At this time, Yuhihong quietly watched Minato-sensei leave. When she was a child, the prince charming in her mind was the omnipotent Minato-sensei!

Handsome and handsome! Mild tempered! powerful! Simply the perfect ninja! ! He is the idol of all girls. . update the fastest

Yuhihong wants to find an excellent man like Minato-sensei to be her husband in the future. As for what that guy said just now, he will fall in love with a boy like him, hmph, no way!


"Then what? Go to your house, can I have a meal by the way, I'm so hungry, I wanted to eat ramen, but I was disturbed by Kakashi..." Naruto said.

"Hmph!" The boy Kakashi glared at Naruto.

Kakashi was less cute than Sasuke when he was a child, but Kakashi who is bigger in the future is more humorous! I like to read some bad books and periodicals, and my favorite thing is to make love to heaven, but he has a sense of humor and can tell some life philosophies. He is a teacher Naruto respects very much, but Naruto glanced at Kakashi, then shook his head Forget it, don't say anything.


So this is my home? ?

The three-generation old man is such a jerk, he has such a good house but let Naruto live in a dilapidated house since he was a child, and no one knows his identity. What happened? What's the use? what are the benefits? ?

snort! If you can go back, you must settle the score! !

Finally, he can meet his mother...

Uzumaki Kushina!

There is a real nine-tailed demon fox in Kushina's body, and that one is so big, it is much stronger than the big fox in Naruto's body!

"Hey, Kurama, can you feel the complete big fox in my mother's body??" Naruto called out the nine tails in his body.

"Hmph, Naruto! I'm warning you! I'm not a big fox, I'm a nine-tailed beast! The most awesome tailed beast, you know?" Nine Lama yelled at Naruto at the top of his voice, really annoying.

"But, you're still a fox, and I'm not talking about you~ what are you in a hurry for?? Or... when I'm free some other day, I'll catch a fox to compare with you, and see if you have a fox except for the tail. What's the difference??" Naruto said.

"You boy,

Sometimes I really want to tear you apart~~" Nine Lamas were really thrown away by the angry nine tails in Naruto's body, in fact... Aside from its frightening reputation, this big The fox is really cute! A very interesting... pet!

"Minato, welcome back, and Kakashi, you, you are..."

"Have we met?" Jiu Xinna looked at the young man with some inexplicable feelings.

"Minato, you lied to me, don't you have other relatives?? Isn't this your relative??" Kushina's first words after seeing Naruto were actually like this... Really Lei man!

Minato smiled wryly, "This young man has nothing to do with me."

"Hmph, still lying to me? How could it have nothing to do with you?" Jiu Xinnai snorted softly, "This kid is 99% similar to you in terms of hair color and appearance, okay? Okay?? How dare you say that there is no relationship between you? Why don’t you tell the truth immediately!”

Naruto was happy, his father is indeed a strict wife, maybe he loves his mother too much? The words are so soft, as if he never gets angry, and then Naruto thought about it, and in the original book, he has never seen Namikaze Minato angry!

Even in the battle, he has always remained calm, and has never been really angry!

"Kushinai, this young man belongs to the Uzumaki clan, and he belongs to your clan!" Minato explained.

"What?? He is a member of my Uzumaki clan??" Kushina pointed at Naruto.

"Hi, hello!" Naruto greeted Kushina.

His mother, Kushina, was nicknamed "Red Pepper". She is really moody, but Sakura and the others are quite similar. If they meet, they will probably cherish each other!

"How could he be from the Uzumaki clan?? His hair is obviously yellow~" Kushina looked at Naruto, looked up and down, and felt that Minato and Minato were really like twin brothers, so much alike !

Suddenly, there was a strange feeling in her body, Kushina frowned, she touched her stomach, this place seemed to be the seal of Nine Tails~~

What's the matter?

"Kushina, what's wrong with you?" Minato quickly supported her with a concerned expression on his face.

In fact, at this moment, Naruto also had some uncomfortable feelings rising from his body, this is the resonance between Kyuubi!

Everyone is Kyuubi, although one is a whole, the other is only half left, and it has been sealed up, but Kyuubi has such a huge power, and the distance is so close, how could it be completely unresponsive? ?

Naruto forcibly suppressed the discomfort coming from his body, "Nine Lamas, what's going on? Didn't I ask you to pay attention??"

"This is the relationship with Nine Tails in Kushina's body, it has nothing to do with me!" Nine Lama said.

The Nine Tails in Naruto's body has reached a resonance with Naruto now that he has a good relationship with Naruto, so it just followed Naruto's instructions and deliberately controlled its own power.

Because now Naruto's body actually does not have the gossip seal originally set by Namikaze Minato, so the power of Kyuubi can also be controlled to a certain extent.

But, who let Kushina's body, that's the perfect Kyuubi-sama~~

A power that is completely the same as it suddenly appeared in front of its eyes, how could it make it unresponsive? ? ?

Under this emotional fluctuation, the chakra of Kyuubi was touched, so that the chakra of Kyuuba in Naruto's body could not be suppressed properly. Who made the Kyuubi in Kushina's body stronger!

"Hmph, hateful, really hateful! How can this, this, be like this?!" Nine Lama looked a little annoyed.

Naruto is now curious, why are these Jiu Lama classmates so angry? ? ? Squat in the corner and draw circles~~~~

The original fox ears drooped down, why does it feel like there is still some dejected look~~~

"It's all your father's fault!" Jiu Lama said angrily.

"What are you talking about?" Naruto was a little puzzled, "What is this? What are you blaming his father for?"

"If it wasn't for Namikaze Minato's death, I was divided into two parts, divided into two parts, Yin and Yang, leaving only half of my Chakra, and I would be restrained by Kushina's Kyuubi..."

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