Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3699 Discussion

Duran proposed a marriage plan through the mouth of his aunt, and mentioned that Shanks also had an adopted daughter. Everyone doesn't know this. After all, Shanks is single and unmarried, and he doesn't look like he's raising a daughter.

But judging from Shanks' expression, what Big Mom said was true.

However, the aunt said that all three parties would have a daughter to marry Ace and allow Ace to unify the four emperors. It was a bit too abstract and did not conform to everyone's idea of ​​unifying the sea.

In everyone's imagination, they all hope to unify through strength, not through marriage.

But in fact, cooperation and unity are difficult to establish. Each class will put forward slogans and theories that are beneficial to itself, and will madly snatch benefits. The result is serious internal friction, mutual constraints, and hindrances.

The Confucians call the Mohists beasts, and the Mohists call the Confucians pigs and dogs. This is a typical dispute between the nobles and the people. We fought over and over again, but in the end we didn't solve any problem, we just continued to consume energy.

It was not until the emergence of Legalism that the monarch suppressed Confucianism and Mohism, that is, suppressed the nobility and the people, enriched the country and strengthened the army, and followed the line of expansion, in order to satisfy the interests of the monarch, the nobility, and the people. Expanding to occupy other countries' land and wealth is distributed to everyone, and everyone can happily deflect conflicts.

Legalism solved the endless internal friction and finally occupied the dominant position in the Warring States Period. Qin State, through the most thorough reforms, turned the country into an integrated machine, expanded crazily, and finally unified the world. But as the expansion ended, the internal centripetal force was lost and it collapsed.

Therefore, there are only a few theories that allow monarchs, nobles, and people to cooperate. Most of the time, the three parties fight with each other and waste time.

The thing that everyone imagines that all classes suddenly fall in love with each other will not happen at all. Everyone will put forward theories that are beneficial to themselves and start wars with each other.

The so-called cooperation is mostly about external expansion and grabbing profits together, rather than everyone really wanting to cooperate. And when they cooperate, one force suppresses the other forces, instead of all forces loving each other. On the sea, everyone is full of illusions about the cooperation of the four emperors. They think that the cooperation between the four emperors must be to show their strengths and help each other. In fact, they have greatly overestimated the level of the four emperors.

Being able to propose marriage and cooperation is already an unexpected and major breakthrough. It was more polite to not bring up Legalism and let the four emperors expand externally together and share the benefits.

The monarch is the absolute authority to suppress the nobles and the people. At the same time, the monarch promises everyone to enrich the country and strengthen the army. If the monarch cannot achieve this goal, everyone will naturally rebel against the monarch. The monarch's suppression did not happen for no reason. It was the monarch who made a promise. Wouldn't it be beautiful for everyone to stop internal friction and expand together? As soon as everyone heard about this good thing, they calmed down.

But this is when there is room for expansion. The Qin Dynasty has proved that once there is no room for expansion, it will be difficult for the monarch to unite everyone. Finally, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty found a way. The monarch united with the small sects to suppress the large sects, forming an internal flow. Then, win over the poor families to suppress the wealthy families, win over the common people to suppress the scholar-bureaucrats...

Anyway, it is to form a union internally.

"The world is like this. We compare the total amount of resources to ten, and there are three parties competing for resources: the monarch, the nobility, and the people. Ten divided by three is inexhaustible. And the extra 1 is used to solve social conflicts. Yes, but in order to give themselves an advantage, monarchs, nobles, and people will frantically grab 1. In the end, 1 will become less and less, and there will be less and less resources to solve social problems. As a result, society will collapse. This will take about a hundred years. Cycle. At this time, if the monarch says that everyone will cooperate to expand and expand 1, then everyone will be happy. The larger the number 1, the more resources will be used to solve social problems, and the safer everyone will be. The law of operation: "So we either expand 1 or form cooperation to squeeze resources from the monarch, the nobles, and the people. The cooperation between the monarch and the people to suppress the nobles is the Han Dynasty. This is almost a 250-year cycle ”

Everyone looked at the aunt as if they had seen a ghost, because these words coming out of her mouth were so weird. The image of the aunt has always been that she only cares about what she wants, and can even ignore her family. It can be said that she is a powerful woman without any sense of the overall situation. On the contrary, her second son has a better outlook on the overall situation and has the charisma of a leader.

But now the aunt talks about class and keeps silent about the rules. No matter how you look at it, it is too weird and not scientific at all.

"What's wrong? I know I'm as beautiful as a flower, but you don't have to look at me like that." Dulan's words combined with Auntie's old face were too lethal.

Kaido said: "I can't even understand what you said. Are you sick?"

"The way of heaven damages more and makes up for the deficiencies; the way of man damages more than it takes and makes up for the deficiencies. That's what it means." Dulan said: "In short, there are fewer and fewer resources to solve social problems, and the result is chaos in the world. Just like it is now. , if you want to prevent chaos, Ace can become the pirate king, defeat the navy, then suppress the heroes, unite the people to suppress the nobles, wouldn't it be beautiful? In Wano, he can also unite the small sects to suppress the large sects. In short, it can be tried before. I suggest that everyone choose a class for management and put forward their own ideas.”

Everyone can definitely put forward ideas that are beneficial to themselves and use this to grab resources. At the birth of human classes, the struggle of ideas has already broken out, not only in the East, but also in the West, and also in religions.

In religion, the struggle over whether to have a trinity of one god or three trinities has lasted for hundreds of years. The trinity is good for the common people, and the trinity is good for the nobles.

The trinity is to believe that the Son of God and God are one, and believing in the Son of God is believing in God. The trinity believes that the Son of God is the Son of God, below God and above humans, and is a demigod. And they also have favorable scriptures to support themselves, because God created the son, and it can't be said that he created himself.

But the problem is that the trinity is good for everyone. Why don't people believe in God, but believe in the Son of God? It is because the Son of God took on the sins, which lowered the threshold to heaven to the level of the general public. To believe in God and go to heaven, not only must you complete God's contract, but you must also buy an indulgence, so ordinary people can't go in.

This is the same as whether ancient people can change their identities after death. At the beginning, people were oppressed when they were alive, and they were oppressed after death. Then there was a saying that people are becoming more and more equal after death. The same is true for entering heaven. At the beginning, not everyone was qualified to enter. It was the Son of God who took on everyone's sins, so everyone could easily go to heaven.

Therefore, the Trinity meets everyone's needs, and the threshold to enter heaven is very low. Just like Zen Buddhism, the threshold to become a Buddha is very low, and you can become a Buddha immediately after putting down your butcher knife.

The Trinity is beneficial to ordinary believers, and the Three Bodies are beneficial to wealthy believers. Sudden enlightenment is beneficial to ordinary people, and precepts, concentration and wisdom are beneficial to nobles. Even religions have different class struggles, and they need to decide who wins and who loses.

Not to mention other aspects, there are shadows of struggle.

In short, everyone has a theory that is beneficial to themselves, and they will do things in a direction that is beneficial to themselves. But is everything fine?

Obviously not. If Confucianism and Mohism can solve the problem directly, then Legalism will not be able to stand out. The problem is that everyone's theory is to compete for their own interests, and what is destroyed is the foundation of society. In the end, the interests are grabbed, the society collapses, and the civilization is eliminated.

It is not unreasonable for Legalism to stand out, because it can ease differences and expand together, which is much more useful than Confucianism and Mohism.

Of course, as the largest ideological system in the East, Confucianism is not static like religion. Confucianism also has many factions like religion and has undergone many reforms. The Confucianism of Confucius, Mencius, Xunzi, Dong Zhongshu, and Zhu Xi are all different. Confucius is biased towards the aristocracy, Mencius is biased towards the people, Xunzi is biased towards the monarch, and Dong Zhongshu and Zhu Xi respectively established contracts between the monarch and the small clan and the poor.

Confucianism has changed the most and absorbed a lot of external ideas. It is no wonder that Confucianism is Confucianism. However, Confucianism does not have heaven, reincarnation, or the afterlife settings of religion. It just teaches people: if you are poor, you should be good to yourself, and if you are rich, you should help the world. If you want to turn over, turn over while you are alive, don't think about turning over after death.

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