Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 703 Live Broadcast

The opening ceremony started at five o'clock on time. People from all over the world were curious to know what the opening ceremony of the magic school would be like.

Panoramic shooting, there are multiple cameras in the banquet hall to allow the audience to choose the viewing angle.

"There is a picture, everyone, come and take a look!" The young students gathered in the dormitory to watch the opening ceremony of the magic school. The time was getting closer and closer.

"It's so beautiful, like a cathedral."

"Look, the roof is actually a starry sky, and the candlesticks are floating in the sky. This is really magic."

"Looking at photos is really different from watching videos. Videos are much prettier than photos. Why wasn't I admitted? I also want to go to Hogwarts." Some people looked up to the sky and lamented, feeling aggrieved that they were not admitted.

But I was quickly attracted by the picture, it was so beautiful.

"Look at this shot, is the person sitting in the top row the magician?"

There was a lens that captured the magic teachers at Hogwarts. They had serious expressions, but all of them were handsome, beautiful, and young teachers with stunning looks.

In line with the basic settings of this world, powerful characters usually look very young. For example, the Hanged Man in Academy City is almost a hundred years old, but he still looks like a young man. Therefore, the most powerful people in this world must also look young and handsome. If you have an ugly face, no matter how powerful you are, you won’t be able to go out.

"Magicians are so handsome."

"The female teacher is also great. I think she is prettier than those idol stars."

A row of teachers, each with a different beauty. Duran also brought out excellent genes from multiple worlds, so if there is a second otaku who traveled from the original earth, he will definitely be impressed by Duran's mischievous spirit.

The transfiguration teacher is Ellen from the giant world, the potions teacher is Tsunade from the Naruto world, the magic biology teacher for protection is the empress Hancock from the pirate world, the herbology teacher is Pisces Saint Abrody...

So many teachers are the top VIP members of the Appearance Association in the world. Ordinary people would feel ashamed of themselves just by looking at them.

And they have very good figures, they look more like models than teachers at all.

Therefore, the audience should be drooling after watching it, and many people have even begun to ask for the names of the teachers.

"Even if I'm working as a handyman, I would rather die if I was surrounded by so many beautiful people." The nymphomaniac was intoxicated by the teacher's beauty and couldn't extricate himself.

"Idiot, you look like you and you still want to do odd jobs? At least you have to have good features like me before you can go."

"What do you mean?"

"Means nothing?"

The two good friends started fighting like this.

"Quiet, the students are coming in."

It took a lot of time to get these naughty kids to change their clothes, and now the ceremony is almost about to begin.

"Look, it's my daughter." A father saw his daughter in the video, wearing a magic robe, her brown hair splashing on her shoulders from a pointed hat, and her round smile with a nervous blush. Very cute, "My daughter, it's my daughter." The father said excitedly to his friends around him. The father specially invited his neighbors and friends to watch his daughter’s opening ceremony.

He was very happy that his daughter could enter Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At first, I felt that the owl delivering letters was just a joke, but as more and more information became available on the Internet, the father let his daughter make her own choice, and finally the daughter chose to go to a magic school.

Today I finally saw my daughter become a magician, and my father was so excited that he grinned from ear to ear.

As long as parents from all over the world watch the video, they will basically feel like looking for their children on the screen.

The children are very quiet. They are no longer afraid. The older brothers and sisters here are very nice. They let them change their clothes separately for men and women. Now they are brought here again. I heard that they will be divided into classes.

Du Lan slowly walked out, wearing a white robe. The ten-inch wand in his hand was also white. He was simply a white-robed wizard.

Now it was his turn to show off in front of the people of the world, so Duran was very serious and knocked on the lecture table with his staff, "Today we will welcome the first batch of students since the founding of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Classmates, you It is undoubtedly lucky, but it is also unfortunate, because you may not be able to find a job after graduation, because what you will learn is to explore the mysteries of the universe, the extremes of natural science, and the accidents and inevitability of fate. However, these are essential in daily work. It’s useless…”

The audience in front of the screen was deceived by Dulan's appearance at first. As soon as he opened his mouth, he realized that the principal in white clothes turned out to be a slut, and his words were interesting and tight. At the same time, it makes me smile. It is true that no one uses magic in daily life. These children may not be able to find a job in the future.

Dulan said a few more words of welcome, and then waved his hands slightly. The people in front of the screen held their breath and wanted to see what Dulan would do next.

I saw Dulan feinting his wand twice, and a golden phoenix spewed out, "Chirp——"

The sound of a clear spring made everyone feel happy, but they saw the peacock-sized phoenix circling around the banquet hall, landing on the stool on the podium, and then slowly transformed into a golden hat.

"Magic??!" This is not a special effect. How could a live broadcast have such special effects? It's so cool. After waving his hand, the golden phoenix flew out, and then the phoenix turned into a hat again. The magic is so beautiful.

More incredible than magic, more gorgeous than special effects, this is magic.

The previous magic props were already amazing, but Duran's magic made the audience feel incredibly shocked.

For a time, magic became the hottest topic on the Internet.

"This is the Sorting Hat. You will accept his selection and enter your respective houses." Duran said, "A proactive, elegant and outstanding Slytherin who is never satisfied."

With a wave of the wand, Slytherin's 'Armor Snake' flag appeared above the long table on the far right.

"A Gryffindor who is brave and sincere, curious and progressive, and not afraid of dangers." With another wave, the 'yellow lion' flag fell, indicating that the long table belonged to Gryffindor.

"A Ravenclaw who is wise, quiet, and knowledgeable." The flag is 'Raven'.

Now some people know that these flags are the four flags hanging outside the ball that wraps the magic school. It turns out that they represent the four colleges of the school. They are enlightened.

"The last Hufflepuff is hard-working and honest, loyal and unyielding, simple and enterprising." The 'Badger' flag appeared.

"The sorting hat will see your qualifications and assign you to different colleges. In the future of your study career, students in each college will be classmates and competitors who inspire each other."

"Students whose names are called, please come forward and put on the sorting hat." Dulan's movements were free and easy, and then he waved his hand again, and the list of students flew up by itself, folded into a face automatically, and began to speak, " Harry."

At the beginning of the opening ceremony, the audience already understood the magic and greatness of magic, leaving only disbelief and admiration.

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