Such a powerful coercion, a Tailed Beast Jade of this size, was finally launched from Kyuubi's mouth like a shock wave, with unparalleled power and a terrifying total amount of chakra, aiming at Naruto with boundless aura It has come to the front in just an instant, and the speed is too fast...

Absolute threat!

Can't compete, can only avoid!

Even the frontal Naruto can't stand it!

In his current state, even the time limit of the immortal mode has expired, uh, it's time, although through practice, Naruto has extended the time that the immortal mode can stay several times, but there is still a time limit after all~ I told you just now In a fierce confrontation with Mianma, the fairy chakra in the fairy mode was consumed a lot, and it took a lot of time to find Obito just now. The time of the fairy mode has been exceeded. If you want to re-enter this state, It may take a few minutes to prepare, but this beast jade has rushed over...

This... can only run away!

Is it still standing still waiting to be reduced to ashes? ? ? But, in the end, Naruto really didn't move...

Because of one person!

In this distorted world, although he did not become Hokage, his strength is still so powerful, he is known as the "Yellow Flash" man! he is alive! Or... Hokage is synonymous with death, does it mean death? ? ?

Namikaze Minato!

He is like a ray of light shining in the dark night. When the brilliance shines, he has already transferred the tailed beast jade full of great threats by using space ninjutsu. He is the only one in the whole village who has this strength.

Perfect technique!

Even the Tailed Beast Jade can be transferred.

"You..." Naruto was a little dazed, because this was the first time he saw the fourth Hokage alive? ? Although in this world, he is not Hokage!

But, exactly the same!

Even the strength is exactly the same, and they look exactly the same.

"The face is numb? Isn't the nine tails in your body? Why did it suddenly appear?" Namikaze Minato said.

"I'm not facial numbness!" Naruto said decisively, his head was a little disturbed, it seemed difficult to explain the situation in front of him~

Namikaze Minato was also very puzzled, the Nine-Tails in his son's body was rioting, but why is he fine? ? And the person who is doing that on Nine Tails, why is it so familiar? ?

I'm going~~~

What's wrong with him! The development of the theatrical version of the theater should not be so fast, right? ! Can't he be allowed to enjoy a wonderful new life for two days and enjoy the care of his parents? ? What about Kushina? ? What the hell? ? ? Haven't seen it yet!

Why did this start directly in Muye Village? ? Shouldn't this be about finding a private place to settle slowly? ? ?

Can't it be delayed for two days? ? Let both parties have a good rest, can't they do some preparatory work? ? ?

That fellow Obito must be playing tricks behind the scenes! But it really shouldn't be! That guy has always made plans before making moves, and he will only contribute after everything is ready! But so anxious? ? This doesn't look like his style, does it? ! ?

Things have priorities, although Namikaze Minato is strange about what Naruto said, but now is not a good time to chat, the most important thing right now is the nine-tailed demon fox!

"Big fox, look at the trick!!"

The youthful and vigorous Kakashi yelled and yelled to bear the brunt of the blow. Sharingan opened, Raikiri released it, and attacked Kyuubi's body, but Kyuubi's body was covered with hair, but it was harder than armor!

Kakashi's Raikiri, who can cut through lightning and can be compared to the sharp blade of a magic weapon, seems to be tickling a big fox, and he can't even knock out a single red hair~~

Naruto was speechless, even his Helix Pill wouldn't have any effect, Rachel is nothing!

If you can open the kaleidoscope to a certain extent, and use divine power to transfer it to a different space, you will be convinced...

But, right away, this product is empty~

I am too tired to use Sharingan~~~

Although this Kakashi is very youthful,

However, due to the powerful side effects of Sharingan, his youthful fighting spirit was exhausted...

Kakashi who writes sharing eyes!

Although Sharingan has made Kakashi Megatron Ninja famous, it also made him bear a very serious burden. Is this good or bad? ?

Kakashi! Matt Kay! Asma and other elite ninjas rushed forward one after another, trying to prevent the destruction of Nine Tails, but this is really incomparable!

Mantis arms to block the car, overestimate one's abilities!

A pack of cats and a ferocious tiger? No! This gap is much bigger than this...

At this moment, if there is not a strong ninja to stand up, the village will really be destroyed.

In Konoha Village now, there are two Hokage masters, one is the retired old Hokage, the third Hokage Hiruza Sarutobi, and the other is this flat-chested fifth-generation Hokage Tsunade Hime...

But! One is an old man who is old and useless; the other is a woman who is too weak to fight. This Tsunade is indeed not as powerful as the original Tsunade!

The sum of these two Hokages is not as good as the fourth generation of Hokages back then!

However, this real Fourth Hokage is not Hokage in this world!

So, naturally, there is no need to bear that heavy burden!

And... If it is said that it is necessary to bear it, it is natural that he must bear it by Uzumaki Naruto! isn't it? ?

After all, it is also because of him.

Namikaze Minato in this world, his strength is still strong! But he couldn't reach his original height! The real Fourth Hokage-sama!

As said in the original book: My parents are two heroes! However, in this world, the only thing that exists is the yellow flash! Instead of the legendary Fourth Hokage! The real son of a hero is Naruto Uzumaki! ! !

Namikaze Minato also participated in the battle, and his joining injected new strength into Konoha's ninjas and cheered them up, but this Namikaze Minato is not the Fourth Hokage! Now he doesn't have the spirit and willpower to be Hokage...

When a red-haired woman also participated in the battle and was swept by the tail of the big fox, Naruto sighed, he knew! This moment! He can no longer be silent!

Finally! When I was about to end my journey in this world, I finally met her!

worth it!

This trip is not a loss!

Namikaze Minato! Uzumaki Kushina!

The meeting in this world, whether it is true or false, but the impression of his parents has finally been truly engraved in his mind... (to be continued...)

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