"Kusina??" Namikaze Minato said. . update the fastest

However, this young man...

"Are you really a member of the Uzumaki clan?" Namikaze Minato asked Naruto.

"What? Don't believe it?" Naruto said.

"What evidence do you have to prove that you are a member of the Uzumaki Clan?? And, as Kushina told me, the hair color of the Uzumaki Clan is all red, but your hair...is exactly the same as mine..." Bo Fengshui Putting the doorknob under his chin, he thought for a moment and said.

Nonsense, of course my hair color is exactly the same as yours! I'm your son~~~As for...why our hair is not red, I have to ask you this? ? ? How do I know why, as a member of the Uzumaki clan, I am the only one who is so independent and not red-haired? ?

In fact, if it's really red hair, it feels like it has a personality, doesn't it? ?

"Why are you looking at me with such eyes?!" Namikaze Minato said, why did this young man named Uzumaki Naruto look at him with such strange eyes? ? Moreover, it seems that this Naruto has become a little weird since he appeared, why is this? ?

Namikaze Minato intuitively felt that something was wrong with Naruto, but he didn't think about Naruto in a bad way. This is very strange. Why did he feel a sense of intimacy with this young man that he had never felt before? ? ? This feeling has never been seen before! Namikaze Minato couldn't be hostile to this boy who suddenly appeared, and couldn't be vigilant. This subtle feeling is really, really... indescribable!

He has three disciples, Obito, Rin, and Kakashi, but even for them, Namikaze Minato has never had such a sense of intimacy. It is obviously the first time they met, but they think they should have known each other a long time ago , His appearance made Namikaze Minato seem to be looking at himself...

"That, what? Can I see me, me, your wife??" Naruto choked, and almost made a mistake and said the wrong thing! How can you say it's his mother now? But, talking like this is really awkward~

"What's your plan?!" The boy Kakashi looked at Naruto with hostility, "Before you said you wanted to see Minato-sensei, but now you want to see Aunt Kushina, what are you doing?!"

"Hehe, this is no problem. I have time now, so you can come to my house, and Kakashi, you too, I just came out and I need to find you!"

"Minato-sensei, do you have a mission? Are you going to perform a mission?!" the young Kakashi said excitedly, performing the mission with the teacher,

Let him learn a lot of things!

"Asma, Akai, Hong, goodbye! Hehe." Namikaze Minato greeted Asma and the others, and was about to leave, but was stopped by Akai of the watermelon rind.

"Teacher Minato, can you take me with you when you perform the mission?" Akai said, looking at Minato expectantly.

"Ah? This, it's not allowed!" Namikaze Minato smiled and said.

"Why? Teacher Minato?!" Akai pouted, very dissatisfied!

"Hmph, the missions performed by Minato-sensei are all high-level and difficult missions, what are you doing with the tail of the crane that is dragging oil bottles?!" The young Kakashi said to Kai very contemptuously.

"Kakashi, you..." Akai jumped angrily, his old enemy is really annoying!

"Unlike you, I'm very busy~" the boy Kakashi said arrogantly.

"Tch, what is there to be proud of? You were treated so badly by others just now, and now you forget it??" Akai said.

"Hmph, so what?" Kakashi said.

"I saw the battle just now!" Namikaze Minato said with a smile.

"Ah? Teacher, did you see all the battle just now?? Then why don't you take action to teach this hateful guy a lesson?" Kakashi said.

"Why? I can feel that this young man has no malice towards you, but he is merciful to you! You, although you are all excellent ninjas, are still too young to withstand setbacks Ah, being taught a lesson by this friend will become the driving force for you to move forward. After practicing hard in the future, it will be truly meaningful to challenge yourself again!" Namikaze Minato said.

Naruto stretched out two fingers, and made a "yeah" to Kakashi and the others.

"When our strength becomes stronger, we will definitely seek revenge from you, and then we must wash away the shame of today's failure!" Kakashi said, Akai, Asma and the others also looked at him solemnly.

Naruto touched his nose, "It's good to have such a heart, but you still have to do what you can~ Not everyone can challenge~"

"What do you mean?" Akai stared.

This guy is not as cute as Locke Lee when he was a child. Although he is the same age as Locke Lee now, Naruto feels that he looks even older!

"Sensei Minato, why don't you teach this guy a lesson first?! This guy is so annoying!" This time it was the little girl Yuhihong who spoke. Girls always have some privileges when they talk, at least after what Namikaze Minato said just now, Kakashi, Asma, and Akai are embarrassed to ask Minato-sensei to take action again, but the girl Children can ah ~ ~

Oh, I'll go, we gave you special treatment just now, but why did you want my dad to teach me a lesson? ? It seems that if the future teacher Yuhihong can go back, then he will have to teach him a good lesson!

"Naruto's strength, even I am not sure that I can defeat him." Minato looked at Naruto and said with a smile.

"When you were fighting with Kakashi and the others just now, you already noticed my existence, right?!" Namikaze Minato continued, "I have noticed that you have deliberately looked in my direction a few times... ..."

"Haha, it's just a coincidence! If there is a chance, I would actually like to fight with you!" Naruto said. Although he is his father, he is also the fourth generation of Hokage in the future! Naruto has both respect and desire for him!

"Okay! If there is a chance, I would also like to fight against you!" Namikaze Minato smiled, "However, it can't be done now, Kushina is still waiting for me to go home for dinner! Let's go now ! I still have tasks in the afternoon!"

"Minato-sensei, goodbye!" Asma and the three said respectfully in unison.

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