Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 384 Night Talk

"Dad, I said, is it interesting for you to hang out with those little kids all day?" Saori really couldn't understand her father.

She didn't know that in Dulan's eyes, those people in Qingxue were all her fond memories of her time on Earth.

"Saori, don't underestimate your father. Your father has admirers now. I heard that there was a girl named Haruhi Suzumiya in the first year of high school. She also imitated what your father said, 'I'm not interested in ordinary people. People from the future, aliens, superpowers, and visitors from different worlds are welcome to find her." And she joined most clubs in high school, and all of them were approved by the presidents, but unfortunately they all quit the clubs in the end. That lady Now he is a legendary student in the school." Denisa looked at Duran with a smile, but that smile made Duran feel uncomfortable.

"Hehe, don't look at me like that. I'm not the one who brought people into trouble." Dulan expressed his injustice, "Honey, how did you know about that Suzumiya classmate?"

"It was she who came to me and said that she wanted to set up a club by herself and wanted me to join it."

It really made Duran gasp, Suzumiya Haruhi really caught one of them accurately, aliens, people from the future, people with super powers, all of them were found by her, and now even people from other worlds are very accurate.

"You agreed?"

"That's not true. Her club hasn't been established yet. I guess she will have to apply to the student union tomorrow."

Looking at Denisa's snickering expression, Duran knew that Denisa would definitely join, and maybe she had already discovered that Haruhi Suzumiya was different.

At home, Shanai and Qianqiu started a fight again, they were discussing about kissing.

Xia Nai wanted to try the feeling of kissing, so she ran after Qianqiu.

"It's sisters anyway, it's okay to kiss!" Xia Nai said.

"don't want!"

"Come on, just take a moment!"

The two sisters run around the house until the older Shane catches up to Chiaki. Pushing Qianqiu onto the tatami, Shana pursed her lips and was about to kiss her.

But Qianqiu would rather die than obey, dodge left and right, just can't let Xia Nai succeed.

"My sister, don't you want your elder sister to kiss you?"

"don't want."

"Then it's up to you, woo woo woo—"

Shane is really naughty.

But Duran and Denisa don't care, because this is a family.

"Xia Nai, you are too young now, you shouldn't touch these things." It was Saori who spoke.

"Sister Saori, do you know what it's like to kiss?" Xia Nai said.

"This problem, you will know when you grow up."

"I'm already in the second year of junior high school, I must understand today!" Xia Nai was really persistent.

"Idiot, let me go!" Seeing that Xia Nai was coming again, Qianqiu struggled to get away.

"Qianqiu, as expected, I still can't do it?" Xia Nai made a sad expression, "Then if it's Chunxiang, would you like it?"

As she spoke, she stood up with a small jump and pushed her eldest sister over.

Qian Qiu looked at her elder sister's plump lips, her cheeks were flushed.

"Huh?" Chunxiang expressed that she was under a lot of pressure. Does she have to give her first kiss to her younger sister?

"Okay, you three, you are still too young, when you grow up and find your beloved other half, you will understand everything." Denisa said, "Okay, it's not too early Come on, Xia Nai, stop making trouble, you should go take a shower."

That night, Denisa suddenly became quiet.

On the balcony, Duran and Denisa stood side by side, looking up at the stars in the sky.

"Are you worried about your children again?" There are only a few daughters who can make Denisa like this.

That's right, Denisa is worried about her daughter's future, "We have been traveling in various worlds, and basically have no time to settle down. I am worried that my daughters will not have a complete life."

Just like the time when Denisa was making a big sword, if Duran hadn't appeared, she would at most be a woman, not a woman.

"Dinisha, don't worry, it's like when we left Saori in the Naruto world. We thought we were doing it for the child, but ignored the child's own opinion. The harmed Saori finally took the risk of time travel in order to find us And Claire, she chose to marry Lackey, which is actually her own choice. If the children feel happy, even if they travel all the time, they will be willing. We just need to respect their choices. Our My daughter is the best in every aspect."

Denisa and Duran hugged each other, she was very moved.

But Dulan didn't finish his sentence: "Besides, even if the children stay in the world they like, can't we still have another life?"

"Looking for a beating!" Denisa didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and of course she wouldn't really be beating her, she just lightly tapped her husband's chest.

In fact, at the state of Dulan's family, the life of mortals will no longer restrain them. They can see farther, transcend the cycle of life and death, and pursue the so-called Tao.

It's just that Dulan didn't have this awareness, so his family followed him to play games in various worlds.

Saori heard the conversation of her parents. She is the biological daughter of Duran and Denisa. In fact, she thinks that as long as the family stays together, she is satisfied.

As for Robin and Mikasa, they were willing to leave their respective worlds, and they also saw all kinds of different worlds. They are very satisfied with this kind of travel. Every new world can give them new senses, and they can also learn a lot of different knowledge.

The three sisters of the Nan family are just ordinary people, and they are sleeping soundly now.

"There are so many gods in this world!" On the second day, Duran finally saw the legendary time node, the observation object of the information system and thought body, and the god of superpowers, all these titles were concentrated in one body girls.

"SOS group? The group of 'Suzumiya Haruhi's group that makes the world more lively'?"

"Yes, that's right!" Haruhi Suzumiya said with his head raised like a proud hen, very confident.

"You should know the rules. There must be no fewer than five members in the club, and you must have a consultant to set up a club." Duran said.

"I know, I've already found five club members and a consultant teacher."

"Well, then, I will..." Duran drew his tone, " reject your application."

"..." Haruhi Suzumiya opened his eyes wide, and couldn't believe that the club he applied for would be rejected, "Why?!"

"Because I also want to make the world more lively, well, you can go back now, if you figure out what I want to say, I will let your application pass." Dulan is very bad.

As long as Haruhi Suzumiya is unhappy, the world will be lively.

As long as Haruhi Suzumiya is not happy, other SOS members will not be happy either. But such a result can make Duran happy, basing his own happiness on the pain of others, Duran finds this very interesting.

ps: This is from yesterday, the website could not be logged in yesterday, but it is finally normal today.

In addition, the new book "I am the Empress" is looking for collection, the plot has already unfolded, and it has transformed into a lily text.

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