Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 392: Isn't It Reverse Derivation?

"My idea is not bad. The twelve constellation mobile phones can synchronize the game in the real world anytime, anywhere, and discover copies. Although you can't enter the game immediately, you can mark it once. That is to say, in the real world The dungeon mark can appear in the game world." Dulan felt that his attention was not so good, and it could also increase his income.

"Then are you going to set up a mobile communication equipment company by yourself, or find a partner?" It was Denisa who was speaking. Of course, she didn't play games, and she was not interested in games.

"Of course I let the main god do it. I'm only in charge of selling."

"Aren't you afraid of affecting the financial environment of this world? Without the process from raw materials to parts to finished products, capital operation is incomplete."

Duran wondered when Denisa began to care about finance.

"It's okay, even if everyone owns a mobile phone, there won't be much capital flow. My game equipment is also made by the Lord God, and I sell it." Dulan felt that it didn't matter, because the world was just like that, and he could Where is the bad.

This world is the most chaotic world Duran has ever encountered, it is simply a mess.

"By the way, Denisa, what do you think of that future man?" Duran suddenly remembered Oasahina who had left angrily.

"Haruhi Suzumiya does have that ability, although it doesn't seem like much to us. But whether it's people from the future, people with superpowers, or people from the universe, they are different from us. We can leave this world through the gate of no boundary when we have played enough. But they have to live on the earth all the time, so Haruhi Suzumiya's ability is undoubtedly very powerful for them, especially for future people and superpowers. There is a person who can destroy the world or create the world at any time God exists, so it's no wonder they aren't nervous," Denisa said.

Duran nodded again and again, and Denisa was right. They were just spectators, not players in the game, so when Duran stimulated Haruhi Suzumiya without any scruples, the others were extremely nervous.

In the game, the SOS group already understood the rules of the game, but they still couldn't find a way to get out.

"Ah Xu, go and find the leader, we will continue to study how to get out here!" Gu Quan said.

Ah Xu didn't want to go to Suzumiya, but seeing that the three of them were looking at him, he could only go there. But where Suzumiya is now, he doesn't know.

"You can keep searching along the road from the school to her house. Anyway, if we find a way to leave here, we will look for you." Gu Quan told Ah Xu the address of Suzumiya's house. Their organs are really pervasive, Ah Xu looked at Koizumi strangely, as if he was looking at a gentleman who likes to pry into privacy.

"Then what if you can't find it?" Ah Xu said.

Koizumi smiled innocently, "You will find it."

Ah Xu is the person chosen by Haruhi Suzumiya, and there is a subtle connection between the two.

Ah Xu was pushed out of the activity room, and walked around in the deserted school.

Ah Xu always thought that he would live his life in an ordinary way, but since he entered the first year of high school and met Haruhi Suzumiya, his daily life has become very strange.

First, he was captured by Haruhi Suzumiya, and then he was involved in strange incidents, surrounded by a group of strange people. Ah Xu asked himself that he was just an ordinary person, neither a person from the future, a person with superpowers, nor a person from another world, or a person from the universe. If Suzumiya is really a god, why would he choose an ordinary person?

Ah Xu didn't understand, and the others didn't know the answer, maybe only Koizumi, a precocious guy, knew that when people get along with each other, they will use various emotions to maintain the relationship between the two parties.

There is also that kind of emotional tacit understanding between Ah Xu and Suzumiya, but they haven't discovered it yet.

"Where can I find it!" Ah Xu walked all the way, but only met a few people. The other players who participated in the game were all scattered in every corner of the city, so it's normal not to meet them.

"Ah Xu, so you are here."

Ah Xu was stopped by someone, turned around and looked, it turned out to be his squad leader Ryoko Asakura, "So it's the squad leader, why are you here?"

"I'm about to go to school? This game is really scary, it's empty everywhere." Asakura Ryoko said pretendingly, "Yeah, I'm really not used to such a quiet city!" Xu also felt the same way, " But there are not many people in the school, and it is similar to the street. I just came out of the school."

"Is that so?" Asakura Ryoko lowered his head, pretending to be uneasy, "Then I'm also very scared here alone, why don't I go with you."

"Ah??" Ah Xu was really caught off guard.

The squad leader is a beautiful woman, and she is generous, but suddenly being asked like this makes Ah Xu really feel a little guilty. Walking with such a beauty is stressful.

"Can't you?" Continue to play acting.

"That's not true, it's just that I'm looking for that guy from Suzumiya now."

"Let's go find it together, we are all in the same class, it's better to stay together." Asakura Ryoko didn't give Ah Xu a chance to think about it at all, "I know Suzumiya's home is nearby, let's go together."

"Ah? Oh!" Ah Xu was held by Asakura Ryoko and walked forward.

However, Haruhi Suzumiya watched this scene. In fact, Haruhi Suzumiya was also planning to go to school, but it was late because he was wandering around, but here he happened to see Ryoko Asakura holding Ah Xu's hand.

Jealous, God is jealous, so Ah Xu will suffer.

"Damn Xu!" Suzumiya Haruhi's mood immediately turned bad. He was planning to show his ability to Xu, but now he is in no mood.

Haruhi Suzumiya went to school alone.

"Squad leader, is this really for Suzumiya's house? It's different from what Koizumi said!" Ah Xu found out that his squad leader had dragged him to a strange place, which was a ramen shop. I never heard that the Suzumiya family opened a ramen shop.

"Nai, I said Ah Xu!"

"What's the matter, squad leader? Don't be afraid, as long as you don't start the game, no monsters will appear." Seeing Asakura Ryoko lowering her head, Ah Xu thought she was afraid.

"I know." Asakura blackened and prepared, "Ah Xu, do you want to die once?"

"What? What are you talking about, monitor?" Ah Xu thought he had heard it wrong.

"I'm saying, do you want to die once?" Asakura raised his head, his whole expression changed from cute mode to demon king mode, his sinister smile made Ah Xu shudder.

"What are you going to do?" Ah Xu was taken aback.

"Of course I killed you."

Ah Xu didn't think Asakura Ryoko was joking, because he saw lightning flashing from Asakura Ryoko's body.

The door of the ramen shop was closed, and the whole space was sealed off, and two mobile phones appeared in Asakura's hands.

One is very familiar to Ah Xu because it is his game phone.

"Although you can't fight in this game world, I can beat you up here." Asakura Ryoko pressed the button to agree to the duel, and then the duel identities of the two were confirmed.

This ramen shop is a small arena.

"Who the hell are you?" Such a person must not be the gentle and pleasant monitor.

"I'm Ryoko Asakura, you can also call me an information system and mind-to-person terminal."

Xu was taken aback, and soon remembered that Nagato Yuki also had the same identity, "Are you an alien?" Obviously, Xu did not expect that there were aliens besides the gate god, and they were right beside him.

"That's right, now you can rest in peace!" Ryoko Asakura burst out with lightning.

The arc had even pierced Ah Xu's skin, what happened before his eyes was unexpected.

"This feeling is really good. Although it is a game world, if I want to kill you, it should also stimulate Suzumiya-san's ability. This is also good information to observe." Continue to grin grinningly, approaching Ah Xu step by step .

"Don't come over here!" Ah Xu backed away again and again, even if it was just a game, he didn't want to die, because now he didn't even feel like he was in the game, the physical feeling was too real, so he didn't want to taste the taste of death.

ps: The new book "I Am the Empress" is for collection.

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