Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 441 Master and Apprentice

The competition is fierce, and the schedule is full all day long.

The audience had to use the few minutes of the game to rest, and the rest of the time they could only watch the game with their eyes wide open.

Players must go to the arena with Pokemon, whether it is a mountain or a turbulent river, they must fight side by side. This is a fighting game of elves, and it is also a game that tests the player's willpower.

"Suzaku, let's go and see there—" Look here and there, Suzaku and Euphemia are like lovers in love.

And Karen is just so pitiful, she can only sneak around in the venue with a hat covering her face.

There is also Lu Luxiu's face of bitterness and hatred. Just as Duran thought, Marianna did not tell the truth to her child. And Lu Luxiu didn't make up his mind to use the spell on his mother, so he is very depressed now.

Lu Luxiu was really disappointed that his mother was hiding it from him. Wander aimlessly in the pyramid.

The pyramid is very big, Lu Luxiu got lost while walking, depressed and in order to avoid Euphemia, Lu Luxiu walked to the passage that the staff would only enter.

There was no one there, and Lu Luxiu didn't know which way to go.

Give the front desk a call, totally lost, just ask for help.

But there are many unsatisfactory things in the world, for example, now, Lu Luxiu's cell phone is out of battery. I forgot to charge my phone because so much was happening.

What a day of bad luck, no one or no one. Why did the usual sea of ​​people disappear all of a sudden?

The ** was quiet, and Lu Luxiu felt that there was something looking at him beside him, "Is that you, Dulan?" When something incredible happened, the first culprit that came to mind was Dulan.

But this time Duran was shot while lying down, because he had already returned to Japan and prepared a special zone plan for Euphemia. On the way to the pyramid, Duran had already talked a lot with Suzaku and Euphemia. Euphemia also agreed with Duran's words, so she entrusted Duran to help her.

Although Dulan thinks District 11 is good, it's all for the plot.

Lu Luxiu stood in the middle of a long passage, feeling as if he had entered an illusion. The feeling of being watched became more and more serious, and he felt less and less safe.

Tread Tread——

The sound of footsteps echoed in the quiet corridor and reached Lelouchi's ears, like the countdown to the detonation of the crisis.

Elongated shadows approached from the corner of the corridor.

Lu Luxiu was very nervous, feeling like his heart was about to jump out.

"Lelouchu." A crisp voice came, and a child appeared at the end of the corridor. A petite little girl, like a ceramic doll.

But Lu Luxiu didn't know such a child, but the girl's jumpsuit looked familiar, wasn't it the kind of clothes that the woman named C.C. wore. The same goes for hair color.



At the same time, there were two questions, one from Lu Luxiu, and the other from behind Lu Luxiu.

"Marianna, long time no see!"

Lu Luxiu turned around and looked, it was indeed his mother.

The former master and apprentice are now standing on both sides of the corridor, looking at each other. Lu Luxiu, who was standing in the middle, felt that the temperature in the corridor had risen.

"Lelouchu, step back!" Mariana's eyes were fixed on C.C. She and her master still had unfinished business.

"I didn't expect that the ability of code can make people rejuvenate." Mariana took a step forward, full of momentum.

C.C. also walked forward, both women had a strong aura.

Lu Luxiu only felt that he was getting smaller and smaller, as if he was going to be swallowed up by two women, it was so scary.

"Lelouch, go back to Nunnally!" Mariana said.

"You are so indifferent to your own son, I don't forget that I taught you to be such a cold-blooded person." C.C. said sharply.

"What qualifications do you have to teach me with your current appearance? You are obviously already old, and you still pretend to be a little girl, don't laugh at me!" Mariana replied.

Lu Luxiu stuck to the wall and slowly moved to one side. It's better not to intervene, Lu Luxiu can't wait to turn into a fly and fly away.

"You really don't know how to respect teachers!"

"It can't compare to you, a witch who pretends to be tender."

The two women come and go, it seems that there is an inextricable complex between the master and the apprentice.

"It's not cute!" continued C.C., who's now siding with Mariana.

"To each other!" Mariana also stood still.

"I never expected to see you again, Mariana."

"I didn't expect to see you again, you would become like this!"

Both of them laughed, and then Mariana hugged C.C., "Long time no see, C.C."

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

They didn't do anything, which shows that there is still some master-student relationship between them. It's just that the previous incidents caused cracks in this relationship. But when the two met again, feelings still prevailed.

Neither of them expected to see each other again, so they both forgot their unhappiness for now.

"Let me down, it's embarrassing!" C.C. sighed in his heart, he was not used to being a little girl yet.

"I feel young too, just like how Nunnally was often held in my arms when she was young."

"Well, I'm not a child." C.C. said helplessly.

Lu Luxiu didn't know what happened at all. The two aggressive tigress instantly turned into docile kittens. That's why a young man like Lu Luxiu still doesn't understand women's needles in their hearts.

C.C. was still put down, and then the two women just looked into each other's eyes, and finally C.C. sighed, "It seems that you haven't given up on that idea. Mariana, you should already know the result, right?"

"..." Mariana was silent for a while, then said, "You still want to stop me?"

"I never stopped you, I was just afraid that I would lose my apprentice again." In fact, C.C. also knew that his apprentice was willing to die for his husband, and he simply dedicated everything to the emperor of Britannia.

"Why don't you believe in our goal, C.C.?" Mariana still wanted to convince her master.

C.C. really didn't know what to say, because no normal person would believe that kind of false goal. But the Emperor and Princess of Britannia were convinced.

Typically, when you are full and think too much, you start to pursue some nihilistic things.

What a beautiful goal to create a world without lies. Xiao Lulu fought in all directions for this goal, causing countless killings, and of course there were countless lies. Not only to the world, but even to his own children.

This is due to the prejudice born of arrogance, the prejudice against the world. I believe that I am the protagonist who can accomplish everything, that I am superior to others, and that I am not in the company of ordinary people. Believe that your goal is the greatest cause in the world, and it is destiny for mortals to sacrifice for it.

Duran likes to fight this kind of people the most, telling them how cruel the world is.

ps: Please pay attention to the new book "I Am the Empress".

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