run!

run! This is the essence of fighting! There is no point in a life-threatening duel!

Where there is life, there is hope.

is not it? ? ?

Jun Ma Lu's speed is much better than before.

At least, although he was still kicked east and west by Naruto, he was finally able to respond to Naruto's attack.

The reason for this is because this is not Naruto's extreme speed!

To deal with any kind of ninja, it is natural to use what kind of means. Kimaro is not a ninja who is good at speed, so Naruto does not need to use extreme speed to attack from the beginning, just maintain a certain advantage! Of course, if the opponent is Raikage, it will be different.

Naruto's favorite way of fighting is to show off all the opponent's abilities, and then... he can absorb it! !

As long as it is ninjutsu, what is there that he cannot learn? ? ? Naruto said proudly...

Speaking of this bone vein, it seems to be the unique blood inheritance limit of the "Taketori Clan", and the Taketori Clan is also known as the "Kaguya Clan". Could this have something to do with Otsutsuki Kaguya? ? The corpse bone vein seems to be derived from Otsutsuki Kaguya's "Total Killing Bone"... In other words, there may be some relationship in bloodlines! !

After all, they both have the word 'Hui Ye'!

Naruto's body still has a lot of plasticity, can you absorb this ability of Kimomaro? ? Although it is indeed disgusting to attack with your own bones, but this does not rule out its strength! Its defense is equally powerful! ! And it can be used for other purposes too! One is a smart person who has to use one ability flexibly.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the characteristics of this ability! !

It's just that the Tsubaki Dance is not enough to watch! !

Junmalu's precise and soft body technique is a combination of the softness of Hyuga's fluid technique and the rigidity of Bamen Dunjia, both rigidity and softness. With this bone knife, Chun Zhimai's several consecutive attacks, this speed is compared to It was several times faster than before!

In Naruto, ninjutsu is always emphasized.

In fact, there have not been many skills and moves for using weapons. Junma Lu's Tsubaki Dance is considered to be the best weapon physical skill move.

Wouldn't it be powerful to directly kill all of Naruto's thousands of shadows in seconds? ? ?

This attack speed, this movement, smooth and perfect!

If it can be integrated into Naruto's own system, it will become a very powerful skill.

Don't forget! Naruto also has a sealed weapon in his hand! Learning more weapon physical skills will help Naruto use it! Otherwise, it would be strange for him to have a good weapon but no moves to match it.

To deal with Chun Zhiwu, if Xiao Li hadn't turned on the plug-in mode of Drunken Fist at that time, he might really be defeated with his original steel fist! !

Bamen Dunjia is good at everything, but Naruto always feels too blunt in his movements!

It's a pity that even if the attack speed is increased several times, it still can't attack Naruto!

………(To be continued..)

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