Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 702 The lethality of naughty children

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was built overnight and trained for half a month, and now the opening ceremony is finally here.

On this day, parents who had prepared early asked their children to bring their daily necessities and placed the admission notice on their children. After a burst of light, the child disappeared from the parents' eyes.

Of course, there are also parents who bring their children to Academy City early. Although Academy City has strict controls on who can enter and exit, you can enter as long as you have an admission notice. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, hanging high in the sky above the city colleges, has received almost all the admiration from parents.

It turns out that there is real magic in the world. In a short period of time, people around the world have learned about many aspects of Hogwarts through the Internet. Because Dulan did not stop the student workers from taking photos and posting porn.

At the beginning, the student workers would take photos secretly, but Dulan not only did not stop them but also encouraged them, allowing the student workers to be unscrupulous. Dragons, broomsticks, moving stairs, smart paintings, and even a photo with Himegami Akisa, the only magic apprentice.

Bit by bit, the accumulation makes people all over the world yearn for magic schools and magic schools. The magic school finally started today, and the opening ceremony will be broadcast live online.

In the afternoon, the admitted children appeared on the lawn of the magic school, where student workers dressed in the costumes of the four major colleges of the magic school waved light sticks in their hands and shouted, "Kids, be quiet, you have arrived at the school."

"Wow..." But the child thought it was a fright. In a blink of an eye, he was surrounded by strangers, and he was frightened and cried.

Crying is like dominoes, passed one by one, and in an instant the crying makes people irritable and uneasy.

"Quiet!!" Misaka Mikoto's eyebrows were filled with electric arcs, and she was about to go crazy.

Shirai Kuroko immediately hugged her, "Onee-sama, please be patient, they are still children."

At this time, a naughty boy stood in front of them and pointed: "Two flat chests." He patted his chest and laughed at them.

Shirai Kuroko was immediately offended by this naughty kid, but Mikoto comforted her, "He's just a child."

There was chaos, Kamijou Touma was even hugged by several girls on his thighs, and his tears and noses were all wiped on his pants.

"Brother? I'm here!" Dragon God Otohime spotted Kamijou Touma surrounded by little girls. Just when she passionately wanted to have a warm brother-sister hug with Touma, Index rushed in.

"Who are you? I never knew Touma had a sister." Index was a little taller than the Dragon God.

Dragon God Otohime asked: "Who are you?"

"I am Touma's good friend, Index." Index instinctively felt the threat from the Dragon God Otohime.

Ryuugami Otohime had an expression that said, "I understand." I have to say that today's children are precocious, "I am Ryuugami Otohime who grew up with my cousin."

The two girls' eyes met and sparked.

Hey, hey, come and control the situation, okay? What a mess it is. Kamijou Touma was speechless for these people who were confused about the situation, "Quiet, everyone, don't be afraid, this is the magic school. Don't cry, I will take you to eat delicious food later."

Kamijou Touma shouted as loud as he could, but the child's deafening cries still made Kamijou Touma feel weak.

There are more than three hundred naughty children here, and half of them crying would be enough to kill someone.

"Ah ah ah, God, help me!" Kamijou Touma looked up to the sky and sighed.

Other student workers faced similar situations. The children did not cooperate with them at all, leaving them scratching their heads and feeling at a loss.

"Quiet, little ancestor?" These children almost knelt down.

Because of fear, the children loosened their shoelaces, dropped their shoes, dropped their pants, and lost their salutes. The timid ones cry, the bold ones laugh, and the bold ones run. The lawn is even more chaotic than the battlefield.

"Don't run towards the forest, it's dangerous inside." Dulan said that in addition to unicorns, there are many terrifying beasts in the forest, such as wolves, giant spiders, wild pythons, etc.

So when they saw a child heading towards the forest, someone immediately chased after him and stopped him. But the naughty child was squirming around and not cooperating at all.

The transmission was carried out at three o'clock in the afternoon, and it is already three thirty now. The student workers have made no progress and have no idea how to command these disobedient brats.

"You brat, I'm the only one who can pull up my sister's skirt. Relax, please relax!" But all Heizi got was two blank looks, and the little boy kept pulling on her.

"Sister, please shock him quickly."

How could Misaka Mikoto do this? They were really just children.

"Damn it." In the end, Heizi took action and moved the little boy away, but soon another child came and caused trouble, and it was impossible to prevent it. There are too many children.

No more, no more! The student workers all sighed and gave up. They couldn't control these children.

In fact, it can only be said that these student workers are still children. They have the patience but lack the momentum of adults. You can't get used to naughty children. The more you get used to them, the worse their temper will be. We cannot condone those children who cry. The more you condone them, the more they will cry.

After waiting for another ten minutes, Dulan finally couldn't stand it anymore and saw him holding a wand against his neck, "Quiet——"

The sound was amplified by the wand, like a thousand-foot waterfall rushing down. The sound waves rolled straight into the children's brains, startling them, like a frightened hamster that suddenly stopped moving.

Duran waved his magic wand again, "Everything is restored——"

After a burst of magic flow, the child's appearance was restored, the lost things flew back to their hands, and the broken eyes were completely repaired.

The children were silent now. This was something they usually couldn't see. So handsome, Dulan's chic figure was deeply imprinted on the naughty kid's heart.

"Put the gifts here and follow these brothers and sisters into the castle." Sure enough, adults still need to come to control the situation to restrain the children. This time the children were strangely obedient, lined up in several rows, and followed the middle and high school students towards the castle.

Dulan shook his head, "That's enough."

"Brother, brother, isn't that Uncle Dulan?" Dragon God Otohime had seen Dulan's photo at home, in the family portrait, but she had only seen Dulan when she was a child, and now she has long forgotten how beautiful she was when she was a child. She was clinging to Dinisha, almost making her mother jealous of Dinisha.

Of course, this experience happened so long ago that even Touma doesn't remember it.

"That's our uncle, he's the principal of the school." Kamijou said softly.

"What a serious guy." Apparently, Duran's behavior made the Dragon God remember his seriousness.

serious? Kamijou chuckled inwardly, his cousin was still too young. When she grows up, she will know how funny their uncle is. Of course, Kamijou would not say this because he had been lectured by Duran enough times and knew that Duran liked to hear flattery and definitely did not like to hear the truth.

The children entered the castle one after another, with curiosity about the castle in their eyes, and the opening ceremony finally started on time.

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