Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 391 **Future Man

Chapter 391 Future Man

"Isn't this Seiya? Don't protect your Athena, what are you doing here?" Dulan was surprised, why he suddenly saw Seiya.

In fact, Seiya came to urge Duran to quickly put the golden saint back, because the zodiac is empty, which is really impossible. But Seiya didn't say directly, "I'm here to see if your work is going well."

"It went very well!" Duran said, "I think the global simultaneous public beta will be available soon. But now I have new attention, so the Golden Saints will stay here for a while."

Yep Duran has an idea again, a nice money-making note.

Seiya smiled wryly, now that the twelfth house is empty, what kind of thing is this, "How long will it take for the gold saints to complete the task."

"Could it be that Athena lacks a sense of security? If so, can she come to Japan. Anyway, this is her second hometown."

"Athena also needs to guard against enemies in the dark, and cannot leave the sanctuary casually."

"Okay, I will let them go back as soon as possible. But the holy clothes will be kept for exhibition, anyway, you saints can let the holy clothes fly to you as long as you explode the small universe. Is this request okay?"

"No problem!" As Dulan said, as long as the person is in the twelfth house, if there is a situation, it is not a matter of calling the holy cloth every minute.

Seiya still has friends in Japan, so he went to visit his friends after bidding farewell to Duran. In fact, Sanctuary's life has improved a lot now, and there are indeed a lot of properties under the name of the city households, so Sanctuary has more surplus funds.

It's not easy being a goddess.

Seiya was sent away, and a new guest came. But it's the adult version of Asahina Mikuru.

"Mr. Duran, it's the first time we meet, please take care of me."

"It's not the first time we've met, isn't it? I just met Miss Asahina Mikuru." Dulan felt that compared with the younger Miss Asahina, except for the relatively big change in personality, the appearance was indeed similar.

"Mr. Duran, do you have time now?"

"Are you talking about the current me, or the future me? The present me doesn't have time, because I'm talking to you, and the future me doesn't have time, because the future me will also talk to you. So..." Talking like this is very tiring, but Duran thinks it's interesting to talk to a future person.

"Mr. Duran really has an unexpected sense of humor. Since you, now and in the future, spend all your time talking to me, then I'll just say it straight!" said Oasahina in a professional female uniform.

"Please, speak freely..." Dulan paused, because he remembered the characteristics of this future man, "It seems that you can't say whatever you want, so please say everything except the 'prohibited items'."

Oasahina didn't find it strange that Duran knew her so well, because her boss had told her that Duran was an unpredictable person.

"Then please forgive my offense and please leave this world."

It was really direct, but Duran was very calm, "Then there must be a reason for me to leave. I'm listening, you give me a reason first."

"Because of your appearance, the time gap has become more serious."

"That's it?" Duran felt that the gap between the time planes had grown larger and had nothing to do with me.

"Yes, because of your existence, Haruhi Suzumiya has become more unstable, and the gap between time has become more and more serious. If this continues, time travel will no longer be possible."

"You can't travel in time. What does it have to do with me? Why did I leave? Besides, it's not because of Suzumiya that you people in the future lose the ability to travel in time. Why don't you let her leave this world?"

"Because the emergence of Suzumiya is a natural choice, it is an inevitable process in this world. We need to observe Suzumiya to decide what coping strategy we will adopt when encountering such a phenomenon again in the future." Oasahina said.

Having said that, Duran was very interested, "It seems that you are not only concerned about the issue of time interval, but you have some foresight. But I don't think there will be many such existences as Haruhi Suzumiya."

"It doesn't need much." One or two is already enough, that's what Oh Asahina meant.

"I'm curious, if you surround yourself with Suzumiya-san like this, can you get useful information?" In Dulan's view, a group of people wanted Haruhi Suzumiya to do what he wanted because they didn't want the world to be affected. Can the collected information be used under such circumstances?

"This..." Asahina fell silent.

Duran saw that the other party seemed to be recalling something.

"Because Suzumiya is my friend. Although she is self-willed, a friend is a friend. Even though my task is to observe her, as a friend, making her happy is what I should do."

Now it was Duran's turn to be speechless, although he looked down on the aliens, future people, and superpowers in this world. But just looking at the three members of the SOS group, they are indeed good friends of Suzumiya. Although each has a mission, they still choose friends instead of missions at critical times.

"Then are you asking me to leave this world from the standpoint of future people, or from the standpoint of Suzumiya friend?"


"It's not easy, I haven't made this world lively yet. How about this, you can also give me the treatment of Suzumiya classmate and send some people to join the student union." Duran said jokingly.

"That won't work." Oasahina immediately refused.

Although Duran is powerful, he has not reached the level of Suzumiya Haruhi.

Haruhi Suzumiya's influence on the world is all-dimensional and three-dimensional without dead ends. Time spans the past and the future, and space covers the earth and the universe. Although this kind of influence is not subjective, but powerful is powerful.

"Since that doesn't work, then I can't leave this world for no reason. Of course I can't. Because I haven't played enough. Well, when I want to leave, I will tell you in advance."

What's the use of this, now that Suzumiya is becoming more and more active, it is possible to completely cut off time at any time.

But obviously Duran is not going to leave, and he seems to have nothing to do. The boss can't complete this task at all.

"Mr. Duran, since that's the case, please don't provoke Suzumiya anymore. If she knows her ability, the world may collapse in an instant."

"Then build a new world."

He is really a guy who can't communicate at all, do people from other worlds hate him so much? Oh Asahina hadn't been so angry for a long time, and Dulan didn't make much money.

"Actually, you didn't say that time is made up of countless layers, so what happens now will only affect this period of time and will not affect the future. If you want to talk about influence, at most it means that you future people can no longer travel through time freely. Is time travel important to you?" Duran's brain hole suddenly opened, "Could it be that you future people have no place for you to live, so you can only live in the past, and time travel is your way of life?"

"It's prohibited."

After finally hearing this sentence, Duran expressed his satisfaction, but he took out the camera, "Please repeat the previous sentence again."

There are so many strange things in a relaxed school drama. Dulan really wants to find trouble for nothing, and he will feel uncomfortable if he doesn't make things bigger.

ps: The new book "I Am the Empress" is for collection.

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