Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 396 Is it possible to make a promise with your body?

"Throw it away?? How did you throw it away?? Why did you throw it away? What did you want me to wear? You bastard, big gangster, big pervert, I'm going to kill you!" Ye Cang couldn't care less now , and hit Naruto with a fist in one hand, but although the strength and speed of this fist are quite good, in Naruto's eyes, it is too weak, Naruto grabbed it casually, and then played with her carefully What a joy to have tender little hands. . update the fastest

"Release!" Ye Cang shouted.

What is the origin of this guy? ? Good guy or bad guy? ? And it seems to be very powerful...

"Woman, do you want revenge for kindness??" Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly, and pressed Ye Cang against his body, moving his hands on the beautiful woman's slender legs.

"I, I just can't get angry." Ye Cang looked at Naruto angrily.

"Not angry??" Naruto laughed after hearing this, "Get rid of it, I saved your life, look at your body, it's not too much!" Naruto's words are very boastful!

"You, you..." Ye Cang was so angry that he almost vomited blood, what is the reason for this? ? ? Do we still have to ask her to agree with me next time? ? ?

"That's right, you're a ninja from Hidden Sand Village, right?" Naruto said to Ye Cang.

"En!" Mentioning Shayin Village, Ye Cang's eyes dimmed. This time, she was asked to go to Wuyin Village alone to carry out the secret mission, but what? This is actually a deal, a deal to kill her? ? ?

Poor Rosa!

Luo Sha, the fourth Kazekage of Sand Hidden Village, did this just to end the war in Hidden Wu Village. It's simply despicable and shameless, a complete bastard!

It's still Kazekage, shit!

There was a cold light in Ye Cang's eyes. She hated not only the ninjas of Wuyin Village, but also the people of Shayin Village, Luo Sha.

From now on, where will she go? ?

"Do you feel like you don't know what to do in the future?" Naruto said.


"If that's the case, you just follow me~" Naruto said.

"What?? Following you?" Ye Cang said.

What this guy means,

Do you really want to make her a promise? !

"Hmph!!!" Ye Cang snorted softly, ignoring him.

"Well, I have a set of clothes here, just put them on!" Naruto said.

"Put on your clothes..." Ye Cang looked at the clothes Naruto handed over.

It really is a set!

Underwear, coats, everything! It's just that it's not the clothes of a ninja, it's fancy, and Ye Cang puts on such clothes, which perfectly complement her beauty, making Naruto stand out...

"Next, I guess you don't know where to go, so why not just follow me!" Naruto said.

"Don't think about it!" Ye Cang said bitterly, this guy is really a super pervert, she didn't know how to avoid it when changing clothes, she was all seen...

What is this? ? ?

She is an innocent daughter~~


On the other side, in the ancient country of Loulan, the battle has finally reached its final stage.

After Naruto entered Loulan, he met Sara, the princess of the ancient country!

Then, after revealing the true face of An Lushan, it's time to start a war!

war? ?

Is there anything wrong with this? ? Why go to war? ? Obviously these things have something to do with Naruto, right? ? ? Why do you still have anything to do with him? ? In fact, he just wanted to hide there quietly and pick up girls~ But, it seems that there is no such opportunity!

Sara's physique is also relatively hate-inducing, and then, this An Lushan also attacks Sara as the first target all the time, and Naruto is the protagonist's aura, which is especially suitable for hatred Sensitive!

Combining two factors, this is really a headache for Naruto!

Why can't Minato and the others see anyone? ? ? Why has he been running back and forth with the princess? ? The shadow clone is so fragile, if Naruto's shadow clone hadn't used the shadow clone again, with a few extra layers of insurance, it would have been really bad!

However, the current situation is also very bad!

The puppet soldiers who can't be killed are the same with An Lushan, they can't be killed! No matter what kind of damage it is, it will be replenished by the power of the dragon veins. If all damage cannot hit the target, it will be useless...

However, the big spider that An Lushan transformed into is really worthy of the name Baizu! With so many legs, how come there is no helper? ?

Where's Shino's father? ?

Where's Dingji's father? ?

And what about Naruto's own father? ? And what about his Kakashi-sensei? ? ?

I'm going, isn't this just watching him fight this big spider here? ? ?

Could it be that with the improvement of Naruto's strength, has the force of this big spider improved so much? ? ?

It's not easy to fight!

Several weaker shadow clones have been broken, so is it necessary to use a big move? ?

Spiral shuriken? ? ?

This ninjutsu is forbidden! Although Naruto has practiced so far, he can resolve the side effects of the spiral shuriken, but it also needs to consume a considerable amount of chakra. In normal state, with one shot, it is estimated that this shadow clone will not be powerful, so it needs to be adjusted. Status~

Fairy mode!

Only the fairy mode is the real insurance!

However, just when Naruto's fairy mode was successfully prepared, Naruto's father finally made his debut.

Silently and unknowingly, a body appeared in an instant.

Like a gust of wind blowing by, Minato stood there, blocking Naruto's body.

"Naruto, how are you?" Minato said to Naruto with a smile.

"It's okay, where have you been? Let me fight alone here, are you sorry???" Naruto said with a roll of his eyes.

"Haha, I'm just observing his weakness..." Minato said calmly, his eyes sparkling with wisdom.

"Weakness?? Have you found it??" Naruto said, although Naruto thought that his strength would not be much worse than his father, but he was really lacking in this experience, not as sharp as Minato's father, and She has been caring about protecting Sarah, the delicate little girl, and really has no free time to pay attention to this weakness, and found this flaw...


"Naruto, use the Spiral Pill!"

"Screw pill?"

"That's right! Let's use spiral pills together!"

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