Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 361 Where can I go sour?

This woman, Tsunade, is so dark! Throwing Naruto out of the window just like that, violence!

Didn't I just make fun of her, and I always aimed at her big breasts, but I wouldn't throw us out so willfully!

The trapeze is really good, but we are still sick... or the number one medical expert in the ninja world! Physician's parental heart, don't you understand? ?

Poor classmate Naruto looked quite melancholy in the air, "Then girl, it must be because I saw that my injury is no longer serious, that's why I did this."

"But, can't you check it again?? What if there are some hidden diseases or hidden injuries?!"

To be honest, Naruto's injury this time is really serious!

It's been a long time since something made him feel sour, and it turned out that Naruto's trip to Tiandiqiao this time was full of tough ideas! It was so hard that Naruto could hardly chew it off!

Junmaro, whom I met when I first went to Tiandiqiao, and the cursed Junmaro behind him, transformed several times. Although the result did not make Naruto suffer, but the battle from beginning to end also let Naruto It took some physical strength, especially the last mutant Jun Maru who exploded, the curse seal was fully opened, and the blood succession limit "skeleton vein" was almost strengthened to the extreme. Although it was still disposed of, the last recruitment process, Naruto also lost a lot of power.

because! 'Recruitment' This is a very mysterious link. Sometimes you can recruit successfully without spending any power, and even the final result can increase some power, so that Naruto, who has recently reached the bottleneck, faintly feels that he needs to break through that layer barrier...

However, it is not enough!

If you can actually increase your own strength through recruitment, then it would be perfect.

Ino! Temari! white! These are the three ninjas currently recruited by Naruto.

As a result, some of Naruto's power was faintly increased! This is a form of recruitment! There is spiritual communication with Naruto, only for women~~~

But what if the recruited ninjas resist? Then destroy it! Like the Scarlet Sand Scorpion, Junmaro, especially Junmaru, recruited after death, retains the ability of life, but has no consciousness... It is the highest level of puppets...

These are the two forms of recruitment! Both can enhance Naruto's strength, but as a recruitment, they are essentially different.

therefore! The recruitment of this puppet form requires a certain amount of Naruto's physical strength.

Although it won't make him feel tired, because Naruto's recovery ability is very strong, but there is Orochimaru right after him!

Just had a wave with Orochimaru again, this time Naruto went all out! Later, even the fairy mode was turned on! Immortal Law. Spiral Shuriken vs Triple Rashomon!

That collision...exciting! ! The scene is particularly spectacular! Comparable to the power of the Tailed Beast Jade!

But, it's very chakra-consuming, okay? ? Then, with Amaterasu who resisted Sasuke, Kamui who was vigilant with Obito, but still fell into Itachi's plot, it was Amaterasu!

Naruto really hit the trick! Even though he had taken precautions beforehand, he was hit hard by Amaterasu under Obito and Itachi's "Izanagi"!

Later, it was just holding on! If they don't run away, Naruto will run away~~

But now, after only two days in the hospital, he was thrown out of the hospital. Where will Naruto go next? ?

Who do you want to go to for a sour refreshment? ?

soon! Naruto thought of a good candidate! ! !


Although he was thrown out of the window by Tsunade and made a trapeze once, Naruto didn't have any thoughts, but he never forgot Tsunade's pair of trembling big breasts. Although what he said was just a pile of fat, he didn't know How many women are envious and jealous, and how many men want to bury themselves in it? ?

"Is it okay to be a lecherous fairy?! Is there any progress with this woman?!" Naruto muttered to himself, "This is so slow, is there any way?? Can't you be like me?"

Although the lustful fairy is lustful,

But he still seems to be an old virgin, right? ? ? ? Is this... the truth? ? Has anyone ever seen a lecherous fairy flirting with other women? Playing on the spot doesn't count!

For a woman like Tsunade, guard her body like a jade! Give up the whole beautiful and lush forest? ? Great morals! Naruto is amazed, he can't do it! ! ! That's why those who are dissatisfied with their desires always go to peep at young and beautiful women taking a bath, and wash for nothing? ? ?

Because I can't touch it, but I'm still a man after all! So I have to find some place to vent! Do you just have to watch beautiful women take a bath and chat with each other? ? ?

So pitiful~~~~

Talk! Horny! Like to peek at this problem, the lecherous fairy seems to have it all the time! Otherwise, he wouldn't be almost thrown into the coffin by Tsunade's punch!

Hehe~~~ Why? who cares? Isn't Naruto's hobby sometimes, is he often go to walk around the women's hot springs? ? ? Are you used to this? ? After all... when you go there, you can always see some beautiful scenery!

Who doesn't like the beautiful body of a young woman? ? ? It’s not that there are many perverts in this world, it’s just the temptation of beautiful women~~~

Trapeze! Naruto wanted to visit the women's hot spring, but he had more important things to do!

Actually forgot a woman!

I've been quite busy with business recently, so I forgot her, it's really a sin, a sin! !

Where does she live now? At that time, it seemed that Bai was helping to arrange it, but the last time I was with Bai and Xiyan at Teacher Hong's house, my mind was full of that kind of thing, and then I woke up the next day to perform the task, Bai hasn't had time to tell Naruto yet? ? doesn't matter!

It's okay to ask now! During this period of time, Bai has no tasks to perform, and he is still in the village. In this case, all he needs is a small teleportation technique!

Although this small instant body may not be used by 99.99% of the ninjas in the world!

However, for Naruto, it is very convenient! All it takes is a small technique! !

Women who are close to Naruto all have a flying thunder god spell.

This technique is different, and it was created exclusively by Naruto! ! His Flying Thunder God technique naturally has something unique about him!

His women all have an exclusive mark!

Going right now!

The next moment, Naruto disappeared, and then he appeared in a...


Foggy, laughter, scenes are beautiful scenes.

This place is a man's dream of paradise. (To be continued..)

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