So... are you going to kill Naruto?

Because... the biggest resistance is Naruto! The reason why Sasuke is in a dilemma now is because of him!

Or some other reason? ? ?

Itachi's mind can't be guessed or seen through, but...

"Itachi! What are you going to do with your younger brother?" Naruto said, "Do you still throw him to Orochimaru like last time? That guy seems to be about to change his body! You are not afraid of being given by Orochimaru." Possess Sasuke's body?"

"Oshemaru has been sealed by me!" Itachi said.

really! Once itachi makes a move, he is quick and easy! As expected of the Weasel God! But Orochimaru...hehe~

"As expected of Itachi, you sealed Orochimaru and then killed me. You are going to protect your younger brother and remove all obstacles!" Naruto said, looking at the black flames burning on his body, quite depressed.

Naruto's attitude made Itachi very vigilant!

"Where is Sasuke?? Let him out too!" Naruto said.

"As you wish! Let you see each other for the last time!" Obito said indifferently,

Being hit by Amaterasu, it is impossible to survive! Obito is not afraid of Naruto, what else can he make out...

From Obito's Kamui space, Sasuke's figure appeared, this time there should be nothing wrong! Undoubtedly the real Sasuke!

"Sasuke, have you reconciled with your brother?" Naruto said.

"Hmph!" Sasuke snorted coldly, "Whether it's you or him..." Sasuke looked at Itachi, his eyes filled with deep hatred, "I want to kill him!"

It seems that not yet!

"If you don't kill me, you will die!" Naruto said with a sigh.

"Let me tell you, do you have anyone hiding?" Naruto asked.

"What's the meaning?"

"If not, then I will..." Naruto shouted loudly, even dispelling the Amaterasu flames that had been attached to his body.

"Impossible! This is impossible?!" Itachi's glasses were incredible.

How could Amaterasu's flame not hurt him? ? It was obviously burning on his body, and if he wanted to dispel it, he could only use the kaleidoscope Sharingan! But why?

No wonder Itachi felt something was wrong just now, because the power of Amaterasu seemed to be too weak for Naruto...

Naruto will not explain the reason to Itachi again, since Sasuke really appeared, then... we must kill him quickly!

Naruto appeared behind Sasuke again, this Sasuke is the real Sasuke!

Flying Thor? Why is it still Flying Thor? Both Obito and Itachi were shocked and don't know how to describe it.

The Kunai in Naruto's hand turned into a slender Chakra Knife and slashed at Sasuke, trying to split Sasuke in half, but what the Chakra Knife hit was Sasuke's afterimage!

Is this illusion?

Is it Izanagi again? ?

Damn! Sharingan a lot, right? ? After a while, I used it twice!

"Let's go!" Obito's kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes released, absorbing Itachi and Sasuke. Then, he himself disappeared.

"Run away?" Naruto muttered softly.

Ran? ? This is really... Fortunately, I ran away! If it goes on like won't be good!


Konoha's Hospital!

"En! En~ this is here, push harder, harder, ah~ sour~~" A guy who sounded lewd in his tone was lying on the hospital bed, and a beautiful girl was massaging this guy.

"Hey, it's a good day!" Tsunade pushed open the door, and this was what he saw.

"It's okay, it's okay, who made me a sick number!" Naruto was lying on the hospital bed, with a sour expression on his face, it didn't look like a sick number at first glance! It looks like a big master, a big landlord!

Tsunade rolled his eyes and walked to the bed, his big breasts flickered as he walked, it was extremely eye-catching! If it weren't for her age, this woman...Naruto would not let it go!

"Is Orochimaru really dead?" Tsunade didn't care about Naruto's erotic gaze,

As a mature and beautiful woman, she has long liked the various gazes of men!

"Eh? Orochimaru? Didn't I explain it to you?" Naruto said.

"However, I still can't believe it! After all... that's Orochimaru!" Tsunade looked rather melancholy, did that guy die like this?

"I'm not sure either! That's what Uchiha Itachi said at that time. As for whether he is dead or not, who knows? But even if he is not dead, it is estimated that in a short period of time, that guy will not dare to jump out again. !"

"In the end, didn't you get anything done on the Tiandiqiao this time?" Tsunade said speechlessly.

Is it just two patients who came back?

One is Naruto, and the other is naturally Kakashi with the side effect of Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

"Exercise, it's not enough!" Naruto directed the beauty behind me to give me a massage. As a patient, I should enjoy it!


"Oh! What are you doing?!" Naruto rubbed his head, staring at the violent woman Tsunade,

He suddenly hit him with a hammer, what does that mean? ? ! It hurts so much! No matter how restrained Tsunade's strength is, it is still very powerful! And this woman is also the kind of hateful woman who doesn't know the severity, otherwise she wouldn't have almost punched Zilai to death!

"You want to make me look like a lecherous fairy back then!" Naruto said.

A blush appeared on Tsunade's cheeks, that matter really embarrassed her!

"Hmph, Sakura is my direct disciple, why do you order her to give you a massage!?" It turns out that the crush who has been instructed by Naruto to massage is actually Sakura? !

"She is willing! Isn't she?" Naruto turned and said to Sakura.

"Ah? Yes, I voluntarily!" Sakura said hastily.

"You guys~" Tsunade opened the window, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly grabbed Naruto's arm, and then threw it hard, throwing Naruto-student out, and soon It turned into a small black spot, and there was no trace of it.

"Master, Naruto's injury hasn't healed yet, you threw Naruto out like this..." Sakura said.

"Silly girl, he's in good health! You're also a medical ninja, can't you tell? I see you, it's... oh..."

"Master, I, I..." Sakura bowed her head in silence.

"I still have a lot of business to do, come and help me with some simple things!" Tsunade said.

"That Naruto~" Sakura walked a few steps and said hesitantly.

"Whatever he does, he won't die anyway, let him go alone!" Tsunade said disdainfully.


If you want to be sour, Naruto can't do it alone. Naruto who was thrown into the air by Tsunade to be a trapeze is very sad!

... (To be continued..) [Imagination Chinese Website]

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