"I didn't expect that you would use Flying Thunder God, leave a mark on Sasuke's body, and then appear in an instant, careless! You are hiding really deep! Uzumaki Naruto!" Obito under the mask had an absolute expression on his face. It's ugly. Naruto thinks so.

He is the ultimate boss of the Akatsuki organization, a guy who hides deeper than the leader Nagato! Wearing a mask all the time, his true identity has become a mystery. How many earth-shattering things he has done in the dark these years, but why did he stumble like this just when he was about to surface?

"What do you want?" Obito said.

"How?" Naruto thought for a while, and then said: "Don't you think that the question you asked yourself is really meaningless! I've already put Kunai around this guy's neck, what do you think? What exactly am I thinking?!"

Why does Obito seem to care about Sasuke all the time? How about letting him, the leader behind the scenes, personally help Sasuke?

"Sasuke, what if you opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan? Is Amaterasu very powerful?? In my eyes, you are still so vulnerable! Haha~~" Naruto's Kunai said a little Wiping Sasuke's fair neck, blood slowly seeped out. Now Sasuke's life is in Naruto's hands. Although this kunai is just a common ordinary weapon, and its sharpness is only average, but it was Hold it in the hands of Uzumaki Naruto-sama, so! This is a different kind of kunai! Feng Dun's cutting power is endowed on Kunnai, and this sharpness can easily deal with Sasuke's flesh and blood body!

Enough to cut gold and break jade!

With just a little bit of force, Sasuke's head will leave his shoulders and move away.

Naruto is excited! Finally, he can get rid of his old enemy. The arrival of this day makes him very excited!

Although Obito was wearing a mask all the time, he couldn't see his expression, and naturally couldn't understand what he was thinking, but Naruto found some abnormal... space fluctuations? It seems to be entering a different space again?

"Hey! Don't act rashly!" Naruto moved Kunai who was on Sasuke's neck and said.

"Don't worry! I won't move! Because..." Obito suddenly laughed, "Because...you can't kill him! Maybe...you might be killed instead!"

Can't kill Sasuke? Will it be counter-killed? It's a joke isn't it? ! Now Sasuke's life is under his control, and it takes an instant to solve him! Could it be that Erzhuzi can counterattack? Now he has just activated Amaterasu, he should be exhausted, how can he have the ability to resist! But being said by Obito, Naruto always felt that there was something wrong, it was a night full of dreams, so he hurriedly killed Sasuke!

Hands up and down!

But why didn't I see the picture I imagined? ?

"What?! Could it be..." Naruto woke up suddenly, where is Sasuke? Where is Sasuke in his hand? ? Obviously it was still under his control just now? ? But, now... in an instant, everything has changed again!

The ever-changing battle situation!

Naruto's killing attack on Sasuke had no effect and turned into an illusion; at the same time, Sasuke's attack on Naruto became a reality...

illusory! Reality!

The upside-down and confusion between the two reversed the situation in an instant, turning all unfavorable factors, unfavorable for Sasuke, into unfavorable for Naruto...

This is "Izanagi", one of the ultimate illusions of Sharingan! ! !

I go! Really counterattack?

"Sasuke, Sasuke, how could you use this illusion?!?" Naruto said.

"Cough, cough cough..." Naruto coughed up blood continuously, no, no, this was not initiated by Sasuke, is this masked man Obito? ?

But...it doesn't seem right, Obito is not good at illusion! ! !

And... the spatial fluctuation just now... was not abnormal, it just attracted Naruto's attention,


This is Itachi Uchiha! ! !

The original Sasuke suddenly turned into Uchiha Itachi, or this is Uchiha Itachi at all!

By the way, it can be explained in this way! Uchiha Itachi is proficient in illusion, he used 'Izanagi' and also used Amaterasu!

Now Naruto is being burned by the flame of Amaterasu, who is known as the strongest fire escape!

This... the pain of flames is different from ordinary flames, and it is different from the ordinary fire escape ninjutsu! The ordinary fire escape technique, even Uchiha Madara's fire escape, can use water escape to resolve neutralization, but this fire escape alone can't! Because... this is Amaterasu!

Are you wearing Sasuke's clothes? ? Flying Thunder God's Mark... As expected of Itachi God!

Actually found the mark of Fei Leishen on Sasuke and put his clothes on himself, so that Naruto would not be suspicious.

That's why Naruto thinks that this is the real Sasuke, thinking that everything is under his control, and then when Naruto gets carried away, he makes Naruto so miserable in one fell swoop!

Reality has dealt Naruto a big blow!

No one in the Uchiha family is a simple person! Those who survive are all perverts!

To use an illusion like 'Izanagi'!

The highest state of illusion, plausible, plausible, impossible to ponder!

Naruto suddenly fell into such an unfavorable situation.

The situation is reversed! The key person who appeared last was Uchiha Itachi!

This is a character that can never be ignored! A man that even Orochimaru can't beat!

Although Orochimaru once commented that Sasuke's talent is stronger than Itachi's, but if you think about it carefully, is this a kind of jealousy and envy because you can't get Itachi's body?

Does Sasuke really have the power of Itachi? Itachi was at Sasuke's age, sharingan, kaleidoscope, what kind of ability did he not have? !

But! God is jealous of talents! Itachi is always just a supporting role! And it also has a strong tragic color... everything is to set off Sasuke!

But, Itachi, you still underestimate me...

"You have been hit by Amaterasu! You will be burned to ashes!" Itachi's voice was indifferent. Under Amaterasu, all objects that would be ignited would turn into ashes.

"Itachi! You fought hard for your brother!" Naruto could still laugh at this moment, and he didn't know what kind of meaning this smile contained! ?

Because of Itachi, the masked man Obito appeared! Saving Sasuke may be Itachi's request!

In the original book, Itachi was unwilling to let Sasuke come into contact with the masked man 'Uchiha Madara', but it is different now, because... Sasuke seems to be unable to stay with Konoha anymore.

... (To be continued..)

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