Crown of Chaos

Chapter 215, The Fire of Susar (Part 1)

On the night of May 16, Susal on the shores of Long Lake was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire.

Mrs. Yew's Club is like a huge maze, running through the huge hall with vaults and long low corridors, passing through endless rooms, narrow passages, and extending through white stone steps that are almost vertically downward. Deep underground.

"Quick! Quick!" Benn Shenzi and others retreated here, and he shouted to his subordinates to hurry up.

"Uh~uh~" the injured Duke Kaspar groaned feebly.

Manakorn and Duke Caspar retreated into the underground building, and the thick stone door was closed to isolate the noise outside.

"Sir, what should we do now?" a subordinate asked immediately.

Son of God Benn glanced at the unconscious Dönitz, made a hand knife on him, and said: "No matter what the cost, the Duke must be saved!"

"Yes." The subordinate named Kiel immediately put Dönitz into a room. He looked at the old boss with a look of intolerance on his face.

But the master's order was absolute. When he thought about the possibility of replacing Dönitz, the little sympathy left in the depths of human nature was instantly replaced by human greed and fanaticism. He drew out the dagger from his waist and aimed it. Dönitz's face.

"Sorry, sir."

Just as he was about to take action, Dönitz's chest began to shake, and his chest bulged unnaturally.

It seemed like something was parasitic in his chest and now it was coming out!

"What?" Kil stretched his head over, trying to see clearly.

"Poof~" The chest exploded, and a tentacle popped out, binding Kil tightly, tightly.


Human screams and calls for help came from the room, but there was no response from outside the door. Everyone knew that Kiel had attacked Dönitz.

After a while, Kil came out, and there was still some blood stains on the naval officer's body.

At this time, under the treatment of the senior priest, Duke Caspar finally regained some consciousness, and the officers supporting the son of Benn had gathered together, and the bureaucrats headed by the Kingdom's Finance Minister Olivik and others The Lord of the Purple Dragon Knights, Bran-Swordsong, headed by the Suzar army, has gathered together!

"Salute to the new regent of the kingdom!"

Under the leadership of Son of God Ben, more than a dozen high-ranking officials, dignitaries, and generals saluted Duke Caspar.

Duke Caspar's face suddenly turned pale. He already understood what Manakorn wanted to do.

"You're crazy, you're crazy!"

"What do you want to do? You are soldiers and dignitaries. You people are not outside fighting against the devil's army, but you are gathering here?" The only thing Duke Caspar could do was to slap the handrail with his hand. : "You are rebelling, this is rebellion!!!"

"That's right, my regent, you have seen the situation." God Son Benn said coldly: "Now, things have turned into a bloody situation. This is a bitter fall from the tower!"

"If we fail to succeed, we will be regarded as rebels and will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history forever."

"Your Highness Caspar, please make up your mind."

After speaking, Manakorn handed a document to the injured Duke.

Arrest warrant, application to capture the evil dragon Alice Searle-Obeszil.

"Please make up your mind, Your Highness!" everyone shouted in unison.

"You~ you, I will be killed by you!" Duke Caspar roared feebly.

"Your Highness, please sign!" the crowd roared again.

Faced with the crowd's pressing step by step, the weak Duke Caspar compromised again. He stretched out his hand tremblingly, signed his name on the arrest warrant, and then reluctantly added the words after his name. A date and time to indicate that you signed it after the fact.

After writing this, the Duke seemed to have aged ten years. He couldn't help but burst into tears and covered his face, as if he had lost all his strength.

"Your Highness is wise!" Divine Son Benn finally showed a smile.

He knew that Caspar would agree, not only because of his weak character and bookish style, but also because he also wanted to become regent, or even... king.

"Kiel, His Highness is tired, send him to rest."

"Yes." Kil led Caspar into the lounge inside. The Duke lowered his head in frustration and sat tremblingly on the soft sofa chair. Suddenly, his mouth was covered.

"Shh~" Kil put his fingers on his lips and made a silent gesture. His back opened, and a group of sarcomas with eyes that were constantly fused and reorganized stretched out. One after another, the faces of people were covered with sarcomas. Emerging from the center, they opened their eyes one after another and smiled together at the top of the meat pillar.

"Ugh~oooooooo!" The Duke struggled hard, his eyes full of despair.

Outside the room, Son of God Bane's orders continued.

"Navy, send out the marines and catch them all in one fell swoop, Alice Searle and Aaron! Arrest the fake princess!"

"Send someone to take over the palace and control the Queen Mother."

"Notify the dock to let the Zambian army enter the port and take control of the city defense camp."

"Let Andreas lead the Anaheim army into the city."

"Send a signal to notify the Dragon Witch Cult, hurry!"


At the same time, inside the Dragon Knight Club.

The originally bright red carpet on the ground showed a fan-shaped dark red.

Alice Sayre covered her belly with her hands and watched with angry and humiliating eyes as Aaron changed her evening dress and put on a military uniform that Aaron had prepared in advance, high boots and a pair of brand new black silk jumpsuits. socks.

After the branding was completed, the Regent Princess finally understood the terrible thing about Aaron - she felt that her body and soul had been firmly locked, just as he said.

Judging from the military uniforms prepared by Aaron in advance, this person must have planned it in advance!

I've fallen into his trap! The biggest rebel in this country is not the son of tyranny at all, but Aaron Salian, who kneels on one knee in front of him. He looks handsome and harmless, but in fact he has evil intentions.


The Princess Regent didn't know what Aaron had imprinted on her, but the fan-shaped dark marks on the carpet said it all. The feeling of comfort in her bones, like bathing in the light of heaven, was still eroding her soul.

What will the future look like?

Aaron knelt down on one knee and put Alice Searle's high boots on, zipped them up, and then handed her a document.

"What is this?" The Queen Regent subconsciously retreated when she saw Aaron approaching. The emotions in her eyes were unclear, and her legs were still twitching subconsciously. She was very weak now that Long Kuang was forcibly interrupted, not to mention the brand that had just been branded. The process also caused her to briefly lose consciousness several times.

"Your Highness, the situation is urgent. Please sign this document immediately." Aaron's eyes were very clear. He put a pen and the document into the hands of the princess: "Ask for help from the major temples and churches!"

"..." Alice Searle took the document. She browsed it for a while, and looked at Aaron with a sharper look: "You should have prepared this document already, right?"

"This is just one possibility among my many plans." Aaron nodded.

"We'll settle this account later!" Alice Sayre didn't hesitate at all. She immediately signed the document: "Just do what you said, and do it to the limit!"

"Ask for help from all the churches in Cormyr! Now!" The regent's reaction was even more intense than Aaron's: "This is just the beginning."

"Yes, Your Highness Shengming."

Aaron took the document and nodded with satisfaction. With the princess's signature, he could mobilize the church army.

"Wait, where are you going?" Seeing Aaron turning around and heading out, the princess couldn't help but ask, "Are you leaving me at this time too?"

"I'm going to send notices to the major churches. Also, there is a wave of troops from Zambia about to land in the dock area." Aaron said to Alice Searle: "I will deal with this army, and other things will be done. My cousin Robert will hand it over to you."

"You hid it from me again! Aaron, you bastard, how many things did you hide from me?" The princess said angrily: "This is the last time! It won't happen again!"

"Thank you for your forgiveness, Your Highness."

There was a hint of tenderness in Aaron's eyes. He made arbitrary decisions one after another, but Alice Seale endured it. He used some less than bright methods. The princess saw it, but she still endured it.

Needless to say, what makes the iron-fisted dictatorial princess endure it again and again?

Unfortunately, this is not the time for intimacy, Aaron has more important things to do now.

The door opened, and Fiolena stood guard at the door. Aaron explained many matters, and suddenly discovered that Gordon, the eldest grandson of Duke Marelli, was also in the queue.

Why is this guy here?

"Gordon? What's wrong with you?"

Aaron's subtext is, aren't you from Caspar's side?

"Oh, it's Your Excellency Salian." Duke Marelli's eldest grandson had a smile on his face: "Me? I don't understand why I appear here."

"But there is a voice in my heart telling me that I want to be a duke." Gordon had already changed into a full set of armor and put the sword on his shoulder: "There is a duke over there."

"Oh, yes, I think you will definitely become a duke with your face." Aaron said meaningfully, "Come to the dock area with me."

"Where to go and what to do?"

"There, an army is about to land, Fiolena, follow."

"Army, what army is about to land?" Gordon was startled.

"Zambia's military."

"Damn it, I know that people like Caspar are unreliable." The grandson of Duke Marelli scolded angrily: "I'll go with you, General Powell of the Navy in the dock area is an old acquaintance of mine, I can be useful. "

Aaron left the Dragon Knight Club with Gordon and Fiolena. After walking out of the main entrance, he recited a spell in front of everyone.

Heavenly magic - starry sky signature!

Spreading his arms, two rays of heavenly light flowed down Aaron's chest to his fingertips, forming a triangle of light with the top of his head. A beam of light shot from Aaron's head to the sky, shrouded in Susar's fire. A huge line of flashing text was left in the dark night sky!

The stars are aligned.

In the city, all the major churches saw this line of writing at the same time.

In the Church of the Three Gods of Justice, the silver-helmeted paladins had already made all preparations. When the star signature appeared in the night sky, the paladin master Leonard immediately faced Tire, Thom, and Ilmat. The priests shouted: "Aaron has obtained permission, we can officially go out!"

"Now that permission has been obtained, the Church of Justice will participate in the war from now on." Tire's pastor nodded.

"Paladin, move forward!!!"

At the same time, nearly all churches responded to Aaron's starry signature.

"Temorah, the messengers of fortune have chosen to join the battle." In the spectacular Taimora Temple, the priests of the Lucky Lady were gearing up. They opened the temple door, and teams of high-level professionals followed.

"My lord, Lord of the Dawn, your followers are about to join the war." Lathander and Chantia, two closely related priests of the church of gods, rushed out of the temple with the blessing of divine magic.

"By the fire-haired lady, we will never allow love to be desecrated." The paladin of love, the priests of Suni fight for love in the name of love.

Then came the church of the namer Ogma, the church of Silvanus, the father of the oak tree, the church of the joyous lady Li'erla, and the church of Heim, the god of protection. One after another, church armies responded to Aaron's starry sky. Sign autographs, take to the streets, and fight the devils!

This is Aaron's efforts during this period. Son of God Bane has infiltrated Cormyr's military system, so he will fight against it by connecting the major churches!

The kingdom is a place with many gods.

Finally, the Church of Sullun is naturally indispensable.

Eleanor, the master priest of the Silver Virgin, "Silver Eyebrow" and "Daughter of Miracle Selun", also saw Aaron's starry sky signature. Behind her, there were hundreds of Selun priests, paladins and people who believed in Selun. The adventurers are ready.

"Aaron, you must come back safely." Miss Pastor prayed silently to Su Lun.

Then, she turned around and raised her Moon Hand hammer to the sky, and the moonlight filled the entire courtyard.

3rd Ring Magic - Protection from Good and Evil!

The temple door opened, and everyone saw the city shrouded in fire.

"In the name of the Silver Virgin Mother Sullun, everyone, charge with me!"

The priest lady rushed out of the temple first.

Today, she is moving forward courageously!

Updated, there may be another update today (probably).

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