Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 440 Abduction

"Mom?" Nunnally was more excited than Lu Luxiu was shocked, and threw herself into Marianna's arms.

"This is not death and resurrection, the people in front of you are heroic spirits." Duran said, in fact, it is not the Holy Grail, so he has no ability to pull the future Lu Luxiu over, otherwise it would be more exciting.

"Lelouchi, now you can ask your mother what happened that day." Dulan reminded.

"What exactly happened?" Mariana didn't understand the situation yet. It's not like the Hall of Valor or Gaia really exist, which can put all the knowledge into the mind of the heroic spirit, so she only remembers that she was still lurking in Lori's body one moment, and was pulled down here the next moment. Not only did he have his own body, but he also saw his own pair of children.

"Remember me?" Dulan stood in front of Mariana and said.

"I remember you are Duran." Duran and C.C. trained Mariana together for a while before, "Where is C.C.?"

"It's not good to call your master that way. She has taught you a lot. Half of the credit for your success is due to her."

"We have nothing to do with each other anymore." Marianne chuckled lightly, "Is C.C. still the same?" Before she became a concubine, she had a fight with C.C. for that lofty goal, a world without lies. C.C. opposed her apprentice's decision, because she has lived for so long and knows that lies are part of human beings, and there would be no human beings without lies.

So after knowing this, C.C. tried to stop his apprentice from doing stupid things, but failed. C.C. has not seen Mariana since.

But C.C. has always believed that her only apprentice is very good. Although she does not support her apprentice, C.C. is not going to stop her. Let it flow by itself, through the wind and waves, and repent of your body. Referred to as sheep-herding education.

Mariana has mixed feelings about C.C. She was worshiped since she was a child, but she changed after meeting Xiao Lulu. Blinded by love, Xiao Lulu and his brother's target finally became Mariana's target as well.

Although the master and apprentice broke up unhappy, C.C. still cared about Mariana very much. When he heard the news of her death, he was ready to take revenge. In the end, Dulan revealed the truth and knew that his apprentice's soul was still there, so he didn't bother to find Britannia again.

Now that Mariana sees Duran who often stays with C.C., she thinks of her master.

Duran lowered his head and sighed, "C.C. has already..."

"Is it C.C....? Impossible, isn't she an immortal witch?" Seeing Duran like that, Marianne's face immediately changed. Although she seemed to be very indifferent to C.C., she still regarded C.C. as her master in her heart. Duran acted like he was telling her that C.C. was dead.

"Who said that C.C. is dead? I just said that she is different from before. Even if she stands in front of you, you must not know her anymore." Dulan said, "Okay, now you have returned to this world as a heroic spirit. You can eat and play if you want." It seemed as if she wanted to ask Mariana to explain her funeral. "The spell on the back of Lu Luxiu's hand can make the heroic spirit do three things against their will. If she is unwilling to tell you the truth, you can also force your mother to answer. Of course, if the three spells are used up, it also means that your mother will go back to another world."

"Three orders against your will? What exactly do these mean?" Lu Luxiu felt that such an order was to despise the relationship between him and his mother before.

But Duran knew that although Mariana was a loving mother, she absolutely supported her husband in terms of values. If her children wanted to destroy her husband's great plan, she would not agree.

"Lelouchi, you're still too young, okay, I won't hinder your family reunion, I'll go first!" Dulan saw Mi Lei who was rushing back when he went out, stopped her and took her to the restaurant.

"Who are you?" Mi Lei's original good mood was completely ruined by Duran.

"Sit down! I dragged you here because I was worried that you would disturb Lelouch!" Duran said.

"Are you Lu Luxiu's friend?" Mi Lei looked Duran up and down, feeling that Duran was suspicious.

"You don't have to doubt me. In fact, my identity is the manager of the Pokemon game company." Duran said.

"Impossible?" You must know that apart from an official website, no one claims to be an employee of the Elf Company, nor a doctor in the Elf Hospital. This person who called himself Duran didn't look like a company employee at all.

"Mi Lei, our company is currently preparing a TV program dedicated to introducing the cultivation and fighting of Pokemon, as well as the stories of the selected players."

"Really?" This is news, Mi Lei said happily, she really likes elves, "When will it be broadcast?"

"The framework has been completed, but one of the most important parts is still missing. However, the program has flaws." Duran touched the minibus, and he was about to abduct someone again. Mi Lei is loyal and a nice person.

"Lack of something? Isn't it just a program, can't it be broadcast directly? Could it be that there is a problem with the TV station? No problem, I have some forces in my family who can help you solve the problem of the TV station."

"No. As for the TV station, we have already purchased a communication satellite and obtained broadcasting licenses in all eligible countries."

It's so powerful, even if Mi Lei is a nobleman, she has never seen such a powerful force. Even the emperor of Britannia could not have such means, and giant ships and humanoid weapons were sometimes blocked. But this mysterious company can broadcast in all countries around the world, which is incredible.

"You're not lying to me, are you?" Mi Lei was still very wary.

"You can check it yourself. My plan should have been announced on the official website at the same time."

I took out my mobile phone and surfed the official website. Yes, it was the same as Dulan said, the global simulcast plan. "Great!" Mi Lei was delighted when the Pokemon became more influential, "Then what's missing?"

"Of course a host who loves Pokemon." Duran looked at Mi Lei, "I think you are very suitable."

After a brief surprise, Mi Lei smiled, "How is it possible, I'm just a student, and I still have to go to class."

"This is not a problem, you just need to complete the credits in advance! I think this is a good opportunity for people all over the world to know you, and you are still engaged in work related to elves. You can consider it!"

To be honest, Mi Lei was moved. But she really didn't have the confidence to convince the family.

"After this competition is completed, the Pokemon player watch will be officially released. Hundreds of millions of players will join the game. The host of the only official program will become a world celebrity. His popularity can be compared with that of the emperor, no, it is beyond the emperor's popularity." Dulan is confident.

Mi Lei was really moved.

"It's better to act than to be moved. A person should make his own decisions in his life. If you blindly obey your parents, do you want to die as a corrupt nobleman?"

Pa - Mi Lei has decided, she doesn't want to age like this, she wants the life she wants, "I promise you."

Duran nodded, "I'll find you after the game."

ps: Please pay attention to the new book "I Am the Empress".

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