Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3206 Recognition

On the contrary, it is the movement of Tao, that is to say, everything will change, from one side to the opposite side. This is very detrimental to people, because once they are caught in a change where they have nothing to rely on, what should they do?

At this time, you need to look for the constant amidst the changes. For example, God’s commandments are unchanging, so it’s easy, just follow them. However, Lao Tzu did not promulgate precepts, and Lao Tzu's thought was not to cultivate himself, but mainly to teach rulers how to deal with complex political relationships.

Jiamujie feels that everything will change, and feels that there is no motivation in life, because no matter what he does, how can he resist countless changes?

Human beings are so insignificant. Just the change from the earth to the Land of the Dying can subvert the will of most people, not to mention how can individuals face the vast universe and the endless world without an unchanging spirit to support themselves? time?

Everything was meaningless. Jiamujie raised his gun and prepared to shoot himself.

Medical students also feel that Lao Tzu's inaction makes it difficult for people to reach the realm of Tao. It only emphasizes passive acceptance in the face of changes and is difficult to pursue subjectively.

"Life is not worth it." Jiamujie raised his gun and pointed it at himself.

"No." Arisu Ryohei couldn't bear to see others suffering. Even though Ji Mujie was an enemy just now, he still couldn't help but stop him from committing suicide.

But it was too late, a gunshot sounded, and he had to go to the next world to continue suffering.

"How could this happen?" Arisu Ryohei didn't want to hurt anyone, but now he didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of him: "Does a person have to hurt others while he is alive?"

"This is for sure. If there is benevolence, there must be unkindness. There must be opponents, and there must be harm." Duran said.

"It's so unreasonable." Arisu Ryohei felt it was unreasonable again. One unreasonable thing followed another, and this world was simply a collection of unreasonable things.

"This is destiny. When a person is born, he is abandoned in such an environment and has to face such an environment. What is unreasonable?" Dulan asked.

"Then why should we be born? Our parents didn't ask for our opinions? You know that the world is unreasonable, but you still want to give birth to me. This is selfish." Arisu Ryohei became even more excited: "I don't want to hurt anyone at all. People, but now people are dying because of me one after another, why should I have to bear such a thing?"

"You are falling into skepticism. This is not necessary. All doubts should ultimately point to a definite answer. Otherwise, why would you doubt? The opposite of doubt is certainty, which is the uncertainty caused by many changes. Uncertainty ultimately comes down to certainty,” Duran said.

"Is that what you said?" Arisu Ryohei said that he would doubt this unreasonable world.

The medical student said that this young man was indeed very similar to himself. He also doubted the world in the past, and uncertainty caused a series of doubts.

Because the outside world told him that the father is kind and the son is filial, this is a very certain answer, but he did not feel his father's care, so he encountered uncertainty. In the end, he fell into various attempts to establish certainty, in order to confirm that his father was an incompetent father, but in the end he learned that everything has two sides, and what he thought was certain was actually a kind of uncertainty, and he wanted to truly and forever To be sure, that can only be achieved by transcending the two sides and finding the transcendent way of heaven.

It's a pity that I discovered the Tao, but I can't teach everyone how to get there.

It can be said that all schools of thought are looking for certainty in uncertainty. Unfortunately, the certainty that people can achieve is pseudo-certainty, and the final background is still uncertain.

Because of uncertainty, doubt arises. I wonder why the world is not developing according to what I want, why should I go against my will?

The development of the world and the heart are consistent, which is certainty. The world and inner development are inconsistent, which means uncertainty.

For example, if you make an appointment to meet at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, it's a sure thing. But in the end, at nine o'clock, others let go. This is uncertain. Once you are unsure, you will start to wonder, why didn’t the other party come? Was it something temporary or an accident? Doubts just couldn't stop popping up.

The world is complex, and so is the heart. When two complex things come together, they will agree less often and more often they will not. Then you must doubt, and in the end you will come to the conclusion that it is best not to be born in the world, and you can completely avoid all uncertainties.

"This is not what I said. It is what mainstream religions and mainstream schools of thought are pursuing. They will ask many questions, but in the end they will point to a certain point." Duran said that this is not just what he said.

"Then it doesn't matter what they said." Arisu Ryohei wanted to doubt everything.

"Yu Ye said the same thing. Although she also suspected that the world was unfair and that her father's injustice was difficult to redress, she regarded all difficulties as mountains and climbed them unswervingly. Even if she was used to being alone, She will not be knocked down by difficulties. Facing the uncertain mountains, she climbs with a determined attitude." Dulan took out the beautiful girl, Arisu Ryohei was speechless.

"If this is her wish, I am willing to take her wish as my wish." Although Arisu Ryohei doubts everything, he does not doubt his love.

Yes, yes, no wonder Confucianism regards husband and wife as one of the five anchors. Confucianism also seeks stability in change. Father and son, brothers, husband and wife, monarchs and ministers, and friends are the five anchor points considered by Confucianism. In life, one must face these five relationships, and no one can escape. Therefore, if you have to deal with these five relationships, He's almost a great saint.

Even Confucius thought that he had not mastered it and was only at the level of an average person.

When you doubt your life, look for the five anchor points of life, the constants in the midst of change. Of course, this does not mean that these five anchor points will remain unchanged, but if you study around the five anchor points, there will be relatively few changes. If you use "don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you" well, it will basically not be any worse.

Confucianism did not admire Tao, at least not in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. However, by the time of Dong Zhongshu, they had developed a connection between heaven and man and began to pursue the way of heaven that transcended change.

Of course, there is another king of Fa, who typically glorifies the past and abuses the present. Everything in the era of Yao, Shun, and Yu was good and unchanging. This kind of thinking does not transcend ordinary life, but only sets a good example from a historical perspective. As long as you are not a perfect person, you can always find a role model who is better than yourself. This is also a constant change.

No matter how bad the times are, there is still an unchanging role model that is worthy of everyone's efforts. There will always be a role model who is better than you in some aspects. This is unchanging.

This is also the reason why many people like history. When everyone encounters a changing environment, if they look at history and look for similarities, they can find unchanging experiences and laws from history, and they will feel at ease when facing changes.

Even if Arisu Ryohei doubts his parents, his younger brother, and his teacher, he will not doubt the beautiful girl, nor will he doubt Komabe Daikichi, so his skepticism has met an object that cannot be doubted.

"Will all doubts eventually point to a certain point?" The medical student nodded: "It does make sense. Dulan, you are indeed a life mentor."

Dulan said, do you know it now? He has been a life coach for a long time.

"Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, heaven follows the Tao, and Tao follows nature." "In fact, it is to constantly point your doubts to certainty. If life changes, look at the earth. If the earth changes, look at the sky. If the sky changes, look at the Tao. If the sky changes, look at the Tao. It is a natural change, an unchanging change. There is no need to resist, just accept it." Duran said that ancient thinkers were very remarkable and knew what ordinary people were looking for and pointed out the direction.

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