Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3698 Making Trouble

Once you realize a dream, you will look for the next one. Although you don’t want to become a hunter king, it seems good to look for a gourmet continent where you can project all the flavors of your imagination into reality.

A piece of chocolate that brings all the flavors together is the clue, the evidence.

Olbia decided to find the Gourmet Continent, while Robin did not read his mother's research results, but relied on his own strength to continue searching for historical texts. Because what she cares about most is the process of traveling with her friends, not the results. Although this process is arduous, difficult, and may even fail in the end, Robin believes that it is worth it as long as he is with his partners.

I have to say that Robin has relaxed now. After all, even if she fails, her mother has succeeded, and the World Government's plan to hide the truth has failed. So even if you fail to restore history, others have, and all you have to do is enjoy the journey.

After finding her mother, Robin relaxed.

Duran said: "If you want to be a hunter, I will give you this hunter's compass. This compass will point out the destination in your heart. If you follow the compass, you can reach the destination in your heart."

Olbia and Robin have obviously never heard of this kind of compass. This is too idealistic and unreasonable. Can a compass tell what they want?

"What kind of power is this?" Olbia looked at Duran and was very doubtful, but considering that Duran could even achieve resurrection, it seemed that doubts were unnecessary, so he said: "I really doubt your strength unnecessarily. You said If the compass can point out what is in your heart, you can definitely do it.”

Robin knew that this Dulan was the man who resurrected his mother, and there was indeed nothing he couldn't do. Although I don't understand it, it is indeed acceptable.

"Okay, follow your heart, I'm leaving first." Duran and Dinisha disappeared.

The mother and daughter were still a little confused, not knowing what this person meant.

"Left? Is he just here to deliver something?" If that's the case, Robin had to say that Duran was a pretty good person. But the public opinion outside was obviously not friendly to Dulan, so I always felt a little strange.

Of course, Du Lan deliberately ruined his reputation. For a man like him, who is strong and has a good personality, if his reputation were better, wouldn't there be countless women who would fall in love with him? Dulan is an upright life mentor who is free from vulgar taste and does not want to waste time on women.

Faced with those women who are attracted by his heart, should he reject or accept them? Rejection makes the woman sad, acceptance makes Dinisha sad. Being a villain doesn't have this problem. Although there are a few women with chuunibyou who like villains, such people are in the minority after all, and they are basically never encountered, which can save a lot of time.

Duran has traveled through so many worlds and has his own experiences.

"I'm going to start a new journey. Next time we meet, I'll treat you to the most delicious food in the world." Olbia couldn't stay still.

In fact, Robin thinks that as long as it is delicious food made by her mother, her mother's taste is more delicious than any food in the world. But she has grown up and knows that her mother has her own life. She blessed her: "Mom, you must be careful."

"Don't worry, I am immortal now. But you must be careful."

Robin said: "I am basically immortal now because my body cells can continue to increase in value. Even if my body is destroyed, as long as there is one cell left, I can still recover."

"Huh?" Olbia couldn't understand that Huahua Fruit's ability could be developed to this extent. This was too exaggerated.

It is indeed an exaggeration, it has reached the cellular or even genetic level.

Robin sent her mother away and went back to join her friends: "Now I have to go back and apologize to everyone." She knew that her sudden departure would definitely make everyone anxious, and she would definitely have to apologize when she returned.

She didn't know that Luffy and the others had already found Wano Country, and the distance between the two sides was very close. The Four Emperors have also landed on Onigashima. Although they were bombed by Duran before, they mainly bombed the place where Yamato lived and did not affect innocent people.

The four emperors held a meeting here.

"Whitebeard, you didn't bring us together because you wanted us to recognize Ace's status, right? You regarded him as your biological son and handed over the pirate group to him, and now you want us to support him too, Let him be the real Pirate King?" Auntie said.

Everyone feels that the aunt is very strange now, and her thinking seems to be clearer. Could it be that she is suffering from intermittent attacks?

Because it was Duran who played for me, Auntie was mentally stable and her thinking was clear.

Kaido said: "As long as Ace marries my daughter, I don't mind supporting him."

Shanks felt a little complicated. When he stole the Nika Fruit, he believed that the Nika Fruit could bring hope, but the fruit was eaten by Luffy. But the current development and destiny are somewhat different. It seems that Ace has more hope than Luffy who ate the Nika Fruit.

At this time, if Garp jumped out and said that Luffy is the child of the Pirate King, and Ace is his grandson, in order to protect Roger's son, he exchanged the two babies, so his daughter-in-law ran away because of anger, so Everyone has admitted their mistake, Luffy is Roger's son!

In this case, the plot will be even more explosive.

Shanks knows the secret of the Nika Fruit. He stole the fruit and went to the East China Sea, perhaps to find Roger's son, but in the end the fruit was eaten by Luffy. Fate began to move, and everything became different.

Luffy became Joey Boy, who carried hope, while Ace, Roger's son, became the one who destroyed destiny. If they end up at war, there's no telling what will happen.

Now even Kaido has started to support Ace, should he support him? Shanks knew from the beginning that the treasure house at the end of the Grand Line must be opened by a specific Joy Boy. It would not work if someone else did, not even Roger. It must be Joy Boy, and it is said that the Nika Fruit has its own will and will choose its owner.

Everything should be arranged. Shanks thought that he was betting his arm on the future, which should have been a gamble that would not lose at all, but now there was a deviation.

"If I get married, I also have a daughter, and I can also form an alliance. Ace can just marry three women at the same time." Big Mom said.

Why did the emperor marry multiple women? It was just to form an alliance, just to expand his in-laws.

Big Mom continued: "Shanges, don't you have a daughter too? Marry Ace together, me, Kaido, and you, three daughters."

Shanges frowned. Few people knew about his adopted daughter. How did Big Mom get the information? Shanks adopted his adopted daughter when he was 20 years old, but in order to protect her, Shanks never announced it to the public, and also put her in a safe place.

"There are no secrets on the sea. I not only know that you have an adopted daughter, but also know the relationship between the rubber fruit and Joy Boy, and I also know that you bet your arm on the future, and you believe in the power of fate." Big Mom became Duran's mouthpiece. With a big mouth, she spilled secrets for free, many of which were not even known to Kaido and Whitebeard.

Shanks became more and more suspicious of Big Mom's source of information, and even suspected that there were spies of Big Mom among the crew.

"I suggest that we marry our daughters to Ace, so that Ace will be the well-deserved Pirate King." Big Mom opened her mouth and said, "The king always has to bear more."

"Ace is not that kind of person." Whitebeard said.

"For the peace and stability of the sea, Ace should make this choice. In this way, the four emperors will no longer fight, but can unite against the navy and finally build a happy world." Big Mom said happily: "I think Ace will be willing to bear humiliation for the sake of the world."

Everyone thought that although it would be good to marry more wives, at least the wives must be beautiful. I'm afraid Big Mom's daughters are not good enough.

In fact, Big Mom was also very beautiful when she was young, and there are also beautiful girls among her daughters.

Ace found that everyone was looking at him, obviously wanting to hear his opinion, whether he was willing to have three palaces and six courtyards. He blushed, and he had never thought about such a thing. Marrying three wives for world peace? This kind of thing is too exaggerated.

But in fact, marriage is indeed a common means of alliance, which is the case in every world. If Ace is really willing, he is indeed setting an example and contributing to world peace.

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