Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 385 Prelude to World Destruction

"Are you saying that these monsters appear because Suzumiya-san is in a bad mood?" There is a huge cicada-like monster in front of Ah Xu, and beside him is Yuki Nagato, a student from the Literature Club. The last member.

"That's right." Nagato Yuki used her characteristic low voice to say a long section of nouns that Ah Xu didn't understand at all, "However, according to the analysis of the feedback data, I can't find the singularity of Haruhi Suzumiya. But the abnormality of the information It won't appear out of thin air, so she must have encountered something?"

Nagato Yuki looked at Ah Xu through the lens, as if asking what happened to your classmate Haruhi Suzumiya.

But how did Ah Xu know, "The monster is coming!"

This is the corridor of the school, but only Ah Xu and Nagato can hope for the monsters that appear out of thin air. All the classmates who came and went ignored this hot scene.

"Nagato-san, think of a way!" Ah Xu's soul was about to be scared away by the monster.

"If Suzumiya-san cannot calm down, the abnormal information will not disappear."

"Ah, how did this happen???!!"

The two-meter-tall cicada stared straight at Ah Xu, then flew up, and a puff of smoking liquid came out of its belly.

"The corridor is corroded—" Ah Xu screamed.

Nagato Yushi pulled Ah Xu by the collar and jumped out of the window in the corridor. Ah Xu felt dizzy, and then a terrifying scene came into his eyes.

The whole school, all the buildings are covered with that huge monster cicada.

"The abnormality of information is still increasing. I can only control it for a while. Soon they will affect the real world. By then, this planet will be occupied by this kind of cicada. So you have to find Suzumiya-san's singularity before things get out of control " After speaking extremely fast, Nagato Yuki pushed Ah Xu out of the different space.

The last scene Ah Xu saw was that countless cicadas rushed towards the thin Nagato-san.

"Nagato-san—" Ah Xu felt that he was really useless, unable to do anything.

To save Nagato-san, yes, go to Suzumiya.

The classroom, the playground, and the activity room, but Suzumiya was nowhere to be found.

"Where did you go?" Ah Xu was almost too tired to stand up, but he had to look for it, otherwise Nagato-san would be in danger.

At this time, Suzumiya Haruhi was venting on the rooftop because the association application was rejected, "Bastard, bastard."

Without Duran's signature, the SOS group cannot be established.

And in the alien space established by Nagato Yuki to control monsters, Da Moe is fighting hard.

"Is it because of Suzumiya-student's mutation? Could it be that the divine power has been transferred because of the destruction of the Kingdom of God?" Denisa was a little puzzled.

But Duran didn't have these ideas, because in such a world, some things don't need to be pursued. Because there are many things that are unreasonable, such as Duran himself, but since they exist, even if they are unreasonable, it doesn't matter.

"Honey, what do you think of this alien?" Duran said.

"Very nice girl."

"I just don't know why the alien made the humanoid terminal into such a cute girl?" Dulan felt that the information system and thought body must not be a good bird, and he can discuss art ideas with him when he has time. .

"Since we are observing Suzumiya, of course girls are more convenient." This is Denisa's opinion, "No, that girl is in danger."

Although Nagato Yuki is powerful, he is outnumbered. He is gradually approached by monsters, and he is about to be hit by corrosive liquid. Fortunately, Denisa has been paying attention, so she immediately teleported to help Nagato Yuki.

With just a wave of his hand, all the huge cicada monsters were blown away by the strong wind, hit the wall of the teaching building, splashed green blood, and died.

"..." For Denisa who suddenly appeared in his own space, Da Mengshen opened his eyes wide, as if he was analyzing the information of this situation.

Unfortunately, there is too little data to analyze.

"You are Denisa-senpai." Nagato Yuki knew Denisa.

"Hello, Nagato-san!"


Facing Denisa's smile, even Da Meng Shen was captured.

Nagato Yuki's fair face was flushed.

A batch of monster cicadas have been killed, but as long as Haruhi Suzumiya does not return to normal, the cicadas will be refreshed again, and the number will be even greater than the first time.

"It's really annoying!" Seeing another group of cicada monsters appearing, Denisa stretched her right hand, and all the cicadas were frozen, "This should delay some time."

"Who are you?"

"I am a different world warrior from another world." Denisa said.

Denisa's answer was not unexpected. Nagato Yuki knew that Denisa must also be one of the weirdos mentioned by Haruhi Suzumiya, but he couldn't be sure which one it was.

"As long as Haruhi Suzumiya doesn't return to normal, these things will continue to appear." Just as he was speaking, many monsters had already appeared, and they were getting bigger and bigger.

"It's really not a flattering thing." Denisa said.

Outside, Ah Xu was still searching, and suddenly he remembered that Haruhi Suzumiya seemed to be going to submit his application today, so he found the student union.

"Excuse me, has Haruhi Suzumiya from our class been here?" Ah Xu found Dulan.

"I've been here, but I've already left! What's the matter, that wayward lady dumped you? Are you going to kneel in front of her to repent and get her forgiveness?"

"President of the student council, stop joking." Ah Xu was in such a panic now that he wasn't in the mood.

"Ah Xu, Suzumiya Haruhi's words should be on the rooftop, you should go find them."

Before he could think about why Dulan knew his nickname, Ah Xu ran away.

Dulan followed, he really wanted to see how much influence Ah Xu had on Haruhi Suzumiya.

On the rooftop, Ah Xu finally found Haruhi Suzumiya.

"Student Suzumiya, so you are here." Before going up to talk to him, he took a few breaths, Ah Xu didn't want Haruhi Suzumiya to see that he was in a hurry.

"So it's you, Ah Xu, what's the matter with you?" Suzumiya's expression was not very good-looking.

Ah Xu also noticed it, so he laughed, "It's not a big deal, by the way, how is the application for the club going? Did it go well?"

As soon as Ah Xu mentioned it, Haruhi Suzumiya's complexion became even worse.

If you want to suffer, it must be not going well.

"That nasty student council president refused my application because he said he wanted to make the world more lively." Haruhi Suzumiya didn't hide anything from Ah Xu.

Sure enough, it's not going well? How could such a random reason be accepted? Ah Xu understood Dulan's original intention in this way. But I didn't know that Duran was not so serious. If this kind of unknown society cannot be established, then I can return to my normal life, which is just in line with Ah Xu's wishes. At this time, Ah Xu still didn't realize how much influence Suzumiya Haruhi had on the world. I just feel that my female classmates are too selfish and won't consider other ideas.

"It really is a bastard who rejected your application, but it's nothing, anyway, that kind of abnormal club is not very interesting." Ah Xu, you are adding fuel to the fire.

"Ah Xu, you are also an idiot!"

Haruhi Suzumiya was in an extremely bad mood.

At this moment, Ah Xu saw a crack appear in the mid-air, and the head of a huge cicada monster several stories high struggled to rush out of the gap.

It's over, I said the wrong thing.

The gap is getting bigger and bigger, and Ah Xu is getting more and more nervous. Is the world going to be destroyed?

ps: The new book "I Am the Empress" is for collection and attention.

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