Although Naruto also knew that it might not be very rational to act now, but in fact, he had no other choice.

Naruto spent a lot of effort to find out the trace of Uchiha Obito, and it is estimated that it would be meaningless to continue searching like this.

after all!

This distorted world is the world created by Obito's "limited monthly reading". Even if Obito cannot control everything in this world, it is still easy to hide himself perfectly.

Especially Obito also masters the highest level of space ninjutsu, this divine power...

"Sakura? What about you?" Naruto was about to act when he suddenly saw Sakura.

"There's such a big commotion outside, how could I not notice it??" Sakura said to Naruto.

"What's going on here?! Kyuubi... it, no, why..." Sakura looked very troubled and depressed. She knew a little about Naruto's situation, although Naruto had never said it before. But according to the information learned from the master Tsunade Hime, Kyuubi should be in Naruto's body~ But why did it suddenly appear to destroy the village? ? It's almost like a re-interpretation of what happened back then...

Kyuubi attacks the village...

"Find a safe place and stay there! Don't ask what's going on, I'll kill this impostor and the guy who brought us to this world, and then we can go back!"

"Wait? Go back? Back to the original world?" Sakura asked while pulling Naruto.

"Ah, of course, otherwise? What do you think?!" Naruto rolled his eyes, "Don't tell me you really don't want to leave this place? Do you want to stay in this world? Enjoy your life The wonderful identity of the so-called son of a hero is not enough???"

"Uh?! This, this is of course not! How could it be??" Sakura smiled awkwardly, her cheeks were rosy, and she seemed a little duplicity! "Hehe, how is this possible?! Haha, Naruto, then go quickly! Get rid of them, these bastards who destroyed the village!" Sakura hurriedly let go of Naruto and let him go.

"Okay! Anyway, everything will be resolved at that time, and you can't go back if you don't want to!" Naruto said, and then disappeared in an instant. The damage of Nine Tails is getting worse and worse, and there is no need to delay! !

Sakura quietly watched Naruto disappear, in fact, she was really reluctant to part with this world!

Here, she enjoys a particularly wonderful treatment. The villagers in the village respect and love her very much. Her parents are heroes who protect the village~~

Although I know that everything in this sutra is illusory and has nothing to do with reality, I am still very interested in this world!

She originally wanted to experience this world for a few days, but suddenly, she was about to go back? ?

Then what are the scriptures here? ? Sakura is extremely depressed!

She is depressed! But who is Naruto depressed? ? In this world, there are still many characters she has never appeared on the stage!

Evening red! red beans! white!

Have these beauties still appeared? And Naruto's current goddess plus Hinata, who is a girl, hasn't been successfully captured yet? !

It's a bit early for this to end!

However, if he is really addicted to this world, wouldn't this mean he fell into the trap of Uchiha Obito? ?

Naruto was approaching this big red-haired fox at an extremely fast speed...

"Hey, Naruto, don't you hurry up and ask me to come out and exercise?" Nine-Tails in Naruto's body has been clamoring to come out, and then wiped out the fake fox, but Naruto didn't let him go it comes out!

Are you kidding? ?

At the same time, two big red-haired foxes appeared. Where is this going? ? This is a village! Being watched by so many people, and then two big foxes fighting, killing the fish in the pond, and razing the whole village to the ground? ? ?

Although it is not the real Konoha Village,

But now that he is in this world, he has to be responsible for his actions, even if everything is illusory, but at least now he is a flesh and blood existence, which is also life! In the end, Naruto still couldn't achieve complete indifference and ignorance! ! !

Therefore, we need to move the big fox and the pimples out of the village, so that we can fight freely!

At this time, Naruto's brain is particularly active, and the place in the original work is quite good!

The practice cave where the Lecherous Immortal and his father, the Fourth Hokage, lived when they practiced. That place is also the battle site in the original book, and it is not too far from Konoha but not too close. It should be just right to transfer Kyuubi!

Just do it!

Naruto had already arrived at the counterfeit Kyuubi within a few breaths, and looked at Mianma across the air!

"The face is numb, right?! I really didn't expect that you are really good! You can actually attack the village you have been living in with a ruthless hand and destroy it mercilessly..." Naruto faced the nothingness Said in the air, "Obito Uchiha, I'm afraid it's your credit again?!"

"Hehe, Naruto, you're really smart!" Obito's gloomy voice came out, and his figure appeared from the void, faintly not like an entity, but like an image, as if because this world was created by him. For creation's sake? !

Although it is his ninjutsu, but in this ninjutsu, Obito can't do it directly? ? ?

"Transfer us to the practice cave outside Muye Village!" Naruto said.

"Hehe, Naruto, why should I listen to you!" Uchiha Obito said.

"It's very simple! If you want the nine tails in me..." Naruto said.

"If you don't agree, then I will disappear. Although your ninjutsu is very weird and unpredictable, I believe that as long as you give me enough time, I have the ability to crack it! After all, in this world, any ninjutsu There are flaws!"

"Oh, okay?! Although I don't think you can do that, but if you deliberately hide, even in this world, it will be quite troublesome for me to find you!"

"In that case, let it be as you wish!" Obito said.

Whichever way you look at it, it doesn't do Obito any harm.

Although until now, Naruto's purpose may not be clear, but here, there are so many young people entangled, which is also very troublesome, it is better to find a quiet place and solve it slowly! !

... (To be continued..) [Imagination Chinese Website]

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