Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 395 Throw it away?

That's right, how could An Lushan, a mere Hokage version, be the opponent of the majestic Naruto-sama? ? ?

Even if it is a shadow clone, but this is also a shadow clone with half of the chakra of his body~~~ Even if it is very brittle, but this brittleness is relatively speaking! Normal injuries are fine for Naruto, I hope he won't encounter any big troubles, right? !

After all, Naruto is not just a ninja in the ancient country of Loulan!

The oil girl Zhiwei (Shino's father), Akimichi Choza (Choji's father) and Kakashi, the three of them can be ignored, after all, they are just a set, but Naruto's father is a shining light Wanzhangdrop~~~ That strength is absolutely at the shadow level! Even in the film level is second to none, and then...

The current father is not yet the Fourth Hokage, but his title of "Yellow Flash" is still impressive, and he has never been defeated in his life...

In an instant, he killed the entire Iwanin raid force. With such strength, who can match it? ? ? The old man of three generations can't do it now, who made him old? ? Even if he ran into the blackened Uchiha Obito, if there were no external factors, he would definitely be able to kill him...

This kind of strength, insight into all wisdom...

Even if he is alone, he can clean up An Lushan. As for Naruto, it is enough to pick up his sister quietly. To get the only remaining princess in the ancient Loulan kingdom is his most important thing. thing? ? ?

Where his father is, Naruto really just needs to quietly pick up girls and watch plays, right? ? ? Don't need too many appearances, right? ? He can just be a second generation ancestor with peace of mind, right? ? Finally, we can have a good rest for a few episodes, right? ! Naruto wanted to drop like this, but what? ? ?

This is really...

It's a pity, after entering the ancient country of Loulan, what he encountered was completely different from what he imagined~~

Naruto meets the princess!

Although he is a princess twenty years away from his world, Naruto is still very interested. This appearance, this beauty, is definitely above Sakura! And because she is a princess, her temperament is also great. Hurry up and ask Naruto to increase his favorability, so that he can be recruited, right? ? ?

Once the recruitment is successful, you can be with Naruto all the time, you can transcend the time limit, you can age with Naruto, and all changes are closely related to Naruto...

This feels great~~~~

On one side is the beautiful ninja Zhuo Dun Hakura, who is a heroic sand ninja,

On one side is the beautiful and extraordinary princess of the ancient kingdom of Loulan. How long will it take for both sides to be completely captured? ? ?


"Cough, cough cough ~" A burst of rapid coughing suddenly sounded, and then couldn't stop. . update the fastest

It's not because of a cold, but because of a serious injury!

This time, for Ye Cang, death should have been inevitable.

For a character who doesn't have many appearances, such an injury can be said to be impossible to survive.

However, when I met Naruto-sama, it was different.

Although there are shurikens and wounds left by kunai all over the body, and there is a kunai that hit Ye Cang's vest, which is almost a fatal injury, but it is a kunai after all, an ordinary kunai, this The sharpness is very limited, and it didn't really penetrate into it, otherwise, it would be a little troublesome for Naruto to save her.

Naruto looked at this female ninja that made him feel very much, you are lucky, you met us, otherwise, you would really die!

Unwilling to continue watching Ye Cang's painful coughing and moaning, Naruto covered her graceful body with his hands...

Under the cover of Naruto's Palm Immortal Technique, the bloody wounds on Ye Cang's body disappeared at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye, and his skin was round and smooth, returning to its original state.


"En~~~" Ye Cang let out a groan comfortably, it was extremely peaceful, from the original pain and torture, it was different all of a sudden, the numbness and warmth from this body seemed to have ascended from hell to heaven Heaven.

Soon, Ye Cang regained consciousness, she opened her eyes, and saw a handsome man, he should not be very old, how many years younger than her? But it has a mature charm, a man of great taste.

"You saved me???" Ye Cang asked.

"That's natural, besides me, is there anyone else here?? Also, your injury is very serious, it is me, who has rejuvenated me, and saved you from the abyss of death..." Naruto said proudly Said.

Ye Cang was a little speechless, this guy seemed quite thick-skinned, even if he saved her life, couldn't he be more humble? ? ?

What? modesty? ?

Why? ? What is there to say, why do you need so many rules, if he doesn't speak clearly, how can he be clearer, how does this girl know Naruto's hard work in saving a life? ? ?

Naruto is still waiting for her to agree with her body!

"Ah~~~~" Suddenly, Ye Cang screamed, "I, on me, why am I not wearing clothes???"

"You said clothes, I took them off for you." Naruto said casually, as if he didn't feel that it was a matter~~

"You, how could you do this??" Ye Cang blushed slightly, and stared at Naruto angrily.

"What's wrong with me??" Naruto smiled, "If I don't take off your clothes, how can I treat you???"

"You, but, but why me, you didn't tell me?!" Ye Cang said angrily, this guy, why is he like this.

"Hehe, I think you look good like this, very beautiful." Naruto said with a smile, his eyes were fixed on Ye Cang's, without any shyness.

"You, you are not allowed to look!" Ye Cang's anger became stronger and stronger. This guy actually saw his body. If he is so lustful, is it possible for this person to treat her body when she is unconscious? Do something weird? ?

Thinking about it~~~ As long as you think about it in your heart, Ye Cang feels uncomfortable all over, and feels like goose bumps on his body are about to rise...

"Where are the clothes? Where are my clothes? Give me back my clothes!" Ye Cang stretched out his hand and asked Naruto for her clothes.

"This, your clothes, I threw them away." Naruto said lightly.


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